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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. I hate it when people keep forcing me to talk. I'm minding my own business and they go "You're so quiet, Kim, why don't you talk?" Well... I don't really have anything to say in your conversation because I don't know what you're talking about nor do I have interest in it... I'm pretty sure if I blab about something else they won't like it either.Anyway, to continue...I hate litter, litterbugs, people who talk too much during class hours, nasty little boys who don't look at where they're going, bump into you and don't say sorry, people who try to get ahead of you in queues, flying cockroaches (eck), rats (eww), dead rats/mice , avocados (can't stand them), smelly socks that were left in the laundry for seemingly ages, pop quizzes, normal quizzes, boring teachers, sleep-inducing classes and people who think they are better than you, etc.
  2. You actually saw someone doing that!? O_o Wow... that's a new one. I most certainly haven't seen enough. Anyway, in response to the topic... I don't like them too... especially if the parent won't leave if it's possible. It could be hard at times, but that's part of the sacrifice of being a parent. You have to resist your pleasure to be able to give your kid the best attention s/he needs. You also have to learn to be considerate of others. I mean... you're not the only ones in the world. They deserve their peace. If your baby acts up, either leave and try to hush your baby, not bring your baby along at all or not come at all. If none of the three options are possible, then hope that the people around will understand you somehow.
  3. I highly doubt it. People have been pirating since the early ages. Plus, no matter how advanced the "good guys" get, the "bad guys" are always one step ahead of them when it comes to covering up their crimes. I hear about some thing a huge software company did to prevent piracy of their programs... then, I start hearing about how some crackers already figured a way around it. And it didn't even take too long! Besides, with the fact that it's even easier to pirate stuff now, I highly doubt it's gonna stop. Even some people beginning with computers know how to use cracks, etc... It's going to happen no matter how hard people try to stop it. You can't stop people from choosing to get the same software, file, etc. by paying for it when you can just get it somewhere in the undernet for free without paying a single cent.
  4. I actually think that we'll ruin the Earth before the drastic climate change caused by moving away from the sun happens. We're already experiencing effects of global warming in some areas. If you were to ask me, I think the Earth is getting warmer... might reach a climax and turn reeaaally cold sometime after though... we never know.
  5. Heh...Okay, let me put up my background again. I study in an all-girls HIGH school. I have this classmate who acts like a tomboy and she stinks at times. When she talks, you can see the things stuck in her teeth and she has foul breath. Generally speaking, tomboys are being avoided here, but those other parts make it worse.We found out that she doesn't always take a bath because the water is too cold! What kind of a reason is that? First of all, she's a girl. AND, she's 15. 15 year old girls NEED to maintain their hygiene for various reasons that should be kept secret. It doesn't mean that because you're a tomboy, you're not a girl physically anymore, you know. If the water is too cold, heat some water up.
  6. Heh... I wanna live in those fantasy RPG games. Hmm... Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy might be good. I don't care if I'm cast as an innocent civillian. I still want to live there. XD Maybe someday I'll become a hero and save the world?Nah.
  7. That's true. The key is to actually UNDERSTAND what you're studying. Another reason why we seemingly memorize lyrics easily, is because it's presented in such a format that appeals to us. It's also easy to repeat the song all over and stuff. Anyway, I find that when I study when reading and re-reading notes and trying to understand them is more effective by cramming by memorizing. If you actually understand the topic, it won't be hard for you to explain or to answer questions about it, wouldn't you think?
  8. Hmm... well, I personally design the layout in Photoshop first, then slice it in ImageReady before coding it in Dreamweaver. Plus, if I have later changes to do, I simply use Notepad.
  9. I would, but it causes complications with the dot background on the left side. It doesn't flow smoothly anymore. :/ (and going back to redo it isn't really possible at this point) I guess that's the biggest boo-boo so far. (Plus I'm not going to reply at those who don't even bother reading everything I say about it being slow at loading, etc.)
  10. How many times did I tell you guys not to judge it by its speed!? Like I said it's on my slow server (my connection is crap) and the file is sitting on my harddrive.
  11. My DNS server went down a bit Anyway try again, it should work now. Sorry 'bout that. Are you talking about the new layout I posted a link of? ._. Cause the one I'm talking about is NOT that pink. It's more of blue.
  12. I quote myself with regards to the speed. Plus, my upload speed is only 256k. (There is always the issue of congestion) Thanks~ Actually I like simple and crisp layouts. It's always been a theme with the layouts I made. As long as it's a working layout that looks decently presented, I'll use it.
  13. That's cause I'm hosting it from my homeserver I'm uploading a lot at the moment... (Please do ignore the speed, it has nothing to do with the site)
  14. My Site I'll be adding a shoutbox soon so the pink will get covered (that's just a placement guide). Anyway, please tell me what you think and stuff. The coding isn't done yet and I'll be making revisions soon. Thanks in advance! Edit: Please don't comment on the speed. It's being hosted from home to test out coding and stuff and I don't plan on uploading it here until it's all done. So please bear with it. I'm here to ask comments on the layout itself not the coding or the speed... Just the layout. The graphics. Okay?
  15. Heh, and I remember how I also put up a Megaupload rant here too... They already reduced their service for other countries by giving them meager 100 slots (which are seemingly always full). Now they do this!? Hold on... if they don't want to serve by putting up all these restrictions, then they shouldn't have put up their free service at all! I'd rather see one starting out with small things then getting bigger than this. If they're personally bothered about the expenses their free service is giving them, why don't they just quit altogether? It pretty much annoys me that they screen IPs and don't let other countries besides US, UK, Canada, etc. download without any slot limits. To think I used it a lot before... they're slowly withdrawing their grasp.
  16. Like they say... When in Rome, do as the Romans do...Though I agree with most people here. It IS eye-catchy and I most definitely will stare or take 2 glances at someone who's wearing one walking across the street (unless they're right next to their dojo). Anyway, I suggest you change your clothes before leaving if you're bothered about it too much.
  17. Interesting... I have a classmate who has the exact same problem. She also wanted to go to an orphanage... Guh... as if things will be better over there. It's not exactly a cakewalk. I agree with Mich on the counseling part though. The best way to fix a problem is not to run from it, but to face it. If all else fails, call the Social Services if the situation is getting dangerous. I wish you luck with your friend. Do they make your friend leave the house? :/ What else is giving him stress?
  18. Actually I don't like the fact that you called something "actual music". Everyone has opinions on what they would call "music." Anyway, I'm personally a fan of classical music and orchestraic (sp?) themes. Though, I'd enjoy going on a nice pop song marathon every now and then. I don't live in the US, so I guess that's why I haven't heard much country music. I listened in on an oldies radio station here that the taxi I was riding in was playing. Well... some of the tunes were catchy, but... most of the lyrics we're... frankly speaking... nonsense...
  19. Hm...I use Gmail, Opera, and random video players (not RealPlayer). Like most people who replied, I have to agree that there's no need to put them all in a bundle. After all, they're only small programs that can easily be downloaded in the net. I used to use Firefox, but I found that Opera suited me better. I'm still wondering why Google and Mozilla teamed up with Real, though... I hated RealPlayer since I was a kid. It was full of crappy ads that made me flinch... Oh well... they must have their reasons.
  20. icemarle

    Noob Talk

    I've been on the net since I was 6... and even then, I didn't type "n00b talk"... I dunno, I guess it's how my attitude is again, I expect everyone to conform to their level of intelligence. If they are old enough to type well and know how to spell correctly, I also expect them to do so, no matter how formal or informal the environment is. Look, the web is a place where you don't often see the person you're talking to. Thus, the only way they get an impression of you is the way you type. They don't care if you didn't wash your face or if you dress badly. They don't always see you... so it's natural that some people get picky about the way other people type over the net.
  21. I want to join the Orkut one, but I don't have my invite yet. I posted about it in the link Opaque gave, but none so far... It seems really interesting.
  22. Hm? Who cares if Yahoo's faster by some milliseconds? We don't really realize it with our puny minds. Like everyone said only the results matter. I can't see why they had to dig up something like this... It's not really such an important issue. But anyway, I usually go to Google to look for stuff, but I also go to Yahoo! if I don't find what I'm looking for. Google's simplicity is what attracts me the most, you know.
  23. icemarle

    Noob Talk

    Wow... I thought I was the only one ranting about this. Personally I don't mind people talking with shortened words on chats... I do that myself, but I don't go lke dis u no. i simply talk without any capitalized letters.I get a bit annoyed with people who don't talk normally in forums. I mean, you've got all the time to post correctly... it's not real-time like in chat. Like Tetraca said, they can always use a spell checker. Is it so hard to type correctly? I can understand for people who are really bad at spelling and grammar, but I know not everyone who posts like that has that problem.
  24. Yeah... I somehow agree with the groups of interest thing. They should definitely start doing this during 16 or so when the child already knows the basic things you need to teach him/her. Besides, what matters is what goes on in real life. When you're successful in school, but a failure in work, no one will care if you got straight A's or anything. Plus, if you're already studying your interest, school won't be such a chore. They did this in the old days too, if I recall correctly. They had schools for Art and Dance, etc. for young kids and you usually choose the one you like and you learn how to do either thing the whole day. Sure, you don't get to learn arithmetic and stuff there... but I was thinking they should start the whole interest thing when the child is old enough.
  25. Seems kinda cute... I just like reading these kinds of things for the knack of it. I've been around a guy who ignores everyone calling him, but when I called him, he immediately turned around... I remember him offering me a candy before. I was stunned so I refused it for some lame excuse I made up. It's kinda embarassing for me when a guy liked me for the first time. I even heard him talking to his friend that he liked me a bit... ^^; It was really embarassing.
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