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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. It's already February 3 here... 12:58AM, actually, and I'm happy to know that I'm very much safe. Funny that I read this topic just when it was 12AM though... Anyway, I'd still keep my eye out for it just in case March 3 comes up... I haven't updated my antivirus software for ages. I need to get a new version.
  2. One of the most common things I've heard for the application of nanotechnology are those nanobots which can help cure diseases "safely". Since they're supposed to be super small and can enter the body easily, you don't have to worry about bulky machines poking at you... Though I'm beginning to wonder how they'll get the bots out... I think they have a really tiny camera and a remote system, but since they're incredibly small, that must've taken a lot of feat to do. Imagine all the considerations. This is most definitely a big thing to spend on.Of course, there's always the possibility of failure. With those foreign bodies entering your system, who know what consequences may happen. They're still in the learning process, so there's still a lot to learn for them. If they keep this up, the way of living of people might be much better.
  3. Yeah, I agree with Arigato. So I don't really think it's appropriate to say it's out for free. It's probably something to use during emergency purposes. I can't use that though, cause I don't live in the US.
  4. I used to wear glasses, though I never really managed to keep on wearing them. My grade is pretty low though... Maybe a 50 on the left eye and a 25 on the other. I think it's gone up these years, but it's not enough to convince me to wear my glasses... I don't like the look of myself when wearing them, and for some reason, the lenses tickle my eyes... (I don't know how to explain the feeling)
  5. I live in the Philippines so...Pros: Natural Resources Somewhat friendly peopleCons: Evil Politicians Crab Mentality Most People end up migrating... Pollution Too much povertyI'll give it 4/10. It could be better if only the politicians stopped hoarding the money and actually care for the people to make them stop migrating.
  6. Photoshop is what I usually use for those things. If its default photo-editing tools don't match up to your expectations, you can always get plugins for it which just might solve your problems. If all else fails, you can always use another program. I know a lot of people who do one thing to this program, and another with another program. Each program has its own specialty, so it's up to you to figure out. Always remember that what matters is the result, so the best thing to do is probably get the same/better result using the easiest method.
  7. Hm, yeah I've been labeled myself. I'm like the person to be avoided in school. I'm really quiet and shy. Though with my friends, I'm all out. The thing is, I only ever avoid them because they are two-faced. They pretend to be nice to you, but they're actually talking to you behind your back. I most definitely don't want to be friends with them, thus the cold shoulder. I don't really enjoy being labeled, though I must admit I've done it... I can't help it. It's more of a stereotype, yes, but I admit I've been wrong at times. I've labeled someone bad one time, but she turned out to be a nice person. Some of my classmates realized that with me. I'm not quiet at all, though they don't have to make a big deal of it. (ie. announcing to the world that "I talked with Kim and she's really talkative!") I guess that's the effect of long-term labelling.
  8. I don't really see the point of a computer in a car, though it could be cool. Of course, it's always best to have companions, else your computer will be rendered useless... (Unless you plan to use it while driving... ) I think I'm the along the same line as some people... I recommend you just use a laptop or PDA/Pocket PC as it'll take a lot of thought and cash to get it done since there're a lot of things to consider. The thing about it is that your passengers will probably have more fun with it than you will...
  9. These are all ways in which Warez can be distributed as, but not all of them were invented for the purpose of piracy. Rips- Rips were generally used for backup. Just in case your CD or anything else gets ruined, you still have your rip, or backup and re-write it again if possible. It just turns out that a lot of people use this rips to promote piracy and distribute it to a lot of people especially via web. ISOs- Once again, these were invented for the use of backup. Not all ISOs are evil Warez. You can even create your own ISO from anything you want, and it doesn't neccesarily have to be illegal. It's like storing a CD in your Harddrive. FTPs- o.o I use FTP for getting my work projects when editing. Never did it cross my mind that it's used for pirating purposes. Needless to say, not all FTPs are illegal. Cracks and Serials, without a doubt, are illegal. Basically, it's about using a commercial product for free by obtaining a crack or serial that overrides the Registration process. Bittorent and some P2P could also be a medium for sharing/distributing illegal material. Those things were originally created for the purpose of sharing "clean" files, but of course, the evil human nature shall never cease to look for opportunity.
  10. o.o That's scary... After giving birth to a baby, and wake up to one of the most horrible things that could happen to you... After hearing that you had a flesh-eating bacteria (not before they kept it a secret why they amputated your arms and legs) and that there could be a better way to cure you. They could've at least told her first instead of keeping such a thing a secret. Yeah, I think relieving some people of their jobs is a good idea now...
  11. Yeah, I think I'll need this. I signed up for it too, and of course, the invitation would probably take a long time... :/ I can't wait to use it though, and I hope it won't let me down. A site would never be complete without enough visitors, and by optimizing it, you can see to that...
  12. It was really simple, and what it did most was soften the features due to the blur. I tried it on a picture of my dad and myself, and I looked sick to be frank... Plus my dad looked like he was gay in the result... it probably softened the features a bit too much, though it may come in handy some day. I'm thinking of using it on objects and not people. It has a painted effect~
  13. Yeah, I learned that a few years ago. I think I was 11... I read my High School Subjects Self-Taught book on English and saw it... (I was doing advance studying back then) I didn't use alot back then, but I wrote all right as alright. I eventually corrected my ways. Hehe, I was actually worse before that. I wrote didn't as did'nt. Well, thankfully that has been fixed along with other things...
  14. Yeah, Disney probably can't fare well without Pixar. With a Pixar joint, they were able to make a lot of good films. 3D is in right now, but since Disney doesn't have it so good with 3D yet, they're gradually losing their touch. People want 3D nowadays, so to save their business, they probably need Pixar with them. Though, if I were the guys at Pixar, I might think it's a good idea too, as it can promote Pixar further, though making Disney take more credit... :/ Then again, it could be a hard choice, but business is business after all.
  15. True. Our IRC channel has worrying about being taken over at the end of our lists. We're too busy with our lives and getting people to idle around our channel... We haven't done a scanlation release in months... Anyway, we have an a server op with us, so I don't think we're gonna be at risk for now anyway.
  16. Not a very good assumption. You can't go around stereotyping people using such a service... I didn't even know that Megaupload's download speeds are slow since I'm on dial-up, and have always been slow... *cough* Anyway, I agree that it sucks. I'm currently looking for a better service that won't make your files expire (Downloads every 30 days or so for making the file stay in the server are fine) and one that won't time-out on me when I upload... I wonder if you guys know any good ones. Expiry and time-outs are big issues for me.
  17. Hm, yeah I forgot about that... Maybe because I don't really care since I don't upload stuff that big... Anyway, Megaupload sucks for the downloaders... It's hard to get your download at times, and it could be very very slow... I should be changing to a new one soon, but I need a filesharing service that doesn't timeout when I upload... :/ Plus, some of them don't accept zip files anyway...
  18. Money goes around. Remember that they give you money because they earn something from what you do. If you put up ads, they earn money from people clicking them and they give you a small portion of their earnings. They don't offer these pay programs without themselves earning money in some other way from you.If someone visits your site, you earn something from it. Visitors are an important part of your site. Without them, you can't be called a true website and just be a clump of HTML files floating around in cyberspace. If someone were to pay you for impressions, ask yourself, what would that person benefit from you to make them pay you? Do they ask you to put up some kind of code in your site? An ad, perhaps? If you doubt that they'll earn something from it, doubt even more. It could be a scam, or a company that probably won't last. Ask around, you'll never know what may happen until it's too late.Personally, I don't think that there's such a program that pays per impression. If there is, treat it with all the critisicm you can to find out if it's true. It's better to be a harsh critic than to end up losing all your hardwork in the end. People benefit from you. Always think about that. They don't give stuff to you for nothing.
  19. I'm sure most of you have heard of Megaupload, a service which enables you to upload your files to their server and share it with other people for free. I use such services so that I can share unlicensed manga through my site. Well, here's my review, and a bit of a rant at the end... :ph34r:UPLOAD: 9/10It's so easy! All you have to do is click on the browse button and choose the file you want to upload. Then, fill up the other options in the bottom when necessary. Send it and watch it go! There's also a status bar showing the progress of your upload. Then a link shows up after you finish sending. Pretty easy huh?DOWNLOAD: 4/10Now how about the person you're sending to? They click a link and have to click to proceed. Then, (New and horrible feature) unless they have an IP based on the US, UK or Canada, they get unlimited downloads! Cool, huh? Too bad if you get an error message saying all the slots for your country are full. It seems that they base it on how much your country has helped out with Megaupload. Not very handy. I hate this personally, because I DON'T HAVE A US, UK, or Canada based IP!!! It's horrible! Plus, there's not a very big chance that you wouldn't get a slot. It's horrible... You also have to wait for some time before getting your download. Not that I mind it, but the annoying thing is, once your IP is not based on the afformentioned countries, you probably won't be getting your download.Overall Rating: 5/10The upload was OK, but the download area pulled it down.I know this isn't a very long review, but isn't that what you mostly look for in filesharing sites? The upload and download rating? Anyway, I've been disappointed with the service. I only stuck with it for so long because the other services time-out when I upload something. I just wish that they'd discontinue that IP-filtering. It's really annoying and it causes grief for people who don't have the "privilege" of living in the US, UK or Canada... Notice from mayank: Edited topic title & description
  20. Hmm... by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be reliable anymore. The only reason I use RealPlayer (Okay, maybe I don't use it). But the reason I still have it, is because I sometimes use it for certain websites, but that chance doesn't come by very often, so to speak... Thus, it's rendered useless... I love my Winamp~ It's good enough for me.
  21. Gah... that's pretty harsh. I never had that happen to me, though... The only thing that ever crashed my computer... was... well... me... I was a 9 years old, and my dad gave me a 30GB HDD which I loved to pile a lot of stuff into. Virus softwares didn't exist in my vocabulary back then, and I kept downloading a lot of crap, so to say... I got a lot of games for my pleasure. Then I crashed my drive, and the virus spread causing widespread destruction, so to say. I'm the only one who ever uses the computer in the first place, so it can't blame other people for ruining it. I can only ever blame environmental factors or myself. Though... my dad uses it sometimes... When he does, adware says hello to me. :ph34r:You're lucky you got it in a warranty, though. I don't think my warranty says anything about power surges in it... I'm not even sure where my dad placed the warranty! You're still lucky, nonetheless, even though you have to wait for some time to fix up your beloved PC.
  22. Hehehe, that Google Purge was hilarious! Even though it's a joke... (Aww) they seem to suggest that they want to take over the world anyway. Bah, no matter how hard they may try, they can't hide their secret and maniacal plans to finally take over the technological world. Hmm... maybe I should start a search engine soon and plan to take over the world...
  23. In my school, (it's a private school) we're not supposed to bring cellphones. But a lot of students, especially highschoolers bring those with them anyway. After about 2 months from the start of the schoolyear, my school did a "secret" inspection on us. They told us some stupid reason and we went out of our classroom. They started searching our bags. Then, when we reentered, they felt our pockets and stuff. It's not new here, in my old school, they did the same, only then, we had to take our stuff from our pockets too. Then they told us, "We took some phones, and we know some of you have their phones there. We'll be waiting for you in the Principal's Office this dismissal. You know yourselves..." Then of course, out of fear, the people who brought cellphones went...We never had drug searches... It's something that's too bizzare to happen to this all-girl's school with hardly any students. Hehe... Even so... I don't like the idea being searched like this. It's embarassing... They see your stuff... It's really a violation of privacy.
  24. Oooh... Pretty interesting... Though I don't really see much point in it. Sure, you can finally figure out what's on Pluto, but it's not like we can gain much from it but boasting rights, hehe... They'll probably take advantage of the chemicals in Pluto, but other than that, I don't see much of a point... Just a waste of money and bragging rights? Then again, who am I to say things like that, I'm pretty ignorant about this space exploration stuff.
  25. Hmm, that's tough, and I could see why no one else replied to your post... Well, annoying people butting into your group? That's not new, that happened a lot to me before. But nothing as extreme as someone who wanted to flirt with a guy! I remember this tomboy butting into our group, most of the class tried to avoid her. She likes soccer which isn't really a bad thing, but if you pair it up with having relations with other girls and acting like a boy, it's... *shudders* I think she likes Detective Conan, one of my favorite manga/anime series because she tells me how much she likes Sherlock Holmes books and how much she likes soccer. (In the series, the main character is good at soccer and loves Holmes) Anyway, we weren't exactly the popular group in class, and she didn't have any other friends, she tries to join up. What she does is abuse. My friend helps her with stuff, then she just takes it in and when my friend needs help, she makes up some excuse. It's ALWAYS like that! We just ignore her though, and drop hints to make her realize that we're annoyed... Not sure she knows though... About your problem, did you talk it over with your friends? You guys can come up with a solution, like talk it over with her with the whole group. Does she have any other friends? If not, maybe she's just trying to seek attention. She must be boasting about herself to make you realize that she's worthy to join the group, but it's in a bad way, yeah... I used to be like that, since I liked different interests from most kids, I shyed away cause I had nothing to talk about. If I talked about my interests, they'll think I'm a bigger nerd and stay away from me. So I had to talk a lot about general stuff, and I kept running out of things to say. Thus, I had to talk more about MYSELF, gaining hate from the people I talked with. I was a loser so to speak, but I've got myself a gang I hang out with. It's pretty sad how no one else has my interests, but I've got to bear it... Anyway, try confronting her, I kinda know how she feels... It feels horrible to be left alone. She's probably just seeking attention.
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