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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. There's this really annoying kid in my class. She acts like a tomboy and can't seem to sit still. (Even her hair is cut rather short) That's not the problem though... The thing is, when you start acting even just a bit nice to her, she'll start sticking around with you. I mean, sure, that's understandable, since she doesn't have any friends. But this is going too far... Let's call her ABCD for now. You see, I hang out with this group. ABCD keeps on sticking to one of my friends in the group. Pretty understandable... How did it happen? Well, that friend of mine acted a bit nice toward ABCD, and ABCD started tailing her. That began from last year. They weren't classmates back then, so it was only mild. She was tailing someone else last year. Anyway, she's really annoying right now... starting useless conversations and always saying "Wasn't the topic HARD?" "Didn't you think it was HARD?" "It was HARD wasn't it?" Why can't she find something else to talk about? I started to put her to the test... She was behind my friend when I called her attention. I told my friend to go *somewhere*. Lo and behold... ABCD noticed her and was on her tail right away... Can't she stop doing that? Well, it's not only that... my friend's kinda annoyed cause ABCD acts too friendly that she pushes my friend around and makes sloppy jokes... I know she's trying to fit in, but no one likes to be tailed. My friend doesn't like it either... and even though she had initial pity, it's turning into irritation... My friend doesn't have the guts to tell her to back-off... So lucky us... We have one on our tail.
  2. Whee... I finally got my DSL... It's not too great, I'd say it's kinda slow for a DSL connection. It's supposedly 256k/256k Download/Upload (No restrictions). It's good enough for me! I download often, so I needed something faster than dial-up. You can just imagine my glee when I got that switch.
  3. http://hoaxes.org/weblog/comments/4198/ Take at look at that link. It says it all. Besides, if they were real, I don't think they'll sell very well, considering they're so freaky that sensitive kids would probably cry when they get it. XD If you survey the site carefully, you can see that you can't buy anything from it. It's like the Bonsai Kitten hoax over again, like shadowx said. That would be people who DO have spare time. Most people nowadays are too busy to even imagine people doing things like that in their spare time, but some people love being infamous Give them a chance to make themselves known. They aren't harming anyone... just freaking some ordinary people out, I suppose.... *cough Bonsai Kittens* Anyway, when you learn something from the internet... especially weird stuff like this, make sure to do extensive research. It's not nice to have the joke fall on you. (and it's not April 1 yet, either. )
  4. Heh... I know how you feel... I've been around tons of "idiots" since forever. They're a good source of laughs though... They're invaluable! Just try to see the good in them and the entertainment they provide to you and your audience.
  5. I agree with BuffaloHELP. One CPU can't do those actions simultaneously. I've seen a CPU that can switch between Monitor A (primary OS) and Monitor B (secondary OS) via some switching command. I've never tried this myself because of the lack of RAM, but I do know that it's possible... But even if it does that, you can only do it one at a time. You can't have both running at once (and people working on them simultaneously) UNLESS you have another CPU (which is the most plausible way of doing what you meant in your post). You need 2 CPUs to run a "network" (no matter how small the number is, you can't do it with only one CPU!) and have people work on stuff simultaneously. You need to get another CPU.In the case of sharing your internet connection with another computer, you need a router. Connect it to your modem and to both computers. Your router's manual should provide more in-depth information.
  6. That happens to me usually when I'm out of RAM... My 256MB ram isn't enough for me... My computer has these annoying slowdowns. Anyway, it's good you decided to do a reformat. Give your computer some love! It deserves it! A reformat usually does the trick if software can't fix the problem anymore... and maybe some new hardware might do nicely.
  7. It doesn't matter if you're driving while connected hands free or not. Both distract you and would let your mind wander off... I remember seeing an episode on Mythbusters about this issue... They drove in a driving course while sober, connected, and drunk (though it was kinda mild, because they had to stay under the legal limit). They failed both tests (drunk and connected) but they did worse when connected.Anyway, to the topic... People have this need to talk on the phone, and the urge usually comes up when driving (or if someone calls). Your idea is pretty neat, but I'm guessing a lot of people will hate it. It'll definitely annoy will annoy the average driver. Of course, people usually think highly of themselves and assume that convenience is better than safety...
  8. Too late for me because I already have an analytics account and it'd be a waste to have 2 accounts... (And only one website) Well... if that's what you meant...
  9. I think mine took 2 months or so... I also mass submitted to a lot of other search engines. My site was more of a personal page before. It has since evolved and since my site's topic is rather popular... It got indexed in around a month when it had a make-over.
  10. 10 credits... @_@ I need that... Too bad though... I'd join if I didn't have a Google Analytics account. It's too late for that now I guess :/
  11. I'm currently using Mozilla Firefox for the most part. I tried the free version of Opera and liked it, but something bothered me for some reason... I basically use Opera when I need to test something or something doesn't display correctly in Firefox. If it still fails... Internet Ex...p...lo...rer...
  12. That's obviously a hack and it seems like an amateur did it... trying to boast about what s/he has done. But you should really take that warning seriously. It must mean that your password is easy to hack. For one, try not using things that can easily be found in a common english dictionary. You must always think about your security... The net isn't really a safe place no matter how hard you try and make it. Malicious programs and people with evil intent are always on the prowl.
  13. I needed to use it for my site downloads because they're too big to host on Xisto. I'm hosting it from home now (I finally got my broadband). Anyway, the thing I hate most about Megaupload right now is the fact that they have IP filtering. I can't even download from it! What's the use? A friend gives me a link to his file and I can't even download it because the 100 slots alloted from Philippine IPs are ALWAYS used up. 100 slots for billions of people... yeah right. I'm not that desperate to go live in America or other countries without limitations just to bypass this.
  14. Well, it's already June 6, 2006 here in the Philippines and other parts of Asia/Ocenia. I don't believe today's the end of the world since it will happen when nobody knows. No one could point out the day itself. It might be August 10, 2020 for all you know.Edit:Well, it's June 7 here now... Apparently it's June 6 to you guys there... so... anything new?
  15. I don't feel like downloading it at all... First of all, I don't need it. Secondly, I don't want to waste anymore RAM than I do. My computer has a measly 256MB of RAM which easily gets used up with the programs I use. It barely survives Photoshop at times. Besides... what's wrong with Google Earth on the web?
  16. I've been to PirateBay yesterday. I decided to go there after seeing it in Google. I was looking for something. Since I read this thread beforehand, I decided to check it out. Apparently, it's still online. Everything seems to be working fine as if nothing happened. One thing's for sure. They can't stop piracy altogether. It will always be there like butterflies around flowers...
  17. JPEG has its problems already. It sometimes has artifacts in the pictures. Although certain programs can remove them, it's still a troublesome thing. I like PNG. It saves lossless. Even if it does make the filesize bigger than the standard JPG, it's good enough for standard web use. Since WMP from Microsoft... we can expect another bias. Works well with Windows, and doesn't with others. I really don't think we need another format. It will be more troublesome. As if there aren't plenty of other image formats out there...
  18. I've always wondered if people ever fell for those things. Sure, there are some that they say a "real" but you'll end up fetching money from your wallet somehow. Nothing is truly free. You paid for it somehow but you didn't notice. It's like those popsicle sticks with things engraved on them. You get to win *item* because of your luck. They don't worry about giving it to you because you, and many other people wanting to win paid for their popsicles so they can win a price. Nothing is free in today's commercialism. They just make it seem free.
  19. Haha... it now says $9.99 a month... I can see how... uhh, unprofessional the site looks. The specs aren't too great. 10 bucks for something like that? No way... I would rather spend my 10 bucks a year for a lot of domain names than pay it monthly for such hosting. :/
  20. Toilet... that's a bit too... :)Anyway, I think it's an interesting idea... though pretty weird. I wouldn't want to waste my whole life playing MMORPGs. I play them. I really do, but I have better things to do. There are times when I get too addicted and I know I just have to stop. I don't wanna waste my life leveling up. I'm not that much of a chronic gamer. (I was when I was way younger, but I had tons of time to waste back then... Unlike now, I have responsibilities)It makes me remember the technology makes people more lazy. Whatever happened to the days when there were no computers and students had to research using books? Searching through a pile of books to find your information can also be done with a few clicks in the computer. Also, the times when there were cars. People who couldn't afford horses had to walk or ask for rides... Not that I'm not happy about what technology did for us, but it's slowly turning us into lazy bums... even if we don't notice it!By the way, pulling the power plug won't be doing any good to your computer. :)To sum it up, it's a weird idea that could use a little mildness... I think it's a bit too extreme. By the time something like that really comes to life, computer gaming might be much different. There's already a game that can sense your motions and you can move in any way you want! You probably won't be sitting much and get tired XD THEN it might lessen the percentage of people playing in their sleep. (Though it might not happen in the near future.)
  21. I use Altavista Babelfish or Google Translate when I'm at a dead end translating something from Japanese to English. I know what the words mean, but I can't seem to put it in english... I use it to get suggestions and work it out somehow. I generally use it as a last resort because it usually gives weird results that are hilarious most of the time. Not to mention the nonsensical stuff that make you go "Huh?" Don't forget Japanese... They have so many of these that they'll never run out of puns... I've seen some manga utilize this that almost every page had to have a translation note to explain the pun. Unfortunately, the translator can't think of the context that it'll pick out some weird things for you at times. To sum it up, don't depend on it much. Just use it as a last resort.
  22. That rings a bell... Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. If it ever came to life, it would be extremely non-economical. It's not worth it. And who would like to ride an elevator to space? There are so many things to consider. The elevator has to withstand the forces of gravity and the atmosphere. It has to be able to lift itself up fast, etc... etc... but apparently, those are just minor concerns. How about safety and passenger comfort? If it's not going to be used for people, but rather, for goods, then why waste so much money to make an unstable thing?
  23. Nope... First of all, I'm not old enough to be earning my own money. Another thing is, the Google Competitors would probably offer the same services for free, so what's the point? Google wouldn't be as popular anymore, as people will flock to other free services.
  24. Things like that happen. It's happening even in real-life, what more in the web! Plus it's easier to pretend in the web. My dad has this friend who kept saying that a lot of guys fell for her that one even committed suicide because of her! The girl was good at acting it out that my dad believed her, only to find out it wasn't real. It's easy to fall for it in real-life, so how can the web be any different?I'm a doubting person though... If I were in your situation, I just might end up destroying my friendship with that guy. I hate people who pretend. Can't he comfort you as a guy? Well, it depends on what type of person you are, and how you take it...
  25. Ugh... I remember I used to use those a lot when I was 8. Thankfully I moved over to the light and studied HTML. I was an enthusiastic coder at 9... I'm not sure about now. I forgot most of what I could code. The annoying thing is, people think they have the best sites ever. I also had this classmate who was trying to get into the world of websites... She had an overly glittery page, slapped on some animations and made HeR teXt hard to read. I've been coding for a long time, and I've learned by experience what kind of website people like... :/ Maybe I shouldn't have told them I have a website. When I do, they usually end up making their own, and they don't do it well.
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