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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. I recently looked at my analytics account when I got my DSL and saw that it even has a map and you can see which countries your visitors came from... It's pretty useful! Most of my visitors were in European or North American countries... There are also pie charts and various graphs. If you are fanatic about keeping site statistics, I suggest you sign-up for it. It might take a while before you are able to get your sign-up link, but believe me, it's worth it.
  2. Extra Tips: (Gah, I didn't notice you solved your problem)I used to have dial-up... Untiil now. I now use Broadband DSL and I'm happy with it! Nothing can truly boost dial-up speed efficiently. You try cache-ing programs when you surf. It just gives you an illusion that your surfing speeds are faster, but in fact, the files are stored in your harddrive for faster access. If you want better speed in the download area, you can get download managers that can connect to different servers simultaneously. Another solution is to get broadband, but I know some countries don't really have it cheap or have it at all, so I can understand your situation if you don't live in a "digitalized" country.
  3. Hahaha... yeah, it looks so fake... :/ It kinda freaked me out in bit. It looks like the cross between an angry bulldog and a bat. Still... completely drained of blood? Does it mean that they're THAT blood-thirsty? Still... to drain ALL the blood from a goat... ugh. And to think that drinking blood isn't very nutritious either.
  4. I can float and move around by floating and paddling my feet with my arms together, if you call that swimming... I actually took lessons when I was 6, but I was so hydrophobic that I didn't learn anything. Thus, I had to learn swimming during my 7th year which had swimming as a mandatory PE subject. And now... I can float! Yay!
  5. Mine has definitely have to be RPGs. Ever since I was young, I started to love this genre. I've also grown to love MMORPGS and other MMOGs. I soon after extended my love to some sports games like tennis and golf. I can also take platformers and space shooters... I don't mind fighting games either. I can't stand First Person shooter games, however... I'm the type who gets shocked easily... (Yeah, I get scared of suspense O_o)
  6. I'm guessing this will be more expensive to produce... and it's going to be made with the purpose of throwing it away... I can't seem to stomach buying something like that only to throw it away... It's a bit too much, don't you think? It's not a bad idea, however... something less-disposable could be appropriate?
  7. I like Kubi's... simple and it does the job. I also like the avatar I like simplicity, if you can tell.
  8. I use Azureus for it's features. I like it... especially the selective downloading feature and the ability to kick/ban people you're connected to. However, I don't like how it hounds all my memory and sometimes loads extremely slow. At least Azureus does the job for me... As long as it does its job and has a nice set of features, it's what I'm going to use.
  9. Another thing they thought of? It seems pretty lame and childish... Considering the number of things the hackers have already cracked, this will probably be easy for them... Microsoft can't stop this height of piracy... Oh, and aren't they earning enough already? Tsk tsk... Shows how money-hungry they are... Well, sure people need to earn money, but this is a pretty funny way of telling people to stop using pirated material... It's just a pop-up, and it's up to the person's discretion to continue using it or not. No matter how hard they keep trying to prevent it, there will still be a few holes that the hackers can get through. Kinda like a sponge...
  10. Wow... I did that in just an hour. I knew something was missing. I could've put more stuff into it, but I got kinda lazy in the end, so... (I was taking so long deciding on the text for my username, and I wasn't happy about it to be honest.) Thanks guys! This is my first battle, so I got kinda paranoid! Anyway, Albus, you did a good job too, so don't worry . Always ensure the readability of the text and the placement. Also, make sigs that are pleasing to the eyes. But don't worry, you did good too. Thanks everybody! Yay, I won my first battle!
  11. Aww! I wanted to add my latest sig I made for the battle vs. Albus, since it's kinda red, and you've helped me out so much and I haven't given you a sig yet. SM, before you close this topic, is it okay if you wait for my sig? I wanna make one for you.
  12. I forgot when, but I got my invitation. It's really great so far! The interface is nice and simple, and has different kinda of summaries you can choose from. If you're thinking of signing up, though it might take time for an invitation to pop up, it's a good try.
  13. I know that very well, that's why I'm showing him that I'm not an idiot. What does he take me for? A six year old girl? I'm well aware of the possibilities. I don't even let my friends in my house! What more, some stranger who I don't care about? I know self defence, so I'm always on guard. If he does come back, the problem is, I don't have anyone with me in the house. It could be a problem. If he happens to come back here for other matters, I'll make sure I won't go sissy on him!
  14. If it's comparing it with the forum poll votes, it's okay then, you could probably keep it... Though it could be a problem if not everyone in the forum poll posted a comment... I suppose your way is okay. Reading through every comment and their vote with an outside tally would be better instead of waiting for the voting to end and accept the possibly flawy result. Just being cautious... ' It's my first battle ever, actually... Oops, forgot to wish you good luck!! Now I have to go look for my hamster...
  15. Wait a sec... The text poll is a bit unreliable, because what if two people post at once, and the last poster didn't take the other poster's vote into account? That happened to me once, I voted and there was someone else who voted after me that didn't know I was posting at the same time, so my vote wasn't taken into account. I had to ask an admin who was around that time (Buffy) to fix it... :/
  16. I don't think I have to deal with him again, I got all the papers in, but still... he gives me the creeps. I couldn't threaten with with dogs ' I only have 2 hamsters. One of which is missing at this very moment. I was also thinking of complaining, but I don't think it's going to help much... :/ They usually take things for granted. One time, the same company (but me using their dial-up) had this subscriber using their domain mail address and was emailing me viruses/worms/trojans (I don't really know, since I didn't download anything from the email) I complained to the helpdesk email with professionalism and asked them to reply. Nothing... They never replied. However, I think they solved it, because the viral emails stopped, thankfully. I still wish they replied... Or they were probably too busy to find out if it's true, perhaps?
  17. All right... as I promised, I made a speedy one. She says, "Ah!", by the way. Originally, that bubble and the "Ah!" wasn't there, I made it for extra cuteness . Here's an hour's work.
  18. Um... what's your timezone? Haha... it's April 18 here where I live. I'm thinking of doing something while I've got my adrenaline piped up from losing my hamster... I'll make a speedy one.
  19. Whee... my dad finally gave me responsibility to arrange my DSL connection on my own. I did all the calling, the handling, and the unfortunate situation of metting the infamous DSL application form giver guy! Yay! @_@Anyway, all went well til I met that guy. He asked for me, and I said it was me. Then he asked for my parents. Sure... I can understand that... but STILL! It's named to ME! To ME!!! Anyway, I signed a piece of paper to recieve the form, he goes..."How old are you?""15."I ignored him afterwards, and went my merry way.When he came to take back the application form the day after, I opened the door and he wasn't there! Apparently, he went to take shade in a nearby store. Amusing. So he ran up to me and entered the hall (it's not my house yet, technically... I live in a condominium styled house) to take shade. He did it before I could react, and he said. "I'll just take shade here first... It's hot outside." I ignored him, and handed him what was needed. Then he went on "Could I have a drink of water, because that store doesn't have any cold water." I proceed to roll my eyes and say, "There are stores over there." I pointed. "You could probably get some there." Then I let him out and went on my way. When he came back for other purposes, there was a guy who told him that my parents usually aren't in the house and stuff... I was really pissed. That guy kinda knows my mom, but he doesn't have the right to say those things to a complete stranger!What else? The DSL guy became more FAMILIAR with me! When I opened the door, he ran towards me and called my name without the Ma'am or Miss things! Screw all the polite ways to treat a customer! Forget them all! Then he WENT INTO THE SHADE again and acted ALL FAMILIAR with me cause I'm just a 15 year old kid who doesn't know any better! After the transaction, he goes, "Can I take a leak?" I go... "WTH!?" What does he think he's doing!? I shake my head, and I started to look very deadly. He got the point and I ignored him when I went up... URRGH!When he was to return again, my dad was home, and I made him go down. I was watching from a distance, and you know what I saw? He didn't dare enter into the shade, he spoke in a low and submissive voice, and he didn't act like a total *BLEEP*, because my dad isn't 15! (Ok, that wasn't funny) Anyway, I enjoyed seeing him act like that... If he comes back, I'll make sure to stand in the doorway, act in a business-like manner (not that I didn't do it from the start) and ask him WHY when he goes and asks something stupid again... I hate that DSL guy. He makes my blood boil so much...
  20. Out to save the world!? Hahahahaha! I can just imagine it... Leaving the cage with food and water? The problem is, he and Vanilla live in the same cage (and I only have 1 cage) Vanilla is also very cozy in the cage (she's sleeping right now) and I wouldn't wanna transfer her to a temporary container. She's pregnant, after all, and has already set up her nest out of tissue paper. I can just hope my trap works...Update:3 days have passed and I'm beginning to smell dead rat in the house. I'm sure it's him. Well, at least I did make sure he didn't get out of the house, but smelling it is depressing. I haven't found the body yet. He sure has hidden himself well. I suspected that he got trapped or something... BASIL NOOO! This is very sad for me to find out what happened to him.
  21. Haha... Thanks for the jokes, made me forget about it for a while. Well, it's been almost 2 days since he left, and I'm feeling anxious. I heard that they'll usually appear around 2 days or so, but I don't know how he'll fare after that. I just hope he falls for my trap. I laid a plastic bag on the floor and put in his favorite sunflower seeds. Then I placed a box with goodies over the plastic, so the plastic will act as an entrance and opened the box to invite him to hopefully come in. If he doesn't really go in, but eats the sunflower seeds on the plastic, I'll hear it, and I'll close in on him and trap him in the box. Now I just need Basil.
  22. Thanks. I don't have any other pets besides hamsters. The problem is, what happens when he encounters a mouse or some other pest!? I'm scared thinking that my search for him (which means lifting heavy engineering equipment) might've accidentally injured him. I might've squished him for all I know! Noooo!!! I hope he gets hungry and comes out soon. He has to be with his mate when she gives birth. Male dwarf hamsters are known to at least take care of their young as well, unlike syrians... (Yeah, him being a dwarf makes him insanely hard to find)
  23. The problem is... Basil is very quiet, so I'm not sure what happened to him. I'm afraid he ate something bad for him along the way. Hamsters will eat anything offered... and maybe not even offered. Well, at least I still have hope. He got lost yesterday afternoon at around 3pm. Now it's 10AM here... Oh Basil, I hope you come back!!!
  24. The weird thing is... When I see how stupid it is, I go, screw that stupid show... But I actually go WATCH it when I'm bored! It doesn't really end up bad... But Spongebob and I have a love-hate relationship (Okay... It's not love). Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I don't. Depends on the stupidity factor. :/ And most of the time, it's stupid, so...
  25. Completely randomized things can't predict futures. I have a love prediction gizzy here from my GBA game and I tried it on myself. It's about you and your partner pressing the two buttons after you hear the beep. I pressed it on my own, and amusingly... I got 105% WITH MYSELF! Then I tried it again, and got like 75% :/ See? Completely random. It's just for fun. Those things aren't real, and I can't help laugh at those people who believe in it.Even though there are different kinds of love calculators, they still hold the same purpose. They're just their for FUN and for giggles. Never expect something like that to hold your future. I can't believe some people can be so naive as to believe in those things.
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