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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Yeah, it's annoying how some people skip the details and go complain about something... Are they blind or something? Anyway, it's definitely good to let out your feelings, especially the bad ones. That's what vents are for. Anyway, there will always be people who don't care about details, no matter how annoying it may seem. I mean, I've given instructions before, and people just don't follow it. Just remember, there will always be people who care about those details. They'll make everything better.
  2. I know that people can get attracted at first sight, but love? That's pretty strange. For love to happen, you usually know that person well enough to love. Loving a complete stranger is really weird. Crush at first sight? Sure! Love at first sight? O_oAnyway, let's leave love at first sight to the poets and the romantic writers to do. Let's live in reality, shall we?
  3. Girls are usually the ones who are more cautious and care a lot about risks. First off, they are more social people, and care a lot about what people have to say about them. Plus, being a girl is a greater risk when engaging in "forbidden love", because there's always the possibility of being pregnant. It might not have much to do about maturity, but about risk taking.
  4. Hehe, well, advertising usually has this bit of psychology in it. Since men are most likely to be attracted to those sort of things, they think that it'll help them boost their revenue for some reason. Sure, it won't attract the female population as much, but it's a sign of their desperation. I hate those kind of ads, it's degrading the human society. Where did the old days go when people usually dress women in outrageously huge dresses? Oh well, since times are changing fast, and the way for men to get pleasure is faster than the blink of an eye, I'd say we can't do much about it.
  5. Well, what does the rar file contain? If it contains warez, or other commercial stuff that you know should be paid for, you can't upload them. Sure you can upload rar files with public domain items or stuff that you've made, but you can't upload something that would violate the TOS or other illegal items. By the way, there's no limit to what you can upload, unless it takes up more of your allocated space.
  6. O_o OK, I didn't expect that... Hehe, it was hilarious all the same! I can't believe that word will be screwed up so bad... Isn't mama supposed to mean mother and not what the translation ended up? Anyway... that was a good find.
  7. Ahh, It depends, really... B)Back in the day, there were no video games, yet, there was violence. Obviously some other factors can influence it more...Personally, I think that TV or some other environmental factor can have a greater influence over violence. Let's say the kid grew up in an initially violent neighborhood, wouldn't that be a greater factor? Another could be the mental state of the person. Is that person prone to crack, or not? Plus, people want to act like they see on TV, or some other thing. When you play video games, doesn't that already put you in the action? Why do you need to do it yourself, when you can make the one your controlling do it for you? It's all the matter of something to blame."Oh he's doing this, it must be because of this..."Face it, it's human nature... Oh, and by the way, not all video games are violent.
  8. Nope, I find it hard to believe that your heart stops. If your heart stops, even for a very short while, you can get a seizure. The heart NEVER stops pumping blood around your body unless it gets a clogged artery or if it malfunctions. I find this absurd, and rather hard to believe.
  9. Betrayal, it's a sickening thing. If it happened to you, you feel utterly helpless and stupid. "Why did I trust him/her?" and "I thought he/she was my friend" are common questions. How were you betrayed?My first account of having a betrayal was way back in first grade. I had a best friend, and we always went around together, played games with each other, and shared adventures with each other. Typical for first graders. On Christmas, for exchange gifts, she got me clown makeup... (WTH!?) and I gave her a picture frame. It was fine so far...Until we reached second grade...We were in different sections and of course, that means we can't see each other until classes are over. I kept visiting her for a few weeks, until one day, when I was waiting for her, she came over and told me: "I have a new best friend now."That was a big blow to me. She could've at least made me meet her friend, and we could become a trio, but what do you expect from second graders? I hated that so much...Another betrayal story of mine, was when I was in 6th grade. I met this old friend who was a new student in the 3rd grade, and I was once assigned to be a tour guide around the school. I said hello to her, and said, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" she was confused, and didn't seem to remember me at all. I shrug that off. When break came, I reminded her about who I was, she felt a bit aloof, since she wasn't comfortable with me. It was probably because of the 3 year interval. After a few months, we managed to be friends, but there was this other friend whom she hangs out with. That other friend was extremely jealous when my old friend became close with me, so she tries to get my old friend's attention.OK, that was sick... But anyway, it so happened that a 3rd-party joined in the fight and ganged up on me. They told me to leave my old friend alone, and I was being too possessive... (What!?) My old friend sided with them... great... actually, she was pushed around. My friend is the type of person who goes with the majority. I was alone.It was terrible, I hated going to school, nasty rumors were spread about me, I can practically hear them talking about me!We eventually got back to normal, but the scars still live on. She's no good friend.Got any betrayal stories to share or rant about?
  10. After buying the island, would you have enough money to try and buy the Playboy company? Anyway, I'd save it, and get a steady interest from it. I'd also invest it, and by incredible tech gadgets and the latest computer stuff! Plus, I'll start my own English Manga Licensing company. Aah, it's all good.
  11. Well, that reminds me of my younger cousin. He challenged me to this two-player fighting game, and me, being very fond of video games, agreed. I didn't know how to play this game, and it's the first time I've ever heard of it in the first place! Once the game started, he started pelting me with combos, and all I could do was nimbly kick him and dodge by jumping around. I lost, of course, and he rubbed it in my face. Grrr...I sulked, and when he challenged me to play again, I scoffed and told him it's no game if they person you're playing with doesn't know the controls. Anyway, since I was older and exerted a lot more intimidation, he taught me the combos. When the game started, I began to exterminate him and wow, I didn't know my character was so strong! Of course, I beat him every game after that. Muhahaha!
  12. This thread has been a great help. I've been going nuts recently, due to a 10 minute startup, and very slow performance. Since I haven't cleaned the CPU for over a year, I started to clean it 2 days ago and it reminded me so much of an archeological dig! I thought that would do it, but once again I was subjected to slow speeds. I removed a lot of startup programs and searched for adware. It didn't help much... Then I found this thread, and I decided to defragment depite my HD being only 4% free. I slept on it, as I didn't want to wait around doing nothing, and finally! A breakthrough!Heh, it's practically my fault that my computer is so slow. I've been very lazy to defragment it, since I had to use the computer often. Anyway, it finally runs like a charm. I'm glad I found this thread, or my sense of responsibility wouldn't awaken...
  13. Please read the thread more closely, we already disproved that Daddy Long Legs spiders are poisonous to humans. People have got bitten and have always lived to tell the tale. NEVER believe something right away unless you get sufficient proof. ALWAYS do research especially on stuff like that which are called urban legends. This link will help you. Snopes Notice from jlhaslip: Editted as per report
  14. To be honest, I have that unhealthy habit in IRC, where I can't seem to stop writing XD and lol. Yeah, both of them, so sue me... I usually do that in chats, but when it comes to forums or in other places, I don't have the heart to lol or XD. Why? Well, if you notice, chats tend to be the most informal place to communicate over the net. I mean, since it all happens in real-time, you end up wanting to relate what you want to say faster, resulting in shortened forms of expression. You probably wouldn't like to go around chatting with the first letters of your sentences capitalized, right?Anyway, I agree that XD and lol can sometimes drive you mad especially when you see it all the time. Well, I feel that when seeing those around the web (except maybe in chatrooms), it makes the writer very unprofessional. It's like an immature kid writing something filled with so many smiley faces... I'm not sure if I can try and stop that habit now, but just as I don't make it spread to my forum, blog, and site update posts...
  15. icemarle

    Men! WHY?

    Hey, I'm a girl, and I don't think about men that way! Everyone's imperfect, and we all know we have faults. If a woman did the same thing that you were talking about, would you be happy if they started saying that about all women!? I don't think we have the right to stereotype! I know some great men who have been very nice, and humble, so I don't think we are in any position to rant about such a huge group of people! Generalizing is never a good thing. If only one person (or maybe a few) in Group A does this bad thing, should it be safe to say all the people in Group A are to blame? I think not!
  16. They don't have enough poison to kill you, and their fangs aren't long enough to do so... Mythbusters has tested, and busted this myth! Adam Savage, one of the hosts, volunteered to get bitten, (it took a long time before a spider decided to bite him) and it was nothing! You should watch Mythbusters often, you know... It's on at Discovery Channel, (see your timeslot! ) For more info about that particular episode... See here... And I quote from the site...
  17. This topic is quite interesting, I have to say... and I just have a little something to say about my site... When I was 6, I made my first site ever... it was a dedication to Harry Potter, and as you might know, 6 year olds don't exactly make good sites. As you can guess, I was the only kid who ever did such a thing in my school... and in fact... I still was, until some jealous classmates decided to do the same... I graduated from that, and ended up making a huge site using HTML about my favorite game, Dragon Warrior at 10 years old. I ended up getting "inspired" by a huge DW site, so I made my own. I ended up getting a lot of hits, and stuff, so I overloaded my site with things like the thing that follows the cursor, counters, polls, flash, and O_o OMG, you get the idea... As I finally saw the error of my ways, due to visiting my site (which was a pain, since I'm on dial-up). I decided to make a simpler and calmer version of the spin-off of DW which was Dragon Warrior Monsters. It didn't last long, but I loved the simpler designs! I disappeared from the site making world for a year, as I was too busy playing games, and I often lost interest in my site because my site is usually about one topic that I get sick of. Therefore, I decided to make a site that changes topics with my interest! It contained info about my current interests, and if I get sick of something, I change it to a different topic! Of course, sites without stable topics don't last long. I hated it when I saw that no one like to visit. Then, I suddenly entered the manga scanlation world... I started editing manga, and I loved it! I saw some sites that host manga, and I decided, why shouldn't I do the same? I asked around here, and it seemed that it was okay to host unlicensed manga. Manga turned out to be my interest that will last for so long. It's such a huge genre, that if I lose interest in one series, I can always try some out, and it's still within the boundaries of manga. I found my calling. I changed my kiddy layout into something simple that does the job. (Simpler is always better.) I told my dad the advantages of having a TLD, and since I found a cheap one, he agreed to pay for my domain. And I ended up with the name "Strawberry Mint" which refers to my two favorite colors, Pink and Green. *I know, Strawberry isn't usually pink, but... * Plus, I love Mint, and anything else that's Strawberry flavored. It was so cute, it stuck... Now I'm getting a steady amount of hits, despite my site being under construction and all, but I'm gonna stick to it for a looong time! Go manga!
  18. Haha, it's pretty obvious it's a scam, but it may seem believable to newbies, as my mail got sent from... support@yahoo.com I know how people can spoof email adresses, so of course, me, knowing that I never did anything wrong, assumed it's a spam. It has spam written all over it.
  19. That's horrible! Well, I've been straining my eyes on the computer since I was 6, and all I got was like Grade 50 farsightedness on ONE eye, and the other was only a measly 25. I guess it's just luck that my eyesight isn't too bad, but still, I hate it when people blame the computer for something that's unrelated! *fumes*
  20. I love everything in it's original form, so I may say manga.Anime is highly detailed with it's enhanced plot, and what not, but Manga reflects what the artist wishes, and Anime is usually derived from Manga.Another problem with anime, is that when it gets translated by being dubbed, people usually have this hatred for dubbed anime. In manga, you'll never encounter this problem. You can also take manga wherever you wish to go. No MBs to waste, no RAM to use up, just storage space and your time! With the growing age of media, it's always good to lie on your bed, relaxed, reading a bit of manga.
  21. BuffyHELP! You're an admin now! No wonder! You're always so helpful and very friendly, not to mention, professional! YOU GO BUFFY!! I hope you do your job just as well, or even better! Best of luck to both of you!Congratulations to you two! *cheers!*
  22. Don't get me wrong, as I'm probably around your age, and I understand how much angst one can hold against some parents. Actually, the relationship between my parents and I is pretty good. It may be because I'm an only child, but that certainly isn't enough reason to say why we have a close relationship.My mom is very understanding to me, we always chat about our lives, and we hang out sometimes. She's really cool. When she has money, she treats me out. But hey, she isn't dorky at all. The clothes she picks out are all from the trends and stuff. She's not a grumpy old lady who refuses to accept the moving times.My dad is very frank, and he loves joking with me. When in the car, he often talks to me about serious issues, and life stuff. I don't reveal much of my personal life to him, but he's pretty interesting to talk with.Despite these, every family has its problems. My dad has disliked my mom since I was too young to remember, and has always been threatening a divorce, which my mom never would accept. It goes on and on, with my dad blaming my mom for just about anything. I sometimes get fed up with my dad, who, when I talked about the issue, put the blame on me!It's just horrible, and thankfully, he's been slowing down a while. I know a lot of people who have similar problems, and they just sarcastically try to pass them by. You should show your parents that you appreciate them. I always show them my affection, no matter how busy I am, or tired I may be. They may look cold, but deep inside, they still care for you, because somewhere in you, there is still the baby they once held and called their own. You're still their flesh and blood. I bet that if you're gone, they'll miss you. Trust me, after all those years that they cared for you as a toddler, they can't just ditch you. Their pride is probably too high to admit it, so help break the ice by small deeds.
  23. Lol! That was hillarious, and yet, so sickening... I actually expected a game, but heh, I finally figured out that no one will take the guy so seriously. Video games aren't the root of 'all' violence. Even before written history, violence has already existed. It's simply a change of trends and apparently, more reasons to snipe at and blame. He said that? Then if that's not an offensive reaction, I don't know what is... How dare he blame video games, when he himself doesn't act accordingly? Aah, I've played games a lot, and I have to say, it all comes down to the person in control of the pad/joystick/mouse/keyboard. We are all different, and it's all up to the person how s/he might act in a certain situation. The question is, "Will you allow yourself to be influenced by it?" If yes, then suffer the consequences, if no, then that's good. After all, it's becoming a stereotype. You can NEVER fight violence with violence, you're just creating a bigger boom. If he wishes to say it, he has to do it in a less intimidating and less aggressive manner.
  24. The guy obviously came here for the sole purpose of advertising the site. Reminds me of stupid spammers who join Yahoo! Groups just to advertise, and also those people who join up on blogs to spam. Aagh! It's burning my eyes!
  25. Not to disrespect you or anything, but I don't know why anyone would make a security website in a free webhost without even a TLD... If you're planning on doing something like that, I suggest you consider upping your site building and advertising skills a bit. It isn't very professional, and a lot of people will doubt it... In fact, I already have, and I don't plan on trying it soon, to be honest.
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