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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. And I was just studying about gene mutation a day ago... I obviously haven't seen something like this before, and I pity the kitten... One minute change in the genetic structure... and poof... a reeeally bad mutation. Oh, and they're probably going to freeze the kitten to analyze what went wrong with its genetic structure. I know that it sounds cruel, but that's the way it works... See something out of the ordinary, analyze it.
  2. I don't think age matters... Heck, I started playing RPGs when I was 6! I've always loved the RPG genre. I didn't bother those mindless shooting games at all. (It kinda makes me boil when my 2 kid-cousins keep giving me "instructions" as though I'm some idiot when playing their shooting games) RPGs are life to me. They make me enjoy... make me think when I play... and most of all, make me have fun than any other genre. I've played RPGs since I can remember, and until now... I'm 15, much more mature than I was then. I think that just proves that age doesn't matter.
  3. Yeah... Go intimidation technique! Well, she's a pretty timid girl... that's why she managaes to leech off others cause of her pitiful state (as it seems). But at least I managed to put her off... for now...
  4. They're not really my friends. They're just classmates... oh, and the sponge girl leeches stuff off me to give to her friends. So when she asks for a paper, she usually asks for about 4 at a time or so... So anyway, she kept borrowing my friend's scissors. I saw she was just using it to cut the ends of her hair! Anyway, when she returned it, and asked to borrow it an hour or so later..."Kim... scissors...""Who's gonna use it."*points at self"Why?""To cut with...""Yeah, but what for...""To cut...""What are you gonna cut?"Then she turned away from me... and I know I was triumphant. I finally managed to put a stop on her leeching deeds... for now...
  5. Ugh. I'm getting similar problems with my forums. First I tried to ban them, but they came back. Then I had most forums accesible to members only. They registered. Finally I had them face the Email verification and the random code. They stopped, thankfully. However I have a forum for guests (updates forum) and they spammed that. That pissed me off and led me to turn the whole forum Member Exclusive.
  6. Any announcements concerning Google/Gmail will come from Google itself. They won't rely on informing us through email, and even if it did, Google certainly won't write unprofessional messages such as that! HOAX is written all over. Plus, I don't think Google will link us to a suspicious external link like that.
  7. Well, first off, I have a classmate who sucks everything off you. I got pad paper, and she keeps asking for sheets! The annoying thing is, she asks for about 6 in one go for her friends. I want to tell her... "Tell your friends to COME TO ME to get the papers! You're no spokesperson!" Another thing is that she loves to hang out with her friends in malls to buy stuff, but not ONCE did she think of buying her own paper! She enjoys being a chronic parasite! This annoys me so much! If she doesn't ask from me, she asks from my friend. One time, my friend only had 5 sheets of pad left. Then, my classmate saw clearly that she was RUNNING OUT OF PAPER, and yet her stupid hand was still stuck out. ISN'T IT GLARINGLY OBVIOUS THAT IT'S ALL GONE!? She pisses me off so much, I wanted to feed her the paper. Putting that aside, I have another classmate who I want to punch in the face. She is obviously... two-faced, and obviously has this smug and fake smile that you want to rip her face open. GRAAAHHH!!! She makes fun of you behind your back, rolls eyes and makes "secret" glances to her friends. Anyway, today we were doing a skit for entreprenuership. I was to sell something, and when one of my classmates playing the vendor said to me, "I want to buy." Then my doggie-smile classmate butted in and said, "Oh, I don't want." Yup, crapy english here, so don't be surprised. No one can understand me speaking english since I talk fast with an American Accent. Boo-hoo for them. Despite me being a Filipino, I can talk in straight english with an American Accent. They think it's flashy. I don't. I was born talking like this. Anyway, I sooo wanted to hit that classmate, cause after she said, "I don't want." My classmates laughed. I laughed with them too, for no good reason. But seriously, I want to rip her open.
  8. Well, I'm a Christian, but not a Catholic. Sadly, I study in a Catholic school... What I hate about it is that they force you to worship/pray (Meh, it's the same thing) to Saints and Mary when it's CLEARLY stated that YOU SHOULD NOT WORSHIP OTHER GODS EXCEPT GOD! When you pray, you acknowledge their "power" but let me get straight to the point... They are merely HUMAN beings who were GOOD people, but that doesn't grant them any explicit power when they are dead.
  9. o.o I wasn't expecting that... But it was a bag of laughs!! It's so funny... I don't know what to say anymore...
  10. It's killing another human being, and a helpless one at that. So what if it's still a zygote? It's now a living cell. No matter how small it is, or how helpless and "unhuman" it may seem. It still is another living person! If for some reason, someone gets to bear a child against their will, and don't wish to take care of it, they should at least put it up for adoption and think about what's best for the child. The annoying thing about human nature is that because it doesn't LOOK bad, they should do it. They may say, "What's wrong with killing an undeveloped baby?" However you may look at it, it's still a human being, you don't need a heart or a brain for it! If you say that the child would have a worse time alive than dead, and you're saying you're doing them a favor, then why not put the child up for adoption to someone who can love them and take care of them? If you wish to become a murderer, then that's your choice. But it's still human. The child did no wrong! What did it deserve to be killed before he/she was born!? If you choose to do this cruel alternative, you have become a heartless killer. The child didn't do anything to you. He/she was created by chance and meant you no harm. He/she was there expecting that s/he will be born and loved by a family. It's murder. Plain and simple. So you'd rather kill a child for your convinience... If you plan to abort someone, you're just thinking of yourself. You only care about comfort and never thought of suffering for someone who did you no harm (namely the baby). If you have been raped and yes, I know how horrible this can be... There are better alternatives to abortion. Just remember... That child did no hard to you. Why should you do harm to him/her? I didn't expect I'll rant here, but sigh... It's a pretty controversial topic.
  11. By holes, do you mean a gateway for malicious codes or a registry messing program? I always use Photoshop for my editing work, and so far, the "worst" error I got was when I was using a lot of memory which led my Photoshop (CS Version) to crash. Well, there was another time when it won't let me do anything, but it was remedied by restarting. I know PS could be a buggy program at times, but I need it so much that I don't mind it's flaws. Oh well, we can't trust anything after all and we can't fully eliminate things like that. We have to live with them. Same with criminals and law enforcers... The better the law enforcers get, the craftier the criminals are. Even if we make improvements, there are things that we don't have power over.
  12. Very nice... though I don't always use mints for refreshments, I didn't know choosing mints is a delicate process. I love mints, the "spicier", the better. A pack of strong mints can be gone in a day with me... Though of course, I do have problems drinking water or eating other things afterwards... I don't know why I ever treated mint like candy. I've only ever eaten the solid mints before, usually the ones in cans. I admit, some mints have a lot of sugar in it, and I don't really enjoy those, so I usually get the expensive ones, but who cares, as long as I'm eating what mint should be, I don't mind. Mint should be minty, not sweet. The next time I go off to buy a pack of mints, I'll be sure to look at the ingredients.
  13. Mine's not really a song, but it's a Game themesong. Right now it's playing the theme from Dragon Quest/Warrior. The ever famous overture theme that started with Dragon Quest/Warrior IV. I love these orchestratic themes! I have some song ringtones, but I prefer game themes for some reason.
  14. Yeah! Xisto is the best! I used to be on a similar host which hosts you for posting in the forums, but all of them went down. When I came across Xisto, I was wary and a bit traumatized from experiencing a lot of downtime, but Xisto got me confident enough to make me purchase a domain name and link it to my Xisto hosted site! The community is also the best! Xisto forever! *cheers*
  15. Haha... yeah, I've seen a lot of topics already ditching this law. Oh wait, it's not even a law. Besides, even if such a law were to exist, it's not like anybody can monitor all the people who are on the web, and no one owns the web. No one can say this country owns it, so laws are generally hard to implement, as the laws are usually restricted to one country/place, but the internet is everywhere! You can use it wherever you are, so Internet laws? Hardly possible.
  16. Whee~ Edit is finally here! I don't need to pester mods to change my post just because of this seemingly unnoticable typo I made... Such bliss I feel!!! I feel the power! Hahahaha! It feels like I can erase things written with a permanent marker. *goes off to boogie*
  17. Hm... Yeah, I never really noticed those kinds of things before... Now that I think of it, it could be sending out a bad message to kids. Then again, most cartoons show such behavior, so I don't think this may cause that much of a difference...
  18. Uploading movies to Rapidshare? Isn't that illegal unless you have the copyright for the movie itself? Let me redefine illegal when used in the context of files on the web.Sharing/Putting up Copyrighted and Commercial material for download:Things that you didn't make yourself and have a copyright aren't supposed to be distributed freely over the web. The people who made the file need to get their credit and money. Doing that hurts their business... Instead of gaining money from what they did, they don't gain as much as people are distributing it for free.Got that? Now let's all use helpful file hosting services like Rapidshare to good use~!
  19. I got Gmail by requesting in a forum. Well, I did sign for that newsletter thing before, but I wanted my Gmail ASAP, so when I had my Gmail for a few months, my invitation finally came through mail, but of course, I have no use for it now~
  20. Aww... it's so cute (being so small)... It looks good to me, though I think you should've worked on the spacing of the letters from each other. Because some are too far apart, it doesn't look consistent. But overall, I like it.
  21. Yeah, I've seen a lot of Documentaries on Discovery Channel myself, but I think Nessie's not real. Well, I have my reasons...1. If... say, there's only one Loch Ness Monster existing... Don't you think it's strange that she's (apparently) still existing over these years? Isn't it a strange lifespan? Or it's just being kept alive by hoaxes...2. If there are male and female Loch Ness Monsters, they would probably breed. Sure, they're supposedly elusive, but if they DID breed, I don't think it's gonna be hard to spot one of their offspring.If they Nessie did exist... Someone must've seen the last of her a long time ago, but didn't document it, sparking a series of hoaxes and other "sightings". If she did exist, she must've died and left nothing to replace her. It's a pretty interesting and controversial topic after all... I'd love to delve into it further, human nature kicks in...Of course, I can always be wrong, but I long to see the day where hard evidence of Nessie's existance is revealed. It'll probably when we have really advanced technology.
  22. Well, I'm a girl myself, and these are stereotypes. Some girls, DO like monster trucks, and other mechanical stuff... We don't all live in rainbow pony pink land where everything is pretty. Some of us go beyond the said stereotypes. I did find most of them funny, though.
  23. Haha... I never really used Hotmail that much. Everyone else here had Yahoo! in their eyes. Not really the best, but it's better than Hotmail, that's for sure. In fact, I hardly used Hotmail, that my account expired on me countless times, and I have no reason to bring it back again. I'm currently sticking to my Gmail, which is good enough for me, and my Yahoo! public email address. I use my Gmail for work and personal conversations, and my Yahoo! for my site and other misc. things that require my email address. I only use my Yahoo! as a decoy, cause I don't really care if it gets spammed. Hotmail? Blegh...
  24. Well, first off, I'm not religious, but I do defend my religion. Personally, I think they should stay out of this, because what is taught is THEORY and it doesn't mean that just because its TAUGHT, that the people immediately BELIEVE in it. I think they're too skeptical.I'm in a school where my religious beliefs crash with the majority, and I've learned to bear with it ever since, but no matter what they teach me in school, I still stick to my own principles. Like I said, it doesn't matter what is taught, what matters is how you actually feel about it! You can't let your principles change easily just because it's taught, right!? By the way, I suggest that you people stop bashing the "religious" people too... They may be skeptical, (I personally don't like it) but you shouldn't judge people for what they believe in.
  25. It's very nice, Opaque! Though, yeah I kinda miss the shoutbox, though it'll probably be up soon. I'm just gaping at the new text formatting tools right now... It's so cool! We need a fresh look every now and then, huh? I feel like I'm using a text formatting program when typing this out.
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