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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. icemarle


    I've never had this happen to me before, cause when I do answer questions in class, I do them when I absolutely have to, or when I see no one else answering. However, if it bothers you that much, and if your friendship is tried and true, I'd confront her and tell her how I feel about what she's doing. Sure, it's easier said than done, but you can really see how far your friendship's gone. But it sounds more like a joke to me, to be honest. But yeah, if it really bothers you, you should go to her and tell her about how you're feeling. You're not alone! I know I'm a nerd... All my "real friends" don't have my interests. They don't know I edit and translate manga, toy around with computers... tamper with electronics... Plus, it's pretty strange since a girl does those things, earning me the title of the "set-apart geek". I don't know what TV shows they're talking about. Sorry, I watch a lot of Discovery Channel... It's hard going through with people who don't care about your interests. It sucks, but I have to mow through it... Plus, I'm in an all-girls school... So I shall say farewell to Shop Classes and Electronics. I've been meaning to get away from that school, and my classmates are all two-faced. Hold on, I've gone off-topic... Hmm, maybe I should start my own rant next time. It could take a load off my chest...
  2. Hmm, Hotmail seems too be doing well being stubborn... But then again, I wouldn't want to waste my time challenging tough competition either. Why should I need to upgrade space when there're already 2 companies battling it out? Besides, Gmail is already winning. I'd focus myself on other things... However, it could also make Hotmail lose revenue... But since they're part of Microsoft anyway, Hotmail is the least of their worries... It's not like Gmail and Yahoo! have their own software company...
  3. They "officially" make it public, though it isn't in a way that you'd expect it to. But considering how many invites they give out per account, it looks like they've gone public already. I don't see the point. They can just ask for an invite from someone who already has Gmail... Most people aren't fond of giving their mobile phone number, because they might get spam messages...
  4. Even Hollywood? Pretty strange that Hollywood would make a movie without adequate research. Ugh, if there's anything I hate most of all, it's ignorance. They keep stereotyping people. "Wait, isn't this supposed to be a Japanese movie? Why do we have Chinese actors?" "Who cares, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, they all look the same." I hate people with that type of mentality.
  5. Being bored, I came and watched some TV... Western TV, that is... Then I tune in to this cartoon. Everything goes well until they do a spoof of an anime. (Yu-Gi-Oh) Not that I like Yu-Gi-Oh, I was just plain annoyed... Obviously, in western-style animation, they animate their characters by mimicking the opening of the mouth... Like you can see when the character says "Oh" the mouth is rounded and the lips move. Anime on the other hand, is sometimes just a triangular mouth opening that closes and opens without having the move the lips all the time. Anyway, back to my rant. So that episode was supposed to be a guy addicted to a spoof name of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and there was the anime spoof. The obvious rounded animation of the lips are seen. And you know what they did? They made it like a dub. You can see the mouth open first before you hear the voice. Which means they are mimicking a "bad" dub. Lagging audio. So are they saying that all anime is no good because there's ALWAYS a lagging audio in dubs!? I personally have no preference in dubs, but in what they were showing, that made me so pissed off. I know some dubs do have lagging audio, but it's like they were saying that anime is crappy. I felt like throwing the TV that moment, but the TV is on a cabinet, so I couldn't reach it. Another part of my rant was when I watched another Western Cartoon. They make it like some Japanese comes on an exchange. The guy had thin eyebrows since it's a trend in Japan, and came in a cool red jacket. His voice was LOW... and sounded adult. Not very realistic for a high school student... Anyway, that's not the story... He was only there to make one of the main characters go to Japan... Anyway, they were fighting on some remote mountain (another character), when the other main character got a good hit, then there was this small scene of the main character with a peace sign and the eyes. It was so annoying... Plus, they played this tune... I can't make you hear it here, hehe, since this is a forum, but that theme is something that is commonly played... Ahh hard to explain... I just wanted to rant about these stereotypes about anime. Someone should educate the people who make these cartoons...Anyway, this is the end of my rant. I hope you understood it...
  6. Well, the main reason I set up my site is because I want people to actually enjoy it and look around. I don't like visitors who just go to the index page and leave. Plus, if people just visit your site so they can get money, wouldn't that make your bandwidth limit be easily reached? I don't see the point in this, unless you don't care about who visits your site and like using up your bandwidth limit. I think the money you earn wouldn't be much either... So what you get are visitors who don't give a d**n to your site, a lot of bandwidth used up, and a measly amount of money, if ever. I just don't see the point in this...
  7. Ah yes... I've had a lot of experiences like that before. I was in the middle of a great dream about my crush, when my mom woke me up. Another disappointing thing was when I was dreaming I was in a role-playing game as a hero. Now, I've always wanted to dream about something like that. I sometimes lull myself to sleep by imagining I was a heroine in some kind of game. Of course, there was this delicate matter of school, so my mom woke me up again. Why do all the good dreams have to happen when there's school!? Anyway, if I try to continue those dreams, they just don't happen, no matter how hard I try. It's rather disappointing, really... Another annoying that that once happened to me, was I had a nightmare about a statue in the courtyard of my previous school. The stone statue was walking towards me in the middle of the night. I tried to scream in my dream, but nothing would come out. I suddenly remembered... "Hold on, I have a voice... Why can't I scream here? This must be a dream." Thus, I woke up at 2AM. I was so sleepy! My eyes wanted to shut, but I remembered that sometimes, dreams continue... And the annoying thing is, dreams that you don't want to continue are the ones that do so... And the dreams that you WANT to continue dont... I didn't want to see that nightmare again. It was so freaky... So I had to struggle to stay awake... It was hard, as I was very sleepy, but in the end, I managed to stay awake long enough for the dream not to continue.
  8. Wow... I never imagined that technology will end up like this someday. And the thing I can't believe that it was cheaper than the conventional stuff we use now. If they managed to do stuff like that, who knows what other stuff they could do in the future... Pretty soon, the technology we've been seeing in movies or reading in books might just be a few years or now, hiding around the corner. Who knows, despite having impressive technology, they might even end up cheaper in the future since the builders might find better and cheaper materials to work with! *eye sparkles*
  9. I heard 30gigs was shady... Actually, I have a 30 Gigs account, but I don't really feel like using it. It looks like Squirrel Mail to me. Plus, I'd rather rely my mail on Google, since it's done a great job so far, despite its occasional screw ups. It's been around long that I can trust it. Gmail is real in the sense that you can have up to the space they tell you you'll have. They don't joke with you and give you a crummy 200MB space... If Google did that, then they'll be in hot water.
  10. Hm, where I live, Yahoo! Is all the rage. When they ask your email address, they immediately assume it's a Yahoo.com one. Well, I'm the type of person who doesn't like to follow trends, especially from classmates who don't know what computers really are... So I tell them... "I'm icemarle at yahoo, gmail and hotmail (probably got suspended in hotmail).com." They get shocked that I have a different email provider from Yahoo... I go tell them, "Have you heard of Gmail?" they reply, "No." I go on with my geeky rant... "It had about 2.5GB of storage." (Now they don't know what that is...) :DAnyway, I was glad when I got Gmail. I use it a lot for my editing work, recieving certain files and for communicating with my personal stuff. The Yahoo mail I got? It just collects spam. Basically, it's my public email address, so I don't care if it gets spam. I I keep my Gmail a secret, however... ---> I don't say my Gmail in public with the standard @provider.com however, Can't let those spammers mutilate my precious Gmail! Notice from mayank: Edited as reported.
  11. For some reason, I made the name Baba...When it got translated back it came back as:The breast of the drunk sponge cake is pretty.O_o Now I feel like I chose I good name XD Hahaha, drunk sponge cake!? Could anyone say why Baba became something as bizzare as a drunk sponge cake?
  12. Wow, why were they poking around your stuff anyway? If they were real friends, they'll respect you and your belongings. Anyway, if I were your online friend and a situation like that happened, I'll understand, as you'll never know what's going on behind that screen in the first place. Plus, if it happened to me, It'll be a relief if people understand. Just tell your friends not to poke around with your stuff though...
  13. Hahaha! Try this one! Translate it to Spanish and back again.Baba's mom is pretty.I kept laughing, and now my cheeks hurt.
  14. Well, this may seem a bit unrelated, but my grandfather smoked a lot. I was living in his house for a few years, so I was exposed to it. Then, I got acute bronchitis from the second-hand smoke. I'm not a smoker, but I have to suggest... the best way to avoid serious consequences in the end is not to smoke in the first place. I know how hard it is to do self-control. In fact, I've tried to tear myself away from procrastinating... It was no joke... But think about the consequences that might happen. If you smoke, not only do you do damage to yourself when you get hooked, but you also get to harm people around you... Like what happened to me when I got my acute bronchitis... All you need is self-control and a lot of determination!
  15. Another one? No thanks, I got sick of playing RO long ago. Now I just play Albatross18 every now and then. Golf is good! Plus, it's addicting and fun to play.
  16. It's probably not his fault. He might be hosted on a domain which also uses adsense. Another possibility is that some twisted person kept on <- snipped -> because of spite or possible ignorance. I doubt that second one, but I think that being hosted on a sub-domain might have something to do with it. Since it isn't true, as you said, your friend should go and complain to Google. It might take a lot of time, but it's always a good thing to clear ones name.}
  17. Wow, that's big time... Suing the largest software company because of a flaw in the Xbox... It's another money-making scheme by Microsoft, make faulty hardware and earn more! I don't know how to react to the guy who sued Microsoft... I don't know wheter to say he was a genius or a stupid. Suing big companies can be very hard, since they'll do a lot to save face. They'll probably bribe him or something. I hope he doesn't give in if they ever do that to him, but I sure want him to win the case.
  18. icemarle

    Bonsai Kittens

    Hehe, I've seen this a long time ago, and it's a hoax. I was about to suggest the Snopes site, but someone beat me to it, hehe... Besides, if someone might get ideas... It's impossible anyway, plus, I think only a derranged person would attempt to do that. If someone DOES attempt to do that, that's up to his doing, he must be prepared to accept legal action.
  19. I'm not surprised. Sure, I love HP Printers, but I have to admit, the All-in-One thing is a no go. I've been fond of its features, especially the scanning and copier options. It all went well for a while, when it suddenly got a Scanner Failure. Weird... That never happened before, and I didn't use the scanner much before that. Great, the first person to experience it was my dad. Since I usually use the PSC (Printer/Scanner/Copier) he blamed it on me.With that done with, I needed to scan some manga for my manga scanlation team. Lo and behold! In the middle of the process came forth another scanner failure! I searched around the web and found out that I wasn't the only one experiencing this problem. Turns out you have to remove some black box from the PSC. I told my dad about it, and he opened it up, cleaned it a bit, but for some reason, didn't remove the black box. It worked like a charm for a few months, when it worked up again. I was furious, but as it turned out, the times when the PSC didn't work came in completely random. Now it works... for now.It was a good thing my dad got me a new scanner which didn't seem to have a record. Sure, it's still an HP scanner, but now I know that the All-in-One series might be tempting, but you should use it at your own risk, especially if you use it for the main purpose of the scanner. Notice from rejected: Changed "our" to "out", as requested.
  20. Interesting. Now I'm a Firefox user myself, and I really don't like IE, however, I think Firefox is getting a bit overrated lately. Not that I have anything against it, but, I'm just noticing... Anyway, that's the end of that useless rant... It's nice to know Google affiliated with this. I have an adsense account myself, so this could be a good break. Thanks a lot freesoul!
  21. That's interesting news... I don't like the idea of sparing cooking oil just to run a car, though... I don't think it'll be enough, and oil isn't really cheap... :PWell, you can get mutiple uses for one item, that's good, but I think it's better when we start using alternative energy sources. Hydrogen powered cars are already being developed, and they run without a combustion engine, so that means more room. You don't need pedals, as everything is electronically controlled from a gamepad-like steering wheel. Plus, the chassi is small, so it can fit in any size of vehicle. General Motors is doing it, I think...
  22. I've seen the first flying car made by an individual. I kinda forgot the name and the car model name , but I saw it on Wired Next Fest in Discovery Channel. I can take off like a helicopter and fly like a plane. It's going to be FAA approved soon, I heard. They plan on using it for rescuing people from burning buildings and stuff. There's probably one word I can use to describe it:Cool
  23. Wow, this is very useful, since I use Firefox and a 56K connection. Yay, I can finally surf faster! Plus, this is more useful than those cache-using software that has been said to boost speed. Good job! I wish I knew enough to tweak stuff too, hehe... Thank you soooo much, kashvet! I get surfing boost from my dial-up, YAY!
  24. Who knows? They just might put up an option like that in the next version... I'd really like a Fast reply for PHPBB too, since I have my own forums made with that... I'd get IPB myself, but I don't want it to be remotely hosted and I don't want to pay for it. Other kinds of forums have the Fast reply immediately, and you don't have to click anything for the Fast reply to appear. Hmm, I guess we have to live with this for now, or just transfer to a new forum maker...
  25. Yeah, ever since I found Xisto, I'm not living with the constant fear of bad service. Besides the awesome, and useful features it has, the community is fun to interact with. Well, like some anonymous guy before me said..."Veni, Vedi, Velcro""I came, I saw, I stuck with it." I think that's enough to describe what will happen when you join Xisto and see its features and services!
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