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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Hmm... Well, first of all, I don't usually go there because GameFAQS has all I need. I always thought of GameSpot as a slow site. Anyway, the problem with their rating system is that they have an official rating. Reviews in Gamefaqs come from the members, so one can never say that GameFAQS is to blame for it. It must be their "official reviewer" who gave that rating, and the entire site is NOT TO BLAME. Maybe the game was not entirely up to the reviewer's expectations. Some of my favorite games got low ratings, I didn't complain. What matters is that I LIKE IT. Who cares if some people don't appreciate a good game? Their review can never change your opinion. I don't see why this bothers you so much...
  2. icemarle

    The Gloria Scandal

    Heh, honestly, I don't care if they impeach her or not. Another corrupt guy wil most probably take her place anyway... I listen to their speeches, but it's more like they're flaunting their English vocabulary words (and sometimes) mispronounciations. It's all talk, talk talk, and no good EVER comes out from it. This is so sickening!
  3. OK then, although waiting fills me with anxiety, I hope that it's OK... *waits in hope that it's allowed*Anyway, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who's asking about the same thing.
  4. *points at topic name and your first post* Well, you could've at least asked, "What codes must be used?" or "Do you know of an easy way to do <program>?" Your post doesn't make it sound like you know. (No offence, but please make your posts clearer OK?) Debug your program, just in case it has bugs so it'll work smoothly. Most compilers have this. And no, I don't have recommended sites. (I've never looked for any tutorials sites) I usually read those books, and they have all I need. I took classes, but not for programming, just for HTML. But still, if you're serious and dedicated about this, don't just rely on online tutorials, OK? Anyway, I hope your programming hobby might bring you to nice places and don't forget to have fun! If you don't have fun, you'll lose your focus and your interest. Notice from wassie: Edited as requested
  5. It's not like a magic wand that gives it to you in a flick you know. You need to learn programming. There are many programming languages you can learn. C++, C, Basic, Visual Basic (I've learned Visual Basic when I was 9.) , etc. Basically, you need to learn a code that will execute a certain command or give out variables needed to execute a command in your program. I assume you know HTML. It's something similar, but it's much more complicated. Learning how to program can never happen in a day. You should try reading books about it or taking a formal class. I actually found it funny that you were asking how to create programs... Well, if you want to create those simple programs in a graphically heavy environment, I think Visual Basic will be a nice starter for you. To learn it, read books, tutorials and even formal classes if you're serious about this. Just remember that you have to practice programming a lot until you get used to it and remember the codes by heart.
  6. I see... Well, that news sounds quite good to me so far. I hope we find that post.
  7. I have a domain, but it's not exactly a TLD, uni.cc, but since I have a domain in Xisto, I have an option to having subdomains like subdomain.domain.uni.cc. Here's my question. I want to make some guys use a subdomain of mine. Is this allowed? It's not like I'm charging them or anything. It's a bit like hosting them I suppose... Don't worry, their site isn't illegal in anyway. I just wonder if "hosting" a subdomain for other people is allowed. Sorry if this disturbed anyone in a way.Thanks.
  8. Snopes.com has a treasure trove of Urban Legends. I learned about a lot of urban legends here. You can also discuss about that in their forums. I love that site.
  9. My phone isn't exactly the best, but since I don't often use my phone, it suits my needs. I use Nokia 8250. Well, at least it's light and small! (Just like me! lol)
  10. Well, I wake up at 5:00am, eat and take a bath. I usually do this slowly... so the moment I come out from the bathroom door, the school bus has come and I have to rush. I dress as fast as I can and I don't even have time to dry my hair! Whew... when I finally am on the bus, (I'm the first one to get fetched) I sleep. Even though I usually wake up this early, I'm still not used to it. I get drowsy often... But... I usually sleep at 9-10... I wonder why... As for weekends. I like to wake up late and check out the downloads I've left running the night before. Then, if my mom didn't prepare breakfast, I cook some noodles or burgers, then, I spend the rest of my day doing stuff in the computer.
  11. Well, this isn't exactly about self-defence, but I have an older cousin who does Judo (blackbelt) and competes in international competiotions. One day, he was standing in an isolated area, and this guy looked at him strangely. He glared back. The guy went away... (scaredy-cat) heheThen, my uncle and his family were riding a jeep (common transportation here in the Philippines) He noticed there were suspicious men, and my cousin noticed it too. My uncle saw they had a knife, they wanted to "hold-up" the people in the jeep! My uncle glared at the man and pretended to take something dangerous out of his pocket. In reality, his pocket contained nothing but his eyeglasses, LOL!! The man signaled to his partners and left. That was hillarious, though that wasn't exactly an experience you'd want to remember.
  12. I love playing games, but I also have enough time to do school work and my editing work. When I was a kid I used to play 10+ hours a day, but I sure go potty and sleep for at least 8 hours at 9:00pm! I used to play like that when I was 7-9 But I couldn't imagine someone playing non-stop for 50 hours! What do you get in it if one quits a job just to play games...? He said he'll finish the game, how can he? It's an online game! Finishing the game would mean it'll probably take forever... Wow... 50 hours... *tries to calm down*
  13. lol, Saint Michael... Why not take it down? Copying site content is pure evil and stupidity. It proves how incompetent and amateur you are, taking credit from other people's hard work. I bet that guy wouldn't like it if it happened to him.
  14. Actually, I'm not exactly fond of school, but it's OK in a way. First, you get to learn new things. Education is very important. Then, you get to meet new friends and stuff... But still, the thing I don't like about it is peer pressure. I have classmates always breathing down my neck ready to strike. They care so much about other people's lives that they ruin it for others. I pity the newcomers in my class. (I was one too) I was subjected to severe critiscism. Enough said, I guess... I would'nt want to vent out more than I should.
  15. Urgh~! Content theives are the worst! They know that what they're doing is wrong, but they still don't care, as long as they find a loophole! He should really get a life, making up a site with stolen content...
  16. So you like Chobits... Honestly, I don't like it that much. I find the story, very bland and it doesn't make too much sense to me. Oh, and I don't like main characters like Hideki. He's too naive... (I don't like naive guys) Oh and Chii is really cute too! I like her voice, especially...On topic:I don't like amateur sites with a lot of excess content. Of course, when I was gullible and ignorant (6-9) I made sites that were hazardous to visitors. Frames... (OMG) and many other animated gifs and (gasp) MIDIs played in the background. You know what? I crashed my computer using my site. I suddenly hated updating my site. It was a chore. It took forever to find the content in the code. (Even through searching) I suddenly realized that I was making a monster. No one will want to visit an excessive site. Amateur sites with heavy and excessive content, as I soon realized, were a No-no...Whew, I was suddenly enlighted at 10 years old. I made clean sites pleasing to the eyes and with better content. I realized that this is what the visitors wanted. Then when I transferred schools, I met the classmate I mentioned earlier... *cough* That was last year, I was 13. I can't believe I met someone who didn't care for visitors. She just says whatever she wants, and even writes in Taglish! (Tagalog and English combined in one sentence) She didn't even think that other people from other countries will see her site. When my friends from my old school sign my guestbooks, I tell them to write in English, so that others will understand. I guess my classmate acts that way, because ever since she found out that I had a site, she made one too, and encouraged her friends to do the same... >_< Copycat...Oh, did I mention sparkly cursor trails and blinking backgrounds ? Oooh, I'm so pissed off with that classmate of mine...
  17. I believe there is a similar topic in the Venting forum. I despise those animated gifs and cluttered layouts.
  18. I'm icemarle by the way... ICEMARLE. A lot of people think I'm icemarie, I know, I'm used to it... Yeah! I especially like comedy and shoujo (girl manga). I also study Japanese because I wanted to read my games and talk with my 3 Japanese cousins. (They don't speak English or my language) Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as per request.
  19. I think this is Ki-mu. I'm guessing that's not how it's pronounced in Mandarin though... (I'm Kim) PS, I study a bit of Japanese, and I know how to read Kana and some Kanji... The first character on its own is gold. The next one seems to be a feminine type of character... a girl and mother compound? Could anyone tell me what the next character is?
  20. OK, it didn't seem like you were venting at first, but anyway...Yeah, I hate those kind of sites too... I think overenthusiastic kids made those sites, they don't know better than to keep it simple and make it heaven for their visitors. I was like that once before, but thankfully, I realized that I was also having trouble with my site. (It also crashed my computer) But I have a classmate who thinks she's such a computer genius. She wanted to be a programmer thinking that she's gonna be good, since she's good at math. Wha? I may be 14 but I've programmed every now and then. (VBasic, lame, I know... ) Anyway, she thinks she's such a genius. I made my site when I was 6. (It was simple point and click. No, it wasn't image overloaded as you might think) It was uploaded to the web. (I did that all on my own) But of course, that doesn't mean I'm a good web designer. I'm still template reliable. I'm not good at making my own web graphics for headers. I also need to learn.I've seen her site. DiS iz hOw sHe "tAlKs" tO hEr vIsItoRs. She also has a few special characters now and then. Oh, and she "text" talks with that kind of character arrangement in Filipino, would you believe it!? It's such a hassle. I viewed it with Firefox, and the frames went berserk. It seems that she didn't think there were other browsers out there. She should've said, Best viewed in IE, but no!Oh, and she also has tons of "adopt a---" animated gifs. It's so annoying! I could hardly read her light blue on dark blue text!Ooh, just thinking about how she boasts about her site makes me so angry... I never boast about my site in class, I hardly tell my friends! She thinks she's so elite! Tch.*icemarle tries to cool down*(Yeah, I guess I really turned it into a venting topic hehehe )
  21. Hehehe... :PWhat an obvious ripper... He even took your catchline... ;)Makes me boil mad as well. He will pay, oh yes he will...BTW, did he reply yet? I thought you said you PMed him. Just tell him to change the content, and at least post a link to your site, since he's using your programs and all...
  22. Quite true... A lot of people know Gmail and have Gmail. Heh, even my school principal uses Gmail for work! (It's true! I saw her at the computer when I was asking for permission to join a contest!) I was shocked, since most of my classmates don't even know or care about Gmail. Their lives revolve on Yahoo! and Friendster, and what a shock to see the principal using Gmail, hahaha! Anyway, I'm not gonna be happy when Gmail goes public (with the sign-up page) Some people don't understand the invitation process, and give up and go. If Gmal puts up a sign-up page, more users will come and the service will slow down. In fact, I was downloading a Gmail attachment, and it kept cutting midway. I couldn't even get a decent download! What more if Gmail goes officialy public!?
  23. Woah, this guy must be desperate for content. The fact that he copied yours, I think it's a sign that people like your work, and want to do something like yours. Even if it's not exactly a good thing, it means you're good that people want to copy you. I must be somewhat good... Right? *looking at the bright side for a change*
  24. Not all members use that subdomain, and the member name isn't generally used for the site URL. Some members have TLDs, so typing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ won't be very accurate.
  25. Almost 700 MB isn't exactly VERY small, is it? Hehe, Knoppix is indeed smaller than the full size OS' of today, but saying that it's "very small" wouldn't be too accurate.
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