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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Mine has got to be Friday, because when it's Friday you get this sense of relief. "Whew! Finally I can sleep late tonight because there are no classes tommorrow." I also love Wednesday, because my favorite show of all time air durings Wednesday nights at 9pm on Discovery Channel. Hooray Mythbusters!Saturday would also be a good bet, but I hate the TV shows on Saturday, instead of lying on the bed, watching TV with good laughs, I end up sitting and being alert doing stuff with the computer (Not that it's a bad thing, but I guess I admit I want to lie down all day ). Then again, I also feel good on Saturday, because I can sleep late once again, YAY, still no work the next day!
  2. Exactly what Dooga said. If you're talking about those Commercial ROMS like say, for example, a commercial Zelda ROM, you're not allowed to do that. Since that's commercial stuff, and distributing it would be illegal. If you know something that's illegal, don't even think of hosting it here, because Xisto will never allow such files to be hosted. Unless, of course, if you made it yourself, or it's public domain.Slight off-topic:I believe IPS patches for translations are allowed, though, as those aren't commercial, and made by the ROM hacker/translator. Like, an English translation for a Japanese game, of course, those aren't even ROMS.
  3. I know what 666 is, but I don't get what 42 is for... And what are they together? snlildude?
  4. Hmm... Well, are you sure drums DID originate from there? If drums date back in reference during the biblical times, and people there used it, it doesn't mean that they use it to call on those spirits. After all, it all depends on what you use your instrument for. Sure, we hear all about those jinxed/cursed things that look like ordinary stuff, but in reality, have demons in them. Still, I don't think that the drums of today are used for that purpose or jinxed for that matter. If you use it for the Glory of God, does it mean you're actually calling those spirits thousands of years old? Not likely, for me, at least...
  5. I'm a bit confused here... I don't get it. What's with 666 and 42 together? Notice from Dooga: Your request has been done
  6. Hm... Photoshop can do pretty much anything. To make it blend, go to the picture's layer and play around with the settings. There's a pull-down menu there, and it's initially "Normal" Change that and pick the setting that you want. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you exactly what it is, since I don't have Photoshop open right now. I'm low on memory, and opening it would make it worse...
  7. I couldn't believe I would actually see this happen, but here you go. I was just glaring at it for a while because I was a bit drowsy. This is a Kodak Moment!
  8. OK, how many credits do you have so far? That happened to me once. I just posted about over 7 credits, then I came back some time in the day, and it was back. If not, maybe there's a bug somewhere, and only the admins can fix it.
  9. OK then, I'll put a border. I just came home from school, and I'm a bit sleepy right now... Anyway, I profile them because I feel like they're actual flavors. Like Vanilla, she may seem bitter, but she's actually sweet once you get to know her nice side. Mint, she may seem to high and mighty, but she can add a little freshness in the team. Milfeulle, she's so sweet and naive, but she has this good side of helping people. Well, I feel that people should know about their personalities. I sometimes feel like them because I'm usually cold at school, and somewhat clever. I also become happy-go-lucky when I'm home. So I call them my flavors. Someone once made fun of me and thought I was icecream because of my nickname Anyway, I decided to make different flavors of myself, most commonly seen on IRC. Anyway, I just couldn't resist the urge of profiling. I'll update that sig when I have time. For now... *blinks* I feel so sleepy... *ZzZz*
  10. Geocities... I got hosted once, and never again. I was 11, and I wanted to see why so many used it. I tried it. I was using Tripod before that, I think, and I wanted to try something new. I was doing HTML already. And oh my, I can't stand being babied all the time with site builders. Sure, I would love it if I were younger, but hey, I guess I tried it way too late. It could've been nice though, without the casual style, ads and their bandwidth breathing down your shoulders... If you have a really good site on Geocities, you should leave, because if a lot of people love your site, it'll be down most of the time because of low bandwidth. It's like they only want "unknown sites" (Sorry for the term) that don't get enough visitors. Their bandwidth is ridiculous... *mumbles about bandwidth*
  11. Actually, there is already a thread about it here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho&hl=name+Xisto Please search first before asking a question that you suspect might've been asked already.
  12. Yeah, it is. Well, she's one of the main characters in a not-so-well-known anime called "Galaxy Angels". I happen to be a fan of the anime, they look as it they wait to be sigged, so I just can't resist...
  13. It's that Strawberry_icemarle sig. I decided to give it a little more spice. I don't exactly think it's the best it can be, but it looks fine so far. What do you guys think? It looks like I upgraded the style from the 2 previous sigs above it. Any suggestions? Should I replace or add something? I really think I need to do something else with it.
  14. Actually, there are free things like free tastes in the mall. Are there hidden charges to you there? Guess not... (I'm in a stupid joking mood right now, please pardon me)Oh, and so far, breathing is free for all, and so is Xisto hosting! (I'm getting lame, please forgive me...) So generally, I don't believe that nothing is free. Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as requested
  15. I tell you to stick with Xisto. I was once in Inuration as well, but I was highly disappointed when they went down. I recommend you stay in Xisto. It's been around for a loooooong time now, and the service and community is incredible! Plus, the credits system is a lot different that the one in Inuration. I highly doubt that Xisto will shut down anytime soon, as they also have Xisto - Web Hosting for pay hosting. Xisto gives me all my needs. Stick to this, don't leave. You'll see! :PWelcome to Xisto!
  16. Welcome back, and that's nice to know. Some people leave their accounts for a long time, and they get a lot of negative credit. As long as you can maintain your credits, you'll be fine. Oh, and you're so lucky! a 160GB harddrive!
  17. Well, I showed my dad DSL, and he was amazed. So he'll bring home his Linux CD from the office. He even bought me a Linux book to get started. It's a good thing we have 2 CPUs here. The other one retired because its monitor broke. I'm using this Pentium 4 one. The old CPU is P2, not bad enough for Linux. Guess I'll just share the monitor then... Those small OS are handy for a lot of occasions and can be used to lean more about Linux. I like it! I plan to use Linux soon in the future.
  18. Erm... Sony doesn't sponsor this. The ones giving away the PSPs are not affiliated with Sony in any way. They get money from the advertising in their site and it's enough to pay you with a PSP. Most of the time, it doesn't work, and they get bankrupt. I guess that's what happens to people who think they can take other's burdens when they don't have enough money themselves. Oh, and you have to work pretty hard for such offers. it's best to be safe and sure that you'll recieve your long awaited gadget. Of course, spams are a reality which we can't avoid. It's best to be sure.
  19. Your books are pretty good, especially the LOTR Trilogy and The Hobbit, which I all happen to have. The Hobbit is one of my favorites, actually. I finished it in one day, it was all good! I recommend you read some Roald Dahl books. They made me have a lot of fun when I was younger. (I read them in the library when my mom is late in fetching me...) His books are good for all ages. It has a lot of comedy and adventure in it, teaches morals, and it makes you have chocolate covered and big-sized fun! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG and Matilda are some good things that'll get you started!
  20. You like Dragon Quest too? Actually, I'm a big fan of the entire series including the spin-offs like Dragon Quest/Warrior Monsters. I do hopw that they release a lot more in English, because since it's not known here and popular in Japan, I feel kinda sorry for Square-Enix... (mostly for the Enix part, of course) Of course, some people loathe this game's graphics and give it a low rating. Games are not all about those. Reviews are people's own opinions, and they can make it helpful or damaging. It's up to them.
  21. Wow... to think that the oil providers are saving their oil... It sounds quite ironic, don't you think? They're probably saving to sell it to those who give them more cash. Well, you know how business can be. Sometimes, other people suffer for the benefit of others. This bothers me, as it seems that Iraqi government isn't trying to make the people's lives comfortable.
  22. Hmm, before you say it's a Warez, ask Saint Michael if he bought the brushes. If he did, then it is piracy. If he didn't, then he's sharing PUBLIC DOMAIN (absolutely free and can be redistributed for free). Like I said, warez are for commercial stuff! Things that you buy! Did you just ignore my last post? Of course, if you proved that Saint Michael pirated it, you can say all you want about the brushes being pirated. You can't simply say it like that without knowing whether it is true or not. Sunny, I ask you, have you confirmed this? Notice from cmatcmextra: Fixed quote tags
  23. Those brushes are probably PUBLIC DOMAIN. For example, if you download from a free font site and put up the font in your site and give credit, as long as YOU DO NOT SELL IT, it's not illegal. PLUS, WAREZ are for commercial stuff. Unless Saint Michael bought them, then he's not doing anything wrong. Piracy is only for commercial stuff. Actually, you shouldn't use such strong words right away. You should see if Saint Michael DID pirate the brushes. If you have confirmed this, then you have the right to say such things. You might say that you never blamed him for it, but you're implying it in some way. And if Saint Michael DID pirate them, then you're absolutely right. He should know the consequences. Please don't judge people right away. That's not only for nettiquette, but also in real life.
  24. Well, I was an NPSH "No Permanent Site Hoster" before. I checked Tripod out before, but I didn't like those accursed ads. The ads drove me nuts, and I didn't like the service, so I migrated to Angelfire. I stayed for some time, then I migrated to ad-free hosting for forum posting. I came across several until I found Xisto, which makes me so happy I found it, because it was dedicated. I've been to several forum posting ones, but they seemed to disband after a few months with them. It's hard having to transfer hosts a lot. Well, you're right that Tripod is good for newbies, but they've got to learn HTML sooner or later... they can't always be spoon-fed. But hey, I still think it's better than Geocities! *cough*Bandwidth*cough* There used to be one too... Homestead, I think, which had it's site builder available for download. But you know what? I think it had a virus, because my computer started crashing like crazy since then... Anyway, it's nice to be here! Xisto is still the best!
  25. Weird, it doesn't work on Firefox (well, for me) and the last thing I copied wasn't right when I viewed it on IE. Anyway, thanks for the tip. That's something that people will want to bear in mind, considering that it's an overlooked feature and all. We usually trust the innocent Ctrl+C that we don't know about the flaw it has. Sigh... why does it have something to do with Javascript and the like? It's so annoying...
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