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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Isn't that thing similar to Knoppix? Anyway, live CDs are useful for some backup or educational purposes. If you want to show to a friend Linux on his/her own PC, then you're in luck. But then, it's better getting the OS itself. I have RedHat so far, and I can't use it yet, since the CPU for my Linux OS isn't assembled yet. I'm not gonna use big specs. Just a Pentium 2 Processor and 64MB RAM will do for now... Using Linux isn't as bad as I originally thought. In fact, I used one of those Live CDs before for the sole purpose of "cool" factor. Linux might not do well in the compatibility area, but it does good in the stability part!
  2. That's great news! Finally, I have something I'm gonna look forward to! I'm actually more fond of watching than listening to music, so being able to watch a video will be a plus, since my PPC broke, and I can't watch stuff anymore. Anyway, having the U2 Edition discontinued is a bit sad, since my friend was really looking forward to it. Ah well, guess it's business! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  3. I just got one, YAY! Same thing... but mine got sent from support@yahoo.com. I know how people hack into mail servers and use a different address. This is most definitely a hoax. Also, I saw that the zips were already scanned saying that it is free of viruses, but hey, I'm not that curious to see for myself. I didn't see a blue highlight, as BuffaloHELP suggested. Most definitely a hoax. But still, I kinda like it when people send me hoaxes... Yup, I most definitely am weird! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  4. Well, I've played this game before I even heard of the serious FFT PSX. After I decided to get FFT, since I thought FFTA was addicting, I was hooked. I couldn't put it down anymore. Final Fantasy Tactics PSX was the second strategy game that gave me the medieval feeling, and brought back my love for conspiracy, warriors, knights, and rank. Ah, that game was amazing. I especially loved the theme music.Well, one you play FFT and try FFTA again, you'd be shocked... It's strange to find out that FFTA came AFTER FFT. You'd expect the second one to be better, but instead, it was aimed at kids... Aahh, it can't be helped...
  5. Well, I've always been confident about what services Gmail provides and so far, I haven't been too let down. Sure, there are the occasional hassle of downloading big attachments due to server related stuff, but I understand. I mainly use Gmail to send to emails to my friends, and so far, we sent over 250 messages. There was a point where I typed the occasional rant, but I don't think I typed too much for it to be clipped. Well, clipping isn't really a big issue, at least for now. Maybe they will fix it sometime. With the space they provide, I ask, What more do we need?
  6. Yeah, I was wondering why it was suspended... I thought it was a server problem at first, but I overruled it... I wanted to try it out after a long time, and I hope you get your site up and running again soon...
  7. Anything is better than Internet Explorer, that's for sure. For the past months, Firefox has been a bi overrated, but hey, it's free, and for a free thing that has all these features? What more can you say? Sure there could be some things that other commercial browsers can bypass, but nothing beats the free price! It's good to know that this new version will fix some known problems from 1.0.6. For some reason, in 1.0.6, I can't view my Gmail. I had to go to *GASP* IE, to view it. Hopefully when I get this, my problems will finally be over. (At least I think they will)
  8. It's a bit confusing to tell which is the best, but one of the best would have to be Movie Land in Australia. Sure, I know there're better ones out there, but that's the best place I've ever been to so far. I liked the attractions, rides and thrills. I do wish I could go to Hongkong Disneyland. (It's a nearby country too) I actually joined a contest in Disney Channel to try and become a kid reporter for a few days. I actually made it past the screening and had to take the auditions. Among the 27 who joined, only one girl was picked, and that sure wasn't me. I also went to the Sydney Opera House (outside, though) We rode a boat to get there, and it just happened to be Christmas, also my birthday. We were listening to some performances, when the host aboard the ship asked if someone was celebrating a birthday. Sure enough, my dad, who loved to torture me pointed me and everyone sang "Happy Birthday"! That was so embarassing. Thank goodness, I was 6 years old. If I were my age now, I wouldn't have taken the pressure... I don't recall if I got free cake or food, though... I was still young...I also visited this farm, where you can have your picture taken with a koala. I can't believe I missed the chance! My dad urged me to have my picture taken, but I was tired and I couldn't believe I said this excuse, "I already had lots of pictures taken! I'm sick of pictures!" That, I would regret til now. I want to see how I could've looked like with a koala... Then again, I remember seeing a documentary about baby koala's eating their mother's poo to get some antibodies. Hmmm, maybe not... Anyway, I want to go to more amusement parks and some place with cool and clear water. I don't want to go to beaches anymore. I learned my lesson. I got tanned when I didn't want to, and now, I suffer the consequences seeing my swimsuit outline... It's horrible...I also heard I went to Boracay, one of the best beaches here in the Philippines as a baby, and I still see the pictures... it's a reeeeally good place to be in, but since I don't really remember, I guess I can't consider it as the best place I've ever been to. So yeah, I guess it might be the places I've been to in Australia.Sorry it had to be so confusing...
  9. Lol, BuffaloHELP! I was looking at the place, and I don't think I could survive there either. Remember our previous MSN sessions and Xisto kinda became our topic? I don't think I can relate much there. I may know some stuff, but it sure is not enough to get me by! Anyway, Dreamcore, of course it is! But in case you were saying that because you were defending Xisto from Xisto, I don't think there's any need to. Xisto and Xisto were established by the same person, and so is Xisto - Web Hosting. The plans of Xisto and Xisto were meant to be the same. I agree with BuffaloHELP, it must've been a typo. Anyway, sorry if I misunderstood you Dreamcore. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported. And don't sweat it if you misspelled my name
  10. Well, if you wrote a program, it's OK. If it's shareware of trial, it's OK. Just as long as you know it isn't illegal (like WAREZ or commercial MP3s) You'll be fine. No licensed things (things you usually pay for). Just keep this in mind, if you're supposed to pay for it, DON'T PUT IT FOR DOWNLOAD.
  11. Another one... What's with these sick people making all these viruses? Anyway, thank goodness I don't use Messengers anymore, and I certainly don't give out my main email address to just anybody. I hardly open attachments without making sure that it's absolutely secure. Anyway, this virus seems to be really bad, so thanks for the tip~ I really appreciate it! I'll be even more cautious and wary...
  12. Haha, nice idea. Though I highly doubt they'll send you another flawed one. Anyway, I tend to steer from ordering online, because you never know what goes on in the internet. I keep hearing about scam stories, so I generally became cautious about seeing these two things together.Internet <---> MoneyAnyway, I think that when I finally come of age, I can try and break free from the curse. The only thing I ever bought online was my domain name, http://www.strawberrymint.com/ from a local *in my country* online domain seller. I paid it through a bank deposit and I got my domain the same day. I know, I know, I'm still overly cautious, but it's better than being too carefree, right?
  13. Well, frames generally cause much of the problems on sites. I can atest to that, because I once used frames, and it sure caused a lot of problems! You may suggest your friend to use a site with more tables, and less frames. Plus, I agree with Tyssen. Using frames can affect your site being found in search engines, unless you don't really care much about people visiting your site, then it's OK. Another thing, frames generally tend to have problems when bookmarked. Plus, in badly designed pages, frames don't go away when you leave the framed site. Sigh... Of course, frames can be very pretty when utilized by an experienced and a good web designer, but if you want to lose as much problems as possible, lose the frames. Geh, I think I just ranted about frames again. *Come on icemarle, you have to take your diagnosis to prevent sudden explosions of frameophobia!* Sorry, I'm in a happy mood right now.
  14. Spybot S&D does the job well enough for me. Since Adwares, etc. are pretty sneaky, it's best to keep yourself protected by getting the most you can. However, it's all up to your discretion about which sites you should go to, etc. Since I hardly surf the web, because I spend too much time on IRC channels and in Photoshop, I'd have to say one is good enough for me~! Thanks for the link, though. I think I've seen that one by Microsoft before but I was too lazy to try it since Spybot does the job for me.
  15. icemarle

    Usb Ports?

    I thought there was only one standard size for USB ports. Maybe you're talking about a COM port or something, I've seen those in some laptops and can certainly be described as "too wide" Try getting those cables from some printers and see if it fits. (The wide ones) Then, it must be a COM port.
  16. Hm, well, you can go to the FTP, and access your Public_HTML folder. Then, you should be able to upload your index.html there. Don't put in in any other folder. If an old index.html exists, overwrite it. Make sure that it's in the Public_HTML folder or WWW.Then, you should be able to view your index file as a homepage when you type your site URL. If it doesn't show up type Refresh. If it still doesn't then beats me...
  17. Saint Michael, that's mean. Then again, two wrongs won't make a right. Heh, if Stone Cold 3:16 will do that, he/she will probably draw attention from the teachers or something and might get into more trouble than the girls. We wouldn't want that to happen won't we? If you react, they'll probably go like, "Oooh, <name> is getting maa~d." Or something like that. I've seen things like that, and it'll make you more pissed off. Just leave them alone to rot in the corner or something. Make them pissed when you ignore their obvious attempts te get an entertainment of seeing you pissed OK? That's torture for me anyway.
  18. Geh, and I thought my classmates were worse. Just ignore them. Don't even pay attention to them. When you get pissed, they'll enjoy it, plus you'll hate them, and they won't. That's the problem. You end up shouldering the consequences of anger but they don't care. Just ignore them until they get bored with you, or make them upset at you for not caring. Since "everyone" seems to hate her. You don't have to worry. If you can't take it anymore and stand up to them, someone might defend you. Anyway, you really shouldn't care much about those kinds of attention-seeking brats. If you pay attention to them, you'll give them what they want.
  19. icemarle

    George Bush

    Wow, I never knew he did all that. Since I live in some other country, here I was thinking that US was better-off... WAAY better-off than we were. Guess I was partially wrong. Here, we have a president who wasn't elected on her first term, but became president due to illegal rallies to force the previous president (who was reported to have spent the people's money gambling) off the throne. Then, she didn't do much good! Then, when the next elections came up, she CHEATED! And she publicly admitted it! Now our economy here is plunging... Well, I admit that I knew Bush started a pointless war in the first place. What did Iraq have to do with it! If the deed was done by a person and his lackeys, does it mean that a whole country is to be responsible? I don't think so. I mean, if an American did destruction to a vital building in one country, does it mean all Americans are to blame? Definitely not! Plus, you don't have to wage a war in a snap. War isn't pretty, and people who try to solve decisions recklessly by starting war end up corrupting themselves. Was it all to draw attention to America and make them heroes?Did you notice that when a "good guy" kills a "bad guy", instead of bringing the good guy to jail for murder, the good guy gets all the praise and becomes a hero? Did anyone consider that the "bad guy" has a family and children to raise? Did anyone think that the people close to the "bad guy" will suffer for doing nothing? But if the bad guy kills a good guy, the bad guy goes to jail.It's such a horrible thing to think about. Because of proclaimed self-righteousness, you have no right to pay for your actions.
  20. My name is icemarLe, by the way, to clear any misunderstandings and icemaries... Anyway, I got my name from Marle in Chrono Trigger, a game in SNES and it also has a port in the PSX. She has ice powers, and that's where I got the "ice" part.
  21. Congratulations~! I'm sure you're greatly relieved that it's finally over. I still remember when you were hyping it a bit... Glad to find out that it worked. Just rest and keep yourself fit and healty. I heard that fit people are most likely to survive operations. It seems you're fit. Anyway, best of luck and a speedy recovery to you! Don't forget to help yourself by strengthening your body as well!Get well soon~!
  22. It looks nice, but I agree that you DEFINATELY have to slice the images. I mean, slicing won't really take much time to do, and it will save your site from impatient users with slow connections. I use dial-up, and it took me some time for the whole site to get loaded. Generally, the site looks pretty neat, surrounded with my favorite color and all... But hey, it looks pretty refreshing to look at. But, the chair and table seem a bit out of place. Maybe make them match the sides. But since it's supposed to be about furniture, I think you should change the theme, it looks like a nature or reflection site. But you did a good job on it, though. If you decide to change it, you should still keep that layout in store for other sites you'll make.
  23. You might think I'm weird, but I ALWAYS get a huge adrenaline rush when I'm logging on the game. I'm so excited to get started that I get hyper... (No really)I also got a huge rush when playing Ragnarok Online. I was a LVL75 Wizard battling against a LVL90 Blacksmith with a Doppelganger Card. I kept steering out of his way, at the same time, casting Lord of Vermillion on him. (He just won't die yet...) Anyway, I think I teleported in the end, because he was making me so angry... He eventually catches up to me and strikes me with a lot of blows with the Doppelganger card's power. Sheesh, I gave him that card... Anyway, I also get to heal myself, thanks to the Vitata Card . But still, fighting with that guy gave me a huge rush.
  24. Nice, then that's one thing out of the way... Hm, now that's a pretty hard situation to be in now... Maybe you could hangout... Just the two of you, and bring her to a romantic place. Then you tell her that you want her to be your girlfriend. If you're a bit shy in confessing, you can try writing her a letter. It depends on her likes, of course... Because I know someone who confesses to her using letters hidden in her things. Once, her cousin borrowed her book, and when it came back, it had a love letter from the guy next door. Apparently, she didn't like the guy's style... So she charged the guy and told him he was "cheap", sending love notes hidden in books... I guess that's just her. Maybe you can try asking your friend about how she likes love letters to be sent indirectly. Maybe, say it's for another girl, but in reality, for her. I'm not sure you can get the courage, though... I do wish you luck. In the end, it'll all be up to you. Just be yourself and don't act nervous, or you might end up revealing your agenda way to soon.
  25. I'm a girl, and I can show give you tips on what an average girl might like. You can try to befriend her first, if possible, or when you're in the same class as her, and she seems to have trouble with something, help her out, and act normal. We can tell if you're nervous, or are just using scripted lines. Plus, don't offer her things in public too much. It will probably make her feel embarassed, especially in front of friends. That's a big no-no. Try to find her alone, and strike a simple conversation, like "Can you believe that teacher?" and many other things that seems natural... She'll feel at ease, because no one is there to tease her that a guy is talking to her... Getting to know her better, her attitudes, and her usual hang-outs is a good thing. You can get to learn more about her, and you can figure out what kind of girl she is. We also like guys who don't force us to do anything. Don't force her to do something she doesn't want to, she might start disliking you. If you want to "thank her for the other day" by giving a gift and you guys haven't been close yet, most girls will get suspicious and figure out that you're wooing them somehow. No, seriously, only give gifts when going out.Oh, and this one, you shouldn't forget: BE YOURSELF!We usually don't like it if we find out that your attitude is just a mask. We don't like two-faced people, and we never will. Make sure, that you show, even your bad points when you guys get together for some time. Because if you don't show your true self and the girl believed your lie all along, there's a huge possibility that you guys will break up. Learning your bad points can also be a room for improvement. Make your girl know them, and she can help you out.Oops, I think I went a bit too far... Anyway, I'm sure there are more tips you may need. I hope you make her fall for you! If she doesn't she's not for you, don't force love OK? There might be someone else for you out there.
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