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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I have been a memeber of Xisto since march of 08 and I have had my site on other hosts since early 07. Today I was about to breakdown and get a real domain name, and found out that that the name of my site is already taken by a blog. and catch this! dealing with weather here in NJ and PA!this really "Beeps" me. mainly because there is nothing that I can do about it. When I came up with the name echo of thunder that name was not being used. True I could just uses echoofthuner.com but I know somewhere down the like people would be confused between the two site. I really am at witts end here. I would hate to see my blood pressure now thats for sure. I try my best and what happends? I get shot down in flames.
  2. Well as some of you may have noticed I have been around the forum more than normal lately. Reason being I fell and busted my knee. In the last 4 days I have become so bored, I was wondering what everyone here does when they get bored?I have read every book in the house. surfed the net, even looked into some online courses to take.
  3. Wow that is great. I know my share of HIPPA " a long story" it does have it's problems though. I remember hearing a story when Hippa first started of a young boy that was hurt riding his ATV, taken to a small hospital in the country. they the small country hospital could not take care of his needs so they sent him to a hospital in the city. Well the bigger hospital needed some info on the boy so they called the other hospitalm then was told that they could not give out that info due to HIPPA!That was given to me by word of mouth so I am very unsure if it really happend or not. BUT, I will bet you anything that when HIPPA did first come out, it had so many problems with it. just like the ADA American Disabled Act did
  4. Seeing this reminds me a lot of myself. I too have been in a realationship long distance over the net for going on 2 yrs now. I am from the USA and She from the Phils. She and I do love each other greatly and do also talk on the phone at least once a week. We know that chances are we will never really meet in person, but she and I both do have faith in whoever may be above. That is my advice to you. Gotta have faith, and things will always work out for the best for both of you.
  5. Willie Randolf a good Idea? What a joke. He was one of the reasons the Mets did so poorly at the start of the season. Other reason being the Bullpen, 2 players I will not go into because if I do I will surely be banned for life for saying how I really feel of these two pitchers who could not even throw a sandlot pick up game with 6yr kids. What the Met's should do this winter are 3 things 1 better Pitching 2 Dont Trade off these new kids that have brought up from the minors. 3 and this is the most imprtant thing. Play as a TEAM. Not who can get the most homers or RBIs and maybe get that 1986 attitude back. They are the best team in all of baseball I feel.
  6. I agree too on it was a good idea of reporting. but it makes me think though, just how offend does this happen? here in the us and in other countries? scary thought that some nuke sub could be out there and something bad happen. Like the movies Gray Lady Down, Or Red October.
  7. well the way I feel of Obama and taxes?he could fix it, but he only has 4 yrs to do it. Even less really, because the 1st year everyone is gonna be testing him. His last year he will be campaining so that really leaves him just 2 yrs. and with how things are. it will take longer than that just to fix what Bush has done to this country.Also too. The House and Senate. Will they let him do what he has to do to fix all this?Willing to bet the farm they dont give him any leeway on anything without a big fight.
  8. Way to go Viacom. Yes there is so much stuff on youtub that shouldnt not be there, that is trademarked, and was upladed without the okay of they owners, or the people in them. But can youtube servive this lawsuit? maybe. I honestly feel Viacom is doing the right thing in this. But Youtube should have also checked there uploads more to stop what is copy written and being used without the okay of the powers that be.On a little differnt note though, Now youtube should go and sue some of these Youtube look alikes. I am not gonna even give there links due to the things on these sites You tube had a great thing going, but as we all know sites come and go so quickly here in the net. one day its youtube next myspace then facebook and so forth.but that is getting away from the story above. All I can say is way to go Viacom
  9. Thats the best thing to do. Sadly Water and laptps or any computer dont mix. Yet you never know too, in a few months of trying out. it could work Seen it before. but would not pray for it. Good luck
  10. kinda doubt it will happen Ruben. been noticing it really don't take that long for mycents to build up. that is as long as they are good posts and not spam.
  11. lmao I happen to run across this thread and I had to laugh. why? I got this same E mail twice last week. Yes it is a scam along with any other "lottery" e mails you may get. I know for a fact that this one has been going around the internet for over 10 yrs in some form. Sorry your just a poor slirp like me lol
  12. That is a very good question. Myself I would give some to the church as well. then unlike some winners of a lottery I would invest say 5 mil in a good 401K that would leave me 4 mil so with that I could pay all my bills maybe take a trip to some far off land that I know I will never see. and with the remainder? bank it and live off the interest. That is if Obama don't raise my taxes. But this is just a dream. Thats what I say I'd dp if I won the lottery. who really knows what I'd do. most likely something stupid like blow it on a 10 million supper dupper computer. or buy something that I really dont need or would never use.myself I am more they kind of guy that is not really happy with a lot of money. too much to worry about. I mean there so many scammers around that look for lottery winners just to try and scam them out of a few bucks. who needs it? not me
  13. that sums it up nicely, sounds to me as your heart is trying to tell you and not your butterflies. so go with your heart. Cleaning up a old saying due to the beeps. think with your heart not your Brains.
  14. I was reading this from yahoo news. Vid link of sub You would think they would have better Subs by now.
  15. I installed YaFoo 9 about 2 weeks ago. had no problems what so ever with the install. but have found a few glitches though. and things I do not like. Glitches even with the Java fully updated it is a little slow, Could be because ver 9 could be more for the Vista than XP home. Who knows I did not even bother to ask.Even with it set to keep a log of messages it deletes them sometimes. no biggy reallythe things I do like arethe skins and how you can change them.
  16. I know. just kinda erks me. yahoo chats did not used to be that bad or yahoo games. used to be a place you did not worry if you had kids and they was there.
  17. okay for the 1st time in a while I went to Yahoo games to play a few. when I got there I found out that they have installed CAPTCHA to help stop the bots. I found out that it has not stopped them but stopped many people who do go there to play games. ITS A JOKE! I then did something I nenver do, went into chats. it was the same way. Before I could even type in Hi all, I was hit by 7 or 8 Messages asking to go to a porno site! so does CAPTCHA work? No. all it does is slow you down and run people away. this really makes me mad too. yahoo used to be a good place for everyone. now they have changed everything around for the worse. Can not see why Mirosoft wanted to buy them out in the 1st place. nothing but a usless waste of bandwidth if you ask me now.
  18. That does sound good. fater than the old hand cranked way too. Maybe even add some Nuts?
  19. Well just a little while ago, it was my turn to walk our dog. As we walked I noticed something that I have seen every year since I can remember. the fall colors of all the tree. But this year for some reason it reall aw struck me. Every color of the rainbow could be seen. Wierd how it made me feel seeing all this. relaxed and happy like not a care in the world. Like everything was at pece in the world.If you ever have the chance do look at the world as I saw it today. so relaxing.
  20. So will they open a Quiki mart on the moon? sorry bad joke. I have always felt we should not have given up with the moon. If I remember right there was still 2 Appllo Missions to be done before t hey scarpped it for the shuttle.
  21. IRC is your best bet here. that and using something like Pirch-98 is the way to go. There you can make a chat room, and make it private and free for you and your company. Good luck
  22. Now ith Obama comming into office I was thinking. Should he lift the Embargo with Cuba?All that was almost 50 years ago with the missles. I do feel as the us should just let things be and lift it. It's stupid that we still have this embargo after all these years. And with as bad as the hurricanes have hit that small country they need it lifted. I mean here you have a country that is stuck back in time, and just now starting to get into the 21 centry. why not lift it?Yes I know some of you are thinking the US needs to help it's self, that is so true. but wouldnt it be a give give to also lift it?With how things work would not the US give and get something in return? who knows for sure. But I do honestly feel as this embargo has gone one way too long. I say LET IT GO! and lift it and help these people. They have gone through so much this year. Gustav, Ike, and noa Paloma that hit yesterday Nov 8th 2008 with winds of 145 MPHSo what do the people of this forum feel of it? Should Oboma lift the Embargo or let it stay?I feel as he will lift it, he has too.
  23. okay I understand it all now. the one in red keeps track until you get to 100. then after it does you get $1.00 put into your earned. that is great. And to whoever came up with this idea? I would like to say thank you. this is something that I feel is one of the best things that I have ever seen on any forum or anyplace on the net. It really helps the younger people who really can not pay for things without asking mom or dad. also it keeps them wanting to make more posts to build it up even more. This parts should go into suggestions but ever thought of a Xisto store?? maybe some games software hard ware that could also be bought with the mycents?
  24. Well Maxx All that I can say is we all are addicted in someway or another. But I see you said your are addicted to clicking on banners and adds. That my friend can lead to big trouble and problems. 1 viruses and spyware. 2 unwanted junk mail. Myself when I 1st got into computing and forums I was the same way. Within a week I had over 50 viruses and spyware on the pc. and my e mail was filling up faster than I could delete it. My advice would be to make sure you have a good firewall, anti virus programs along with E mail spyware protection. If not? Your computer will most likely be trashed and so full of problems it will be hard to remove. Good luck to ya
  25. okay here is a question with this mycents, after a posting is made and submitted, on the right side of the page you see how earned and then you see in red $can someone please tell me and maybe others of this? I have kind of figured out that the Earned is the true amout but the other amount is what I am curious of.Thanks
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