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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. 13?!!!!! NO NO NO NO No your not. your only a child. if your even thinking of it your mom and dad should lock you up. 13 is way way too young to even think of this.I have to admit I was 15 My 1st time and that is something that I have regretted all my life. now 47.Your 1st time should be with a partner that you really truely love and want to be with forever. but at 13 you really do not know what true love is or even what it is. It took me almost 25yrs to find true love. I just wish I had waited so that I could have given her my virginaty because that is something you only can give once. No matter what people say or think.I beg you. Wait for the right 1
  2. I have had almost the same thing happen to me with my girl. We have worked out our problems and trials, and we just think of this as a Test of our love for each other.
  3. Help I can not log into cpanel. I just upgraded to IE-7 and now I can not get into my Cpanel. what the page is telling me is this. am I the only one with this problem, or does Cpanel just not liking IE7
  4. happy I am not the only one. I am also happy your doing all you can to help. And for all that read this that would like helping. and that live here in the united states only. Sorry UK here is a patition a friend of mine has started on mandatory evacuation. madantory-evacuation-enforcement-for-hurricanes I ask all please sign this. by signing you may save a life. maybe yours.
  5. well honestly only thing I cought was Pink and just 2 word for that. Janet Jackson. No the powers that be did not catch it but I did. Nipplegate MTV Style As for Brittney Queers? Better off staying home. just not a brittney fan sorry,
  6. lol yes the title did catch my eye.but I do agree you cant get nothing for nothing
  7. Okay it has now been 8 days since Hurricane Ike Hit the Texas Coast. and now the media is all over with it and back to there SOS with the race for prez. Don't they realize that this storm was worse that Katrina? Dont the know or even care that there upwards to 2000 missing?Has our Media been told to NOT REPORT THIS? I wanna know what the heck is going on here. Is the race for the white house more of a big thing than the worse hurricane to hit this country since Katrina in 2005. Bad enough so many did not obey the evacuation orders. "thats another thing that pisses me off" But for out press to just put all of this on a back burnner is just STUPID!! I have friends from there that have told me straight up how bad it is. The find a body and leave it, to look for the ones that are alive? Come on people get real. with that storm surge your gonna be finding bodies soon if not alread washing up on the beach.Its the same old song and dance there as with Katrina. No Ice No running water, and the press is blacking this out? HELLO THIS IS AMERICA! Sorry for the caps.Im sorry if this post is a is graphic but it just upsets me to no end that the media is doing this. Has Fema or the feds ordered them not to cover the biggiest news story of the year or what?Something to think about.
  8. Well seems as some like and some dislike Echo-Of-Thunder we have a few members, which is nice. and PLEASE do not think this is spam to get ppl to join, IT'S NOT! What I am curious to know is how I can inprove the site to get more members. I had been thinking of maybe adding a radio station of my own. I know Bandwith. There is a chat, which nobody uses. I know some do not like or really understand weather. Maybe that is the problem I dont know. I have spent a lot of my time on this site, and really would like it to be one of the better weather sites on the net. Do any of you have any ideas of how to get it rolling? I really would love some imput on it. If not I kind of doubt that EOT will be around next Hurricane season. Thanks Echo
  9. Well Hurricane Ike has hit the Texas Coast in Galviston, as a Cat 2. What get's me is the Fools that stayed there on Galviston. They had warnings of Certin death, issused by the national hurricane center plus the state of Texas, yet they remaind there. I have beed hearing reports all day of people trapped on the south end of Galviston Island. Why did they not heed the warnings? Could it be that Gustav was not as bad as was first reported? Or are all these people just so head strong that they just did not care, only the man above knows. But It makes me so very upset and mad that they had been told GET OUT OR FACE CERTIN DEATH Quote unquote. Myself growing up in the state of Mississippi and knowing the power of a hurricane, I know what a storm surge and hurricane force winds can do, Not to even talk of the tornados these storms can and offen make. I feel as if your told to leave. LEAVE! No if's and's or buts. Who cares about your stuff. It can be replaced. But you can not replace a life. Never is a long time. and you Never can replace that. All I can really say is my thoughts are with all there in Texas. But if you stayed and was told to leave? You have nobody to blame but yourself.
  10. Yes it should be, and also it should be tought to the teachers as well, IE Lafave, But it should be tought. I can see some mothers and fathers not wishing there childern to learn this in school. But thats better than learning on the streets or by listening to idle talk of other kids, that dont know better or have a clue of that they are talking about.
  11. Why did McCain, pick this woman?? one she is a Unknown? Until she was announced I had never heard of her? And from what I have heard this week of and about her, all I can ask is. WHAT WAS HE THINKING? Trying for the woman Vote? All he has done is sign his own loss for becoming the Prez. Now I am a Dem I will state that right here and now. But McCain did have a lot of other people to pick from that do have more than her. As far as I am concerned only thing she has going for her is her looks. Does McCain Just want Eye Candy for his VP? and as for Saint Micheal's last Paragraph? You summed it all right there my friend. Bad enough the press is tearing her up of her 17yr daughter that is pregnet, and her little baby with Downs. Is it her fault? no I put the blame on the Press for that. Now I know this is starting to sound more as a vent. Its not. What I am trying to say is this. McCain? You just lost the election thanks for your pick of this woman. Due to her lack of knowing more of world affairs.
  12. HTML is the easiest of all to learn. Fairly forgiving compaired to say CSS also. If you want to learn it, the best way is to use a simple editor, and your windows OP. Right click on a web page then click View source. There you can see the basics. that is unless the page is locked up so you can not do this. You can also download many good HTML editors that are free or have a Trial offer, such as dreamweaver.But if you will follow these steps you will learn it, and maybe even lear other ways Good Luck to ya
  13. yes the graphics was poor and really not much too it but my favorit wasWofenstine 1. Still love playing it to this day. Wolf 2 wasnt that bad and graphics are a lot better. Guess I am just an old fud though.
  14. Well after last night I have to rethink all that about the guy on the kite. The cam is now down but was past a link last night hurricam of 3 guys drunk off there you know what's right where hurricane Gustav was to make landfall as a Cat 2 this morning. They knew that there was a Mandatory Evac and a curfew from dusk til dawn there yet they sat out on there porch last night until late drinking. I fell asleep watching these fools. so I do not know if maybe they had been picked up by the cops or national gaurd. I hope someone did. When Gustav made landfall this AM winds had been clocked at 110 MPH with lots of tornado warnings. At the bottom of the site you can see where these guys are. All I can say, Thats the all time winner of the Dummy of the year award.
  15. thats easy to help you with go to sun java system now I have read all the threads and I see some thing it looks bad but some also think it is to the point. To the point is just what Echo of thunder was meant to be. Straight up and to the point. With how the weather is now a day's these kind of sites are becomming more and more. some better and some a lot worse.
  16. personal hygiene is very important. No girl or women wants to date a guy that has BO or stinky breath.Also if your old enough being clean shaven, and hair washed and combed neatly. You may think that may sound prepy but trust me. Look and Dress nice and she is your's forever. But the most important thing is this. Treat her as a queen. No woman in her right mind would want too "you know" on the 1st date. as I said before. treat her nice and then I will bet there will be more dates to come.Good Luck
  17. LOL The Dodgers? No good since they left NY. and that so called manager? Just there for the money. as for what they did with Philly? Ty I happen to be a Mets fan. But being serious here for just a minute.Maddux was a mistake. He is too old, his arm is shot. Be better off back with the braves so he could retire.
  18. Well if some of you have read my postings on this. I have always felt that this globle warming is only a cycle that the earth is going through. we here in the USA have only been keeping weather records for 200 plus years now. Who are we to say it is globle warming? True man has not helped matters. Years ago we worried of an ice age, now it is globle warming. But I will say this though. if we do not stop trashing mother earth. Sothing will happen. but as for the globle warming?the heating of the earth has to be a cycle just like the seasons. also there other things that also have a cycle such as hurricanes and tornados. some of you may recall 2005 when we had 28 names hurricanes. a 1st. but there have been other years when we had 20 or so named storms. There is a patten for this. on avg ever 9 to 11 years there will be more hurricanes than in light years. It is much the same with tornados. in the light years of hurricanes the tornados incress. and if you really want to get into this. solar flares. every 10 to 11 yrs. So you see everything has a pattern or cycle. Just as I feel the earth is going through a cycle. How bad it will get or for how long? That is the question? nobody knows the answer too.
  19. FORT LAUDERDALEFay's winds toss kite-surfer, critically injuring himA Fort Lauderdale kite-surfer who was captured on video as Fay's winds battered him Monday remained in critical condition while the footage of his accident gained an Internet following.[topic="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ fool[/topic]How dumb can people be? and I thought that guy in hurricane dolly that feel out of a 7 story window was stupid
  20. It is sad hearing news like this, but in a way I can see her point. I have known a lot of people that have and or had cancer, including a brother, now gone. I saw him go from a bright and happy well built man down to skin and bones, from all the kemo and radiation. So I do see her point very clearly. I only hope that she will be okay. I saw on the news tonight of all this. My heart and prayers do go to her and her family.Now knowing that she had lost her Mother also from breast cancer. I understand her. all I can say is You Go Girl.
  21. Now we are talking of an "ice age" that too could be a normal cycle here as well. Look back at the UK in the 1700's when everthing froze. and as in the 1970's when record snow fell all over the northeast. I guess what I am trying to say here is this. Mother Nature has a mind of her own, and we can not forcast what it will do, Only make a guess.
  22. for the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of research into hurricanes hitting my state of New Jersey. In this research I have noticed a few things that struck me kinda odd. on the avg of every 9 to 11 years there more hurricanes, the last big outbreak was in 2005 with 28 named storms. I looked back as far as in the 1800, for as much data as I could find. True going back that far was hard, and not many true records where kept in that time. Mostly first hand accounts..Seeing this also got me looking into tornados as well, and I found the same thing. on avg every 9 to 11 yrs there is also a big break out like there has been this year. Seeing all this has made me really think, Could this be just a normal Cycle that mother nature goes through? or could it be this so called globle warming? or maybe a little of both? That's a question that really has no answer I feel. because there is no real data from way back then to put up with all the computers and data kept today. But seeing all this, really has to make you think too, Are we as the human race hurting out earth with all of our polution?or is this just a cycle? You can make your own guess of this, and thats all it really is, its just a guess.It's not just about Hurricanes and Tornados though. The heat waves, all the rain droughts. I bet if we all did a little checking on all of this we would find that there is a pattern to be found in all of this.
  23. well as of today I do feel less worried of this. Maybe I am just watching too hard, Who know. I was just informed that the hurricane hunters did go out and check one of the two waves and didnt find anything, thank goodness. But still early yet. I would have to say this here and now though. Please everyone in South Fla and in or near the Gulf of Mexico. please do keep an eye to the sky. Never know about these things.
  24. Maybe I am just losing it or something, but when I got up this moring I had a very strange and gut feeling. Of what but a hurricane forming. As some of you know I do love the weather and how it acts. I have been watching a few storms that have formed off africa. Nothing in the way of hurricanes yet but there out there. Well there two "waves" that I am watching. Well as I said this morning I woke up and had a funny uneasy feeling of these. The National hurriecane center and the US Navy are saying something could happen but nothing of size or even if it will become a hurricane. I have never in all my years had a feeling like this. Should I tell someone or what? I am just a weather watcher and nothing more. Learned all this hands, so I do not have any majors in weather. But this really has me well Scared.
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