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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. post 1 bluepost 2 lightpost 3 specialpost 3 Midnightthis post should be moved to the post dont count if you ask me. more like a spam. Fun game though
  2. I believe it is English as the worlds language, but not for sure. I do agree it would be nice if everyone spoke the same language.I know I have been with my Girlfriend now for over 2yrs She is from the Phils, and speaks english, but there words in English that may mean one thing here in the states and another thing there. It is the same way in England too. Take the word Cigarette. There they call it a *BLEEP*. No noy a gay joke, they really do.So yes I do feel as if the world had one language it would be great. Fact how about even one money for all the world. No more of this US Dollor Yen Rubble or Yero. Just one for all? Nice dream but we know that it could never happen. In our lifetime maybe.But who know's in time the world will be as one and things like this just may happen.
  3. who knows if someday we will be able to go ahead or back in time. But as for today there is no way to tell. we would have to not only go faster than the speed of light but to barrow a phase from star trak Faster than warp speed Mr Scott. Besides why would we want too. to change history? that could be dangerous. things have been set in stone to happen and they will happen. You think you can "change" it but are you? No your not. because it was already ment to be.Thank about it
  4. whale hunting should be stopped all across the world. I have seen on the TV some that will go as far as to take there own boats and drive infront of the whalers, and throw trash at them. yes trash, now the people that are trying to save the whales take the chance of them eating the trash and washing up on some shoreline, but thats not my point. Point is. I hate these killings. for what? so Paris Hilton can have her makeup?
  5. lmaoThats a hoot. Talk of the meaning of foot in your mouth. Used to have a cat that did the same thing with her cat food.
  6. myself, it shouldnt matter one way or the other is 2 men or 2 women marry. as long as there is true love in there hearts. "No I am Not Gay" I just belive that if 2 people truely love each other, same sex or not and they can deal with all the problems. why not? I mean they are going to live together as man and man or wife and wife anyways, so why not make it legal. True the rightus ones will think they are all doing to hell for living in sin. but when a man and woman live together without marriage. is that not a sin? thats done every day all around the world. So why not allow it? this is 2008 not 1828 It is a way of life for a lot of people in the world. why keep them in the closest when they are wanting to come out into the open, and be honest about who and what they are.
  7. these are all good but I do have to say that there some risks in doing the home treatments.Like the old one of a tea spoon of surgar if you have the hiccups? that can be bad if your a diabedic.I feel and it's only me. In a lot of cases, it is always best to talk with your doctor or someone who know's the facts before you try any of these.
  8. have read all of these topics but no place is said of how to register for mysents. Someone please add the link
  9. Okay I am stupid here, I am about to buy a domain name for my site. Can I still be able to have it hosted here at Xisto and use the new dot com? or would I need to move it and spend more money?I really do love the free hosting here and would hate to have to leave and be charged a monthly fee.also, if I am able to use it here are there any transfer fees that I need to know of. I have looked around the forum, maybe I missed it but really did not see anything about thisThanks
  10. Okay here is something for all of us to thnk of and remember.Your in a parking lot and you see a car pulling into a disabled parking space. Out steps the driver yet he or she is not in a wheelchair have a walker or a cane. is that person disabled?With how badly written the ADA American Disabled Act is written they can be. Myself being a disabled person I find this very sad even though I rarely do use a handicapped parking space. I see almost ever day someone that is using a spot that "looks" as they are fine.what do you all think of this? and how would you handle it. Would you just ignore the person in the parking space? or say something and take the chance of he or she really being disabled.Food for thought,
  11. I agree it is a scam but to a point. We only have weather records going back 150yrs or so, so who are we to know how they weather was back many years ago. But you have to also think of this too. back then there was not as many people on earth with there cars suvs planes and other things that are screwing up the air. Globle Warming a scam? yes but if we are not careful this will happen. But as I have stated before. I honest do feel as all this hype is just that hype. Earth is just going through a change like it did many years ago. back in the day when man was still on 4 legs.
  12. Well myself I do use IE 7 6 FF of the three I do like IE 7 running on XP. Much like FF with the tabs and less add ons. Been thinking of downloading the bata IE 8 for a check and see though.
  13. Okay here is the problem. My Site in general. Yes I already know it has a few coding problems, but that is not the real problem.the problem is I feel as I am not getting the hits I should get, or members joing the forum. I have submitted to ever place that I can over the past year. Told all my friends about it. Even and its bad but spammed it in yahoo chats, and nothing. I really like the site and the weather.I really wish that I knew what I could do here. I have even gone as far as looking into a dot com name, but really do not think that spending money is the real answer to this right now.if any of you have any idea's of what to do. please let me know.
  14. earth, space, and now underwater? honestly and I hate saying this because I do like some of google earth. But wow what a waste of memory and diskpace. sorry to be a downer but its true.
  15. Well as a Met's fan I was sad seeing the Phillys win, but I am happy that the National League pulled it off. Only thing I was not happy with was the rain. Both clubs knew that they weather was going to get nasty that nite. why they played is beyond me. Money I guess, but was foolish. Why take a chance of someone getting hurt. I just hope that next season things will be better. Maybe more double headers, so the season will not last until the end of oct when the weather starts getting cold wet and maybe snowy. Lets go Mets in 2009
  16. yes you are. my GF lives in Ormac, and seems as every day they have a typhoon. "hurricane in the western pac" Myself as a weather buff. I just wish we here in the states could get more news and info from there when there is a storm.I have spent hours here on the net looking, and always find very little about any storm over in the phils unless it is a major storm.
  17. I know this is gonna sound as a spam, just had to shout it out.Today here in New Jersey we had snow! earliest snow fall in 15 yrs they are saying. hearing that made me think and wonder. With as many people as Xisto has. how many of you can remember or know of the 1st time you can remember snow? I know some of you may live in a place that may never see any. but a lot do.
  18. Thats if they do rebuild. Ike really did a job on Galvestion and surrounding areas. I have some good friends that also live in baytown, it was 3 weeks before they got power back.
  19. great Idea here. It may help in posts as well as votes. will there be any prize?
  20. lmao Okay now that I am off the floor from laughing my butt off.That is so stupid. 1st the police should be put away for believing all this. 2 the women should be put in the nut house. and 3 the guy needs a life! and not a VR life. Just tells me that VR games have gotten out of hand, if people can not understand IT IS A GAME! not real. then they need help.
  21. Yes same show. This season started out a little slow. Still building the Tiv 2. It is a great show. I happen to know the some of the chasers from some of the weather sites here in the net. Well worth while watching it too. Some great shots of tornados, hail and all kinds of storms. And He did get his shot by the way. But he is it this for the money sadly, not for the data. that's the only thing I don't like of the show. I am a old school chaser. when I was doing that/ "for 11 years" I chased for the data and to help try and save a life. not for money.
  22. 3 letters O M G! As someone who is disabled this makes me sick. where did you find this article? I am also a big weather and hurricane buff, and would like reading this, and passing it along to the National Hurricane Center along with the Red Cross. I know things did not go the best with Hurricane Katrina, but in a way too I have to take the article above with a grain of salt too until I can read the article myself and see just where it came from. There have been a lot of "romors" of Katrina along with other storms. Gustav and Ike from this year have sparked a few already.So please I would like knowing just where this came from.
  23. I really do have to agree with the above. as for someone who is a recovering addic and alcoholic, things like this are not helping your problems bro. all it is doing is hurting you more.
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