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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. yes all pre planned. just like everything we do in life. As dor his predections? Im not going there because as I just said all pre planned. just like the aztec calender. says Dec 22 2012. now there some numbers for you to pounder with. you have your 0's and 1's for Binary numbers and you have the Even number of 2. I will bet you someone out there will look at these numbers and come up with something that Nostadamas may have said someplace.
  2. Okay the 2008 baseball season is now done and forgotten. Yes my mets choked again. but hey so did the yankee's. But thats not what this post is about. What it is about is how long the season is. 168 game is nice, but then I think to this year and how at the end the weather started turning colder and rainy. Yes you had a northern Club playing, Philly. and they do not play in a dome like the Marlins. MLB should I feel take a look at how the season is setup. Play more double headers. and No not these day night ones. A true double header. 1 hour between games. They are paying there gues all that millions of dollors. Why be such a "beep" and wait a few hours to play? They dont do this in the monors. so why do it in the big league?Maybe this should have been placed in venting. But I want to know just how every true baseball fan feels. Do they need more double headers to shorten the season. or leave it like it is, and take a chance of ending up playing in the cold wet days of late fall with rain and or snow.
  3. Google you have done it again I must say. I just downloaded the Google Chrom Bata. I LOVE IT. You dont have all the clutter like on some browsers. Very clean looking. and most of all simple. Almost has a Firefox and IE 7 feel to it. If you have not tried it. Go for it.
  4. hey Im in too. sounds like it could be fun
  5. Kobra I agree with you to a point and a strong point I feel. What you said of the bible being bull. Your so wrong there. 1st off before I go into all this with you or anyone here at trap I want to say this, I am NOT a bible pusher by any means. But I do believe in a higher power, that one day all of us will have to deal with in one way or another. be it heaven or in hell. As for hell, Maybe we are all in it and it's called earth. who knows. thats not the name of this thread. as for heaven? I just hope it is nice with great sunny days
  6. a very good question indeed. Simply put No I am not a bit afraid of it. been there. As some of you know I have spinal bifidaA day after my birth I was in the operating room to put what they call a shunt into my head to stop pressuer on my brain. well I died for a total of 3 mins. Sorry fokes I was too young to memeber of a white light or anything like that. but I will say this here and now. No I am not scared of dying. Fact I kind of welcome it. I look at it this way. going on a trip to see old family and friends that I haven seen in a long time. I have always felt there three stages in a person, before birth when your already in that place we all go. then here on earth. then we "die" and go back to there, and start the cycle all over again. Nice way to look at it I think. but we dont really know until it happends.
  7. Thank you. kinda like it myself. Its a splash page I happen to run across as I was looking at templets for the site. thought it fit the site. Thank you again.
  8. thats what I am using now sort of. it is on there server and they are the ones that set it up for me. After Downloading and reading all this and that. and not realizing all the things that go into it Think I will just stay as I am for now. Thanks
  9. Well I have had that happen to me too. I had a gamming site with myleague.com a few years back and had my whole pool league hacked and every member booted or banned and all new members and room. So I feel you pain my friend. I feel sure that the powers that be can work out all this and get your site going back to you as it shouldGood Luck
  10. For the last few days I have been search the net looking into forums for my site. Now I have a free board but other than changing the skins you really can not do anything with it such as games or anything. I have looked into the power board and all that but way too much $ that I dont have or really want to put into it.I have a plan for my site to someday be one of the bigger sites on the net. Yes I know big dream, but dreams are what life is made of. Does anyone here have any thoughts of where I could find a better board? All this is gonna take some time I knowThanks
  11. Bingo. I forgot to make Xisto my main account and .com my sub, Oh well whats one more bad link on the www lol thanks for all your help. this thread now can be closed
  12. okay here is all is in a nutshell echo-of-thunder.trap17.com comes up as the apache page comes up. as you can see when you go to the link above. the new domain echoofthunder.com is working perfectly. Just wish I knew more about all this so I would not have to be bothering you all with all this silly stuff. maybe someone should write me a domain for dumbies lol Only Kidding. There should be something out there to make all this plain and simple for thoughs of us who really dont know what there doing.
  13. No error messages at all. fact it tells me it's done. yet and I tried it a day or so later I still get the apachy page? I did as you said express. and nothing. thanks Will just wait and see I guess.
  14. Okay Page is up and most errors have been taken care of but I am having a problem with CSS and my Background and blocks, not showing up. yes they are in images. it works fine before I upload then but once I have it on the site. Echoofthunder.com the background is all black. Still looks nice and I am kinda happy with how it looks as it is, but well I am a bit of a perfectionist at times. Any help or ideas anyone?
  15. Well if it was leaked on purpose they could have been fake name to start with. But I remember back with Jimmy Cater. His wife's code name Big Momma did leak out, and it was not a fake. So never know with the goverment these days,
  16. Well my friends it has been a long time in comming but my site is now at echoofthunder.com I have redesigned it. I feel sure it does have some problems. always does. and do not know if it will even load using other b rowsers such as Firefox Opra and alike. If you don't mind please drop by and give it a look see and let me know if it loads in looks okay in these other browswers. Stuck only with IE-6 for right now. thanks
  17. Speaking for myself I too know of what it like growing up with a Disabilty. I have Spina bifiada which effects the spinal cord. In a wheelchair for most of my life. I know it first hand how hard things get not only for you but for the familly of someone with special needs. But life must go on. I have learned to over come a lot of the problems in life being in a chair. I am able to use a walker for a short walk. but most of the time it is spent in the chair.
  18. No never heard of it. and ty express both of you are a great help just tried it and did not work. maybe it takes a few mins or its just me because I have been here all evening . I am a old man lol and my eyes are bad lol ty will look more into it tomarrow.
  19. Just got my dot.com up for my site and was wondering. for the few people that I have not been able to get with that come to the site. they would be using the old address. also the adress of the site is on the web as echo_of_thunder.trap17.com and now as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ anyway to change that or just have to start over?
  20. Here is the full story https://www.yahoo.com/news/ You would think that they would keep these names out and away from the public. Willing to bet that these names are not the real ones just the one that the sercret service wants us to know. but who knows.
  21. Yesterday I had some problems setting up a domain name here in Xisto.com and one member came to my rescue. told me the deal of how it is very simply without going into all the geek talk. This got me to thinkinking, Who do you feel is one of the most helpful and best members here in Xisto are and why?Myself I have to say it is jlhaslip As I said above jlhaslip has helped me many times and never gone into all the techno talk and made it very easy to understand. WTG my friend.
  22. Okay here it is willielwgg, I made it as clear as I couldToday I bought a domain name I wanted to use it here at Xisto.com I wanted to change over from echo_of_thunder.trap17.com to echoofthunder.com Somehow I messed everything up. how I dont know.Now I have just finnished sending in a ticket on this mainly because now my CPannal is locked, On a differnt computer than I normally am, maybe they saw this and say naughty naughty naighty boy. Thanks
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