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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Thank you. Just got An E mail they are doing it now just hope I dont have to do anything on my end. If So I will be yelling HELP! LOL
  2. Yesterday afternoon I bought a logic plan for $1.95 per months. I had been on a sub domain here at Xisto. server Gamma with the normal 500M. this new plan as I read is 1GB. I opened my Cpannel today and saw it was the same as before. same server and 500MB. before I submit a ticket on this, I thought I best ask here first since I really do not know all the in's and out's of all this. Just hope I have not set it up wrong and lost that $1.95 I used from my Mycent account.
  3. Teopac? That was the guy from Star trek right?
  4. Happy that you figured it all out. Slowly I am too. Just transfered from Xisto sub domain to Xisto. Not a bad deal if you ask me too at $1.95 USD a month. GL to ya
  5. Well I must say I honestly love the new look of the forum. Very sleak and easy to find what is needed but for one thing. Used to be when you log in it told you just how many days you had in credits for your account. It's not there now or I have not been able to find it. This was very handy to have I feel. I hope maybe I have missed where it is or Xisto will bring this back. it is a must needed tool.
  6. Every day I get atleast 3 or 4 people wishing to join my forum. You would think this is a good thing but,of these most are spammers trying to sell everything from Viagra to you know what. I have spent a good timesetting up this and for what? For someone to join and start spamming? I have even set it up so that I haveto appove the membership, yet they still join. This makes me so very angry that someone just wants to goonto a site and for what? to sell there junk and spam members that do not wish to be bothered by someoneselling stuff that they do not want or don't even need. What is so bad one of these so called spammerskeeps trying to join over and over again, I have even sent him a E mail to them to inform them whythey have not been allowed to join our forum. yet they still do. They do not even reply to my E mailto say thank you no problem. just try an join again. Do I just let them join and then ban them? I do not likebanning anyone. That just makes trouble I know. I do not wish for that to happen. True also more member on theforum makes it look good, but having a spammer there would give the site a bad name. What do I do here? Let them join or just keep them out, or just ban them? I am at wits end herewith this problem. I want my forum to be one of the better ones, with lots of people but I do notwant spammers or trouble makers.
  7. That's the key word Electriic ink, Greedy. For what? because they did not open the doors fast enought for them to get there booty and go. what really made it so bad was there this guy was laying there, EMT's trying to save his life and the crowed kept going and bumping into the EMTs.
  8. You forgot one thing though. and this is the most important thing not to say to us men. Yes I love you, But?
  9. well. I happy to have echoofthunder.com as my main homepage in IE but with Firefox I have Google
  10. well you have freedom on speach on one side and keeping kids safe on the other. There needs to be better way to block out these sites, True there blockers but face it. the kids of today know how to get around them.
  11. being I only use IE and Firefox, really could not help you that much. But I have used these codes before. I have learned however it is best to use just one player in the coding, then have a link below it for your other type of players such as Quicktime Winamp real player. You would be suprised how many people may have say quicktime but use something like Real Player or Winamp. So you have to keep these other players in mind too when making your script.Good luck
  12. I hope that they are okay as well. I have a dear friend that is from there, All day he and his wife have been trying to contact his family in Mumbi aka Bombay. I know my thoughts are with them all now.
  13. the software is SMF and after a 6 or 7 hours of surfing every forum dealing with PHP I found what I needed to know, should have figured out it was in the Themes. Thanks though.
  14. If you could sit down and talk to anyone living or dead, for 5 mins. Who would it be?Myself I would love to talk to, Ben Franklin, to find out what he thinks of the world today
  15. Okay I am new to PHP and I have just installed a forum on my site. Want to update the meta tags, yet when I go to edit the index file for the forum, I can not find anything that even looks like it. Yet I can view source and it comes up as a html "which it should" and I can understand it. Can anyone please tell me what I need to look for?
  16. 1st off, when he called Mac D's did he speak with the Owner/manager or just a Employee? I will bet you if he spoke to an employee, that employee was the one behind doing these pictures. If that is the case here. No Mac D's should not be sued but that Employee. Now if it was the Owner/Manager of the chain is the naughty one. Then Sue him. Most MacDonals are privately owned. He would have better luck just to sue the employee and or the owner, than the main officeses.Now I have to say this, Who in his right mind would have that on his Cell Phone anyways? Your just asking for something like this to happen. Bet the Judge if this even gets to court will take that into mind also.
  17. Well we even tried Avast and it did not even find it in the scan. I should let you know that this trojan was not on my computer but my Girlfriend's. She and I spent all yesterday and a good part of the nite trying to remove it. Nothing worked. could not even rename delete or move the file. What we ended up doing was starting the computer in safe mode, then deleting the file that way. Then ran ever anti virus we had. Everything from AVG to Norton. All came up clean. So wish us luck that doing this got it out. I know thats not the best thing to do, but it beats a full reinstall.
  18. well myself being the ripe old age of 47 and my GF 21, keep the jokes to yourself please. I do understand. My gf is the same way. she bottles things up inside her, so badly you can get look at her and tell something is wrong. Many times she will just not say anything to me or anyone for that matter. Her mother and I are close, and she has said to me many times. has anything happend between the two of you? or has she said anything of what is going on? I have learned though not to press her on the topic. She will speak up in her own good time.
  19. I have thought that same thing, just a phase the earth goes through, ever few thousand years.
  20. Help please. Anyone know of a virus like this. kdwfu it is in the windows system32 of vista. sends the bowser to another page than what you wanted then closes it. the file kdwfu is 72kb if thats any help. Have run AVG Trend and Windows Live. Trend and windows live found it, AVG didnt. I tried google on this file name and all sites came up in Japanese or chinese. Please let me know asapty
  21. Well I live in the North Eastern USA. We too had snow here in New Jersey on Oct 28th of this year. Reason being that we are now in a Enso year. That is between the El Nino and El Nina effects. This happends every so offen. If you would like to read more on ENSO please go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps you to understand it.
  22. honestly this does not suprise me one bit. Flash Drives are so small yet so big you can take them any place and upload or download anything. Suprised they did not do this sooner.
  23. I have to agree to some point with ya. Is a little hard to fine the right place for a post here sometime. The forum has become too big and cluttered. As for what Opaque says? I can't blame you one "beeping" bit. Can we Say Purge?
  24. well 1st off take it slow and easy, you don't want to scare her off. best to be friends first. then maybe ask her out for a burger or something. You Did not say your age or her's by the way. Taking it your under 18. Just go slow, and if she has the same feelings for you, it will hapeen. good Luck
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