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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. very nice price, BUT are they the real thing or ripped and made to look like true windows xp.
  2. Still researching it all. The Full map can be made easy enough with Google thing is the KLM files for radar and sat. Google Gagets does have one just far sats and I have seen one with the radar but also includes GPS tracking which I dont want. and that one was copy written. I am not a thef Just going to take me some time but I will figure all this out.
  3. What's the old say, stupid is what stupid does. Or something like that. I can not tell you how many E mails I have got over the years like that, Same with PMs giving some sob story like. A am American stuck in Afria. My father or Mother lives here and they are dying. I need XXX amount of $$ and so on and so on.
  4. Here some links that may help ya to find what what you need. http://elatedsearch.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just copy and past into your browser Good luck and hope these help ya
  5. Biggs, a 19-year-old Broward College student who suffered from what his family said was bipolar disorder, or manic depression, lay dead on his bed in his father's Pembroke Pines house Wednesday afternoon, the camera still running 12 hours after Biggs announced his intentions online around 3 a.m. See full story http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ When I opened my yahoo and saw this, it honest to god made me sick. The internet has hit a new low here. Here we all come to the world wide web to learn and enjoy ourselfs and some troubled teen kills himself as people watch and Egg him on! I just hope that this will shut down some of these sites such as Justin TV. Bad enough that everywhere you turn you have pedifiles searching myspace,friendster and all the others. Now this? Im sorry and maybe this should had been placed in vent. But It really Pisses me off that this 19 year old had to go and end his live for what? So others could watch.
  6. aww poor lil bluebear, I know how you feel though. I think most people hate the winter time. But just think of this. in just a few short weeks, the days will start to get longer. It will start getting warming and that snow will melt away. Then before you know it you as well as others will start fussing its too hot as for your hair? something my sis used to do. hair spay and a hair net.
  7. wow 18 years ago! gee Thanks Saint, Now I really feel old. I remember when it 1st came out. back then everyone was saying it was the bomb. if you had Windows 3.1 and Norton Cammador you had a top of the line system. How times have changed. From the days of a Cassette drive to huge gig hard drives. As for 95 98 ME 2000 and even XP, Most likely all will be dropped withine 5 to 15 yes in the order that they came out.
  8. Well as someone that grew up in the country if you are on your own property and off any public road. Go for it. That's how I learned how to drive. at age 13. The way I see it is that if you learn safe driving skills early, the better off you will be in life.
  9. Echo_of_thunder


    not only did Mccain lose, and its gonna make a lot of you mad and may get me in trouble but america lost too. back on Nov 5th I happen to be bored and cruising yahoo chat rooms. every room I went into there where people from Pakistan Iran and Iraq cheering Obama and calling him here brother in arms. Honestly made me sick. No I am not being a bigot or anything like that. But I do remember 9-11 and I feel and it is just me. Obama will give away the farm like Ragan did with Gustav.
  10. well it has now been 103 yes since Albert Einstein came up with with E=MC 2 and now A brainpower consortium led by Laurent Lellouch of France's Centre for Theoretical Physics, using some of the world's mightiest supercomputers, have set down the calculations for estimating the mass of protons and neutrons, the particles at the nucleus of atoms. Has proven him right. Full story here CLICK HERE This is something that has been puzzling man, and even though now proven, may still puzzle a lot of people.
  11. Don't hold your breath on him fixing it at all. Remember, He will have to have help from all. House and Sente, and odd's are he will not get it, Obama is too knew in Washinton and there still a lot of the old timers around that are going to try and cute him down a few pegs. Besides With how the country is now? It will take longer than 4 years or even 8 years to fix. THANKS BUSH!
  12. Always good litening to your sister. Also you may want to make sure of Viruses. some can disable drivers such as this
  13. Yes MS Dos did go as high as 6.0. that was just after Winodow. 3.1 came out. and Very happy to see someone wanting to lear the old school ways. Even today with Vista and EP it is still good to know the old MS Dos. It really would be a good idea to also try and find you a copy of Dos For Dumbies, as well as finding you a old PC that runs Dos. Maybe E bay. Good Luck
  14. you know, reading all these posts of mycents, even more so with Saint's posting of profit loss.I feel as the mycents is a great thing, but it does have a double edge to it also. that being profit loss. But if the powers that be would also do something in the way of a reffel. I know cant spell. where if a member sent them a new member. like say I got say 5 members to join then I would get say 10 USD in credits. Kinda like chain so to say.
  15. as someone that did grow up in that time, it made get out the old LPs and kick back and relax to some good and real music.
  16. no Antivirus program? You must really love living on the wild side, or have a lot of money to repair your computer. Yes some do slow your system down but now a days it is worth taking that, over have picked up a virus or spywhere/malware. If you really and honestly feel you do not need one however? my advice to you is this. 1 stay off the net. 2 if you must use the net, Only go to sites that you know are 100% clean 3 Never ever open any mail with downloads from persons you do not know or trust. If you listen to these 3 steps you should remain clean of any bugs that would also slow down or even kill your computer. and as for this thread, 81%? thought it was higher than that. and the program your thinking of is AVG, and or Bit Defender. Both will run a check of the site
  17. Married? would that be with or without the wife in your arms? Sorry just had to add that.
  18. Okay here is something to think about. I am 5 feet 3 inches tall. weight as of today was 120pounds. Do you think thats too skinny? Some may think so for a man. But at one time with the same heighth my weight was 145lbs and I felt slow and sluggish. What is the best weight for someone my size? anyone have a idea? I would think it would be what makes you feel the best.
  19. Thank you much. That will help in the design. now to find the kzm files for radar and satillite. Was so late when I thought of this, did not really look around for them.
  20. yea Plenoptic, but you have to admit it. in some areas nov 1st is down right nasty. I know the night that they had that rainout in Philly, we had snow here in new jersey. My point was. this. play more double headers. yes, maybe a Friday night or a Saturday day/nite DH. Might even bring some well needed money back to some of these littler clubs, that are in small markets, like say the rangers. besides. by the time the post season starts. American Football is getting going, also the NBA is about to fire up too. Thanks for correcting me also.
  21. every try coffeecup.com free 21 day trail they also have some other designing tools. also on trail. 1st editor I used, and honestly still do sometimes. great for the beginner too.
  22. yes there is a hell. It's called life on earth. just kidding. I have just read every post and everyone has a very good point. Nobody really knows for sure if there is a real Hell or Heaven. We only know what we read from the bible. and even then we really are not sure. I have noticed that there is a lot of threads here in Xisto on this topic or close to it. everyone here has there own feelings of it, which to me is a very great thing. It tells me everyone here is not just someone who sits on there backsides, but uses what that higher power gave to you. the brain. Something Joeblogg said really comes to mind here if that is true joe, then earth is that hell. but then again earth could very well be heaven too. we all could be dead and just not know it. I guess what I am trying to say is. Do we really know and understand it all to guess if there is a heaven or hell, or are we there already?
  23. I was sitting around tonight messing around with my page, and had a idea. I do not know if or how it could be done, but wow would it be cool if it could be. here is the idea.on a new page. have a google map of the USA. with 2 overlays. 1 being a weather radar showing any rain or snow.2 being a Satillite overlay to show any clouds or cold fronts. controls would have to be that you could change between the two of them, and then be able to click onto a rainy area and it would go to that area's local national weather service.I know the map can be done, but what about the overlays and the controls for it. I feel as if this can be done, and be easy to load and operate. it would really be something useful not only to me but to other weather buffs around the net. Yes taking a chance on someone running away with the idea but hey, what the heck lol
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