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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I have to agree 100% with the above statement
  2. Okay all, Some may think that I am just a dirty old man but I am 46 and dating a 20yr, she and I started dating when she was 19. Her mother and I get a long wonderfully, she even calls me son. The problem is this. when we are out on a date people look at us like, what is this old guy doing with this kid. No they dont think its my daughter becuase she is Filipina and I am white. She and I are very happy together. The poblem we are both having is comming from other people. I ask and plead with her to just forget it but she gets upset if someone just looks at us funny. She and I have never really had any fights, and we know it will happen one day, it is part of any realationship. But we do not want to fight over something as silly as how other people are feeling about Us.So does anyone here have any suggestions? We really do love each other and are planning to marry next year.
  3. First off I would love to read that data. True I dream could kill you if you was in very poor health and it was a bad enough dream. But as for your normal run of the mill bad dream? I honestly think that could not happen. Now if you was to be Day dreaming and someone did not like it, and hit you in the head with a base ball bat? Now this is a differant story all together
  4. uh do the words Don't call us, we will call you come to mind?
  5. after reading all the replies I see most have done the glass of water thing. True it works, even the soda. The one cure I always will do is 1 Tables spoon of white suger. works 100% of the time. why it works I have no idea.
  6. Well as some have said, bandwidth is the key. Truth your best bet would be hosting through shoutcast honestly. I have done that in the past. Also you have to remember to pay your royalty fee's. thats the most inportant part.Good luck
  7. Hope your feeling better now and everyday is sunny and nice someplace thats the best thing of weather.
  8. no they have rebates so your paying around $50 to $75 for the converters. and I so do agree you will have some poor guy that has no cable near him or her. but what is even worse is that even now before they have even made the change over some cable stations, are moving to the upper channals just to get money, or is this the cabe co doing this, just to get money. or are they making all the Tv Stations Digital just to get more money out of us? Makes ya think huh? yea go out and buy a new 60 inch flat screen HD and watch the change. betting you will see a big change in your cable bill too.
  9. Sadly youtube is a flash in the pan, as myspace was. with all this with vicomm and the us goverment. I look for "big brother" to be shutting not only youtube down but others due to what "THEY" think is the best for us. To me that is pure censorship but will not vent here about it.
  10. Honest that makes me happy yet upset in a lot of ways. Happy because the goverment can see what we do, good or bad.and upset because you never know where all that info may go. For all we know they could see all the E mail address to some spam co, and our E mail boxes will become full of junk. All I can say is this. THATS BIG BROTHER FOR YA
  11. IE 6 will never really die. there will always be someone someplace on a low end PC that will have to used IE 6. For one too many people dont care for IE7 encluding myself. As saint michael said maybe 2 years. But will bet my last credit that someone will be using it 5 or 10 yrs down the road. Myself I know people that still use and love IE 5.5, so I have to say it will never truely die.
  12. Sorry I stand corrected. Not like kos but Army System. One word YIPPY!!
  13. Well my friends another OS bites the dust. as of June 30 2008 Windows XP will no longer be sold Some store will still carry it until Jan for the low end PC. But now is Vista, and before long Long horn. All that I can say is, Please think kindly of the old XP next time you need to burn a CD or movie. Hard do copy with vista.Thanks Bill Gates, now that you have retired maybe something good will come out of Microsoft.
  14. more replys than I thought that I would get, and all wonderful too.
  15. I was scanning the net the other night and have noticed that so many of us, that have a website also have blogs. Somethings that I saw there are very nice and yet others I found to be in bad taste. I know when I was growing up somethings was meant to be private. Now we post everything and anything in our little blogs.Myself encluded I have a weather blog. Was wondering how many of you also have one and what its about?
  16. Ah not really that new. it's based on Kings of chaos
  17. No not really. It was tried back in the 1940's in philadelphia naval ship yards. the plan was for "a ship'' to become invisibil to radar, much like the stealth of today. But this is where you have to take away the myth from fact. If you ever saw the movie The philadelphia Experiment you will understand why.
  18. have you looked in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also you should take a look see here. some good templets oswd.org also there lots of good programs such as Dreamweaver that have a trail download
  19. well is there a petition to sign? if so please link that petition here. I feel sure there others here that would sure want to sign it as well. I know all this is sure opening a can of worms. but honestly I feel as 10 credits is a bit much for resetting a PW, even more if it was not needed really in the 1st place. I do understand that a Pasword does need to be reset ever now and then for safty reasons. But when it is a problem with the server or data base, then the 10 credits should not be put into effect.
  20. Well ausbus, I have to say that I do agree with you. I have lived in new jersey for the past 9 years now. and so far just this month of June, we have had a good 5 days with some very strong thunderstorms and lots of lightening and thunder. In that 9 yrs that I have been here, this was the longest streak of weather I have seen. also this past winter very little snow. The year before that it was the same but Ice and not snow.
  21. Was not really complaining. more just upset with it all. As I said at the start. Just letting off some steam. Always have been told best to vent than hold it all in.
  22. Sounds silly but you do have the 10 Credits? When I reset mine I was ay -10. had to post like crazy to get it back up over 4 credits. But too I have to agree with the contact support. https://support.xisto.com/ Good Luck
  23. Gonna have to check this one out. I know that you can always get RSS feeds From the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center, and many other weather sites. and there a lot of other free RSS readers out too. Many in PHP HTML JAVA and Flash.
  24. Why I dislike the Stankee's? 1 all of there players are so over priced and think they are the best thing to hit a baseball sence pine tar.2 All of them play as 1 player not as a Team. If you look there is no I in the world Baseball Team.and the last reason I dislike the Yankees? I am a Mets fan.Now I also have a few reasons for not liking the mets too believe it or not.How they fired Will Randolph.Come on Firing him at 3:15am with an E mail?Ormar you dont have the guts to pick up a phone and call him? or wait until the team gets back to NY and then call him into the office, you have to do it with a E mail?Can just read it now. WTG on your win tonight, great job, oh by the way your Fired. To me thats just plain wrong. Another reason is. and it is for this season 08 only. See reason #2 of why I dislike the yankees
  25. That list is on the money, but there a few names there that really throw up a red flag to me. Namely Mo Vaughn. true is got bigger. But that wasnt roids but F O O D! I am not saying he didnt use or he did. I dont know or really care. Namely because he isnt active anymore or in a Mets uniform. But If he did you HGH, it was Hamburgs Greens and Hotdogs.
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