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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I know how you feel. I have had to reinstall so many times over the years too.
  2. okay I have a question that I hope someone here can answer for me. I have 2 computers. one I run on dsl and the other on ye ole dialup. I like going into a few IRC rooms. using flash chat. but when on Dialup I am finding it slow and hangs alot.Question is would Pirch be run better on dialup? I do use it sometimes when on DSL being that I am also a Mod in some rooms there. Any help in this would greatly be a blessing. ThanksEcho
  3. Yes she is scary, Hot but scary. But to be honest both parties are a little scary to me. Obama, just the name alone reminds me of 9/11 and Mccain? too old.myself I feel as this whole election has been a joke and very dirty. Too much mud slinging of both parties. We need someone to lead this country in the right way, not by saying he or she did this or that. but we He or she can and will do for America and it's people. Just my feeling. But these 2 are just enough to make me not want to vote. I know the saying you dont vote you cant %$#@ but anyway you go, your still gonna have four more years of this.4 years of the same or 4 years to clean up the Bush Mess
  4. Just was checking my e mail this morning and got a letter asking me to download the "new" Windows XP Antivirus. HahaI knew that this is was a virus but thought that I would pass this along here in Xisto for all of you new people that are new here and maybe new to computers. DO NOT Download this program. It is a trojan and will really mess up your system. Just a word of warning to you all
  5. I remember my last home comming in High School, more that a blow out but a good old butt kicking stomping, 96-3 our favor. I know if we had been on the losing side how you must feel. We only lost one game that season. A blow out. and that was the 1st game of the year.
  6. hate admitting it but my 1st date was set up by my mother. I was about 12 and the girl was 11 or so. sweet girl and I think my mother felt sorry for here because is had downs. We did have a nice time. went out to a movie. Mom Drove us. If I remember right we went to see Saturday Night Fever. The girl and I did go out a couple of more times after that. and even though some of my friends thought I was nuts, she and I remaind good and close friends for a long time.
  7. welcome to Xisto butterfly always great having new people here
  8. that is a very tricky topic, on one hand PDA is normal for teens. but as for pda at school? now that is a big no in my book. yes guys and girls want all there friends to know and see this. but that can lead to problems all around. I mean if say a guy is showing a pda to his gf and some other girl is upset over that. that could start a fight. or the other way around. and if a fight starts in school over that? then PDA should not be allowed there at all. thats just how I feel though. but as a whole? PDA is normal, everyone from 1 day old to the day they die has done it in some way or the other. All part of life
  9. I have had this virus myself, very nasty to remove too. I dd find out there are 2 antivius programs that removed it, AVG and BitDefender. Both free. took a double run of them both, but was able to remove it, along with a couple of other, spyware.
  10. yes I have seen a lot of this too here, and also on other sites in the last few days. one site and will not give the name here for reasons I will not go into has a forum. in the last week they have had over 200 join with fake names or e mails. True a lot here do post for credits. I am guilty of it myself. But I do try and make good and clean types of postings
  11. Boy, I just had to post this, and if everyone is as happy as I am it's a great day!The Show Storm Chasers is returning to the Discovery Channel on Oct 19 at 10:00pm eastern time. As a weather buff and storm chaser "now retired" I can not wait to see what I feel is the best TV Show that the DSC has ever done.
  12. I have to agree with the above. also, myself I am not too keen with the colors. Myself I would have gone with something in the line of a solid, or even a gradient. other than that it's great.
  13. One more note of Hurricane Ike and Evacuations Here is a Patitions that really needs to be signed. It is open To United States Residents only sorry. I feel as this really needs to be signed. It could and will save a life. As of this writting there still 339 missing thanks to Hurricane Ike, most likely washed out to sea, where this would have kept them alive today Please sign Mandatory Evacuation Enforcement for Hurricanes
  14. Hi Retype and welcome.I know you will enjoy Xisto and all the good people here and the info in the forum
  15. Hate?But what about the things we love? To me thats better than talking of hate.1. Beautiful sunny day.2. The smell of freshly cut grass3. Homemade Ice Cream4. Opening Day of BaseBall Season5. The laughter of a child6. Fresh baked breadthese are just a few things to remind you Hating something is not a great as loving something.
  16. I will wait for the movie to come out to watch it thank you. Yes I did not watch it and here is why. 1. It was a Debate 2. Better things on TV than to watch 2 grown men talking and making no since at all. 3. More into the VP Debate to watch a Man and a Woman make fools out of each other. 4. Who ever wins, its still gonna be 4 more years of Bush and the trouble he has mad.
  17. Most likely wrong but vid was so short. looks like a terrier
  18. Question? did you read the requirements on the box? Rule number 1, always read the box
  19. welcome to the group my young friend. all back in my younger days I was also picked on, not because I was a nurd but because I was handicapped. There are always kids that find someone to pick on be it handicaps, nurds, brains, or even jocks. It is all part of growing up. You said you was into martial artists, then you should know to control yourself. Nothing pisses a bully off more than someone that can control there anger. They get tired of trying to piss you off then give up. trust me I know. been there done that.Good luck to ya
  20. Okay all I need help and or advice of this problem or delema.I have already posted that I have a problem with logging into my cpanel, and have had replys of what to do, none worked. I have left a ticket with xisto and no reply. Right now I am about to go Nuke over this. as some of you know my site is a weather site and we have 2 systems on the east coast of the us. My problem is should I wait this out and let the credits I have be used. "cant even access my own site" or save them and just resign up and hope that takes care of the problem. Or even worse leave Xisto all together. I hate to say it but they have had some problems of late. But this isnt venting but a major problem here for me. During the last few storms I really had a lot of hits on the site, and I want thoughs ppl to come back, right now they cant even get it to load. I am really upset and need help of what to do here.Thanks Echo Of Thunder
  21. Have Tried it using FF as well same problems, as for pw change, not gonna waste 10 Credits on that if it is not on my side
  22. I have tried everything from a full diskclean to a reboot to even unplugging the comp. nothing. sumitted at ticket on this. even some of the pages there do not open. maybe it is them. I hope
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