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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. If microsoft knew of this and did keep it quiet for all these years, wouldnt that be well, unlawful? I do find this very strange for all of the IE's to have this flaw. If they knew of it, why did they not fix it in the 1st place. Secondly why are we really just hearing of all this now, and not when IE 5 came out. Things do sound a little fishy. Maybe a browser war starting here between Microsoft and FF? I don't know. But for something to have had a flaw for so long and not be fixed, something just is not right here.
  2. well for there to be life, you would have to define life. but yes I feel as there has to be some sort of life out there. Earth can not be the only planet in the universe to have it. People will call me a nut now, but what if the people of earth came from a different planet? Key words what if? Who really know's for sure. But yes I do feel that we are not the only living beings here.
  3. Any other programs running that may disallow Xisto? such as Netnanny or a blocker of somekind?
  4. Okay all here it is almost the end of Dec, we are freezing cold wishing for spring. Well Tell ya what we gonna do here. I heard on my local news tonight that the new york mets will have 2 pre season games at there new Citi Field. Aka Shea #2 April the 4th and 5th. what I am really curious is this. with all the wheeling and dealing that has been happening. Who will win it all in the 2009 season?Will the Phillies repete? Not Will the Mets Choke? Not, Will the Yankee's end up back in the basement? Let's hope so . But honestly Who do you think will win it all?My pick is, well my boy's the NY Met's Now that they got smart and dumped 2 pitchers that couldnt hit the side of a barn from 3 feet away much less 90 feet. Added K Rod and are patching up there bullpin, I have to say that they have the best shot in the NL East of taking it, if not taking it all. However, there is still the Padro, maine factor here. Will the NY Mets even talk to padro come Jan like he has asked them to do. If they do offer him a deal will he take it and be healthy? Myself I feel as give him a 1 year deal only. no raise. Tell him flat out. You go on the DL for more than 14 days? your getting a pay cut for ever day you miss after that 14 days. You don't like it, Oh well See ya. Yes he is great to have around the club house. But the mets need pitchers, not Jokester.Maine on the other hand? will he be okay this season, is his arm okay. will he want bigger bucks this season than last. to me almost the same deal as Padro but a 2 year deal. But baseball is a game of numbers not just money. so honestly it is anyone's guess as to who will be the champs. Boston is looking good in the AL East, so are then darn yankee's But then again, they looked good on paper last year too and look at what happend. Yes, I am not an yankee fan. sorry guys and girls. I do love my Mets.As for the west? Dodger, and maybe the Angels. Central Scay but Da Cubbie. and Astro's will fight it out I am sure. I will have to take the cubs. What I am leading to is this. end of the season I am picking 2 teams to be in the big show. and I hope every one will ad there team and why they think they will be there. my pick areNY Mets, vs Boston Red Soxs.
  5. Stupid question and I kinda know the answer here but other's may not so I thought I would ask.Bandwith, just what is it and how is it juged on a site?
  6. I hate to say it but sounds like you picked up something like a guy I know from work, He had the same problem. whatever the virus was, was turning off the power to his power supply. He had another older PC on hand, with a smaller hard drive, so he thought he would just change over. well after a day or so, the oler PC did the same thing. this is how he found out it was a virus. None of his antivirus programs picked it up, so it must be very very new. Just a thought. hope it helps ya
  7. may or may not help but did you get any e mail from Xisto about google apps? I know when I brought all my things Domain and hosting. I got all that. just curious.
  8. I have been doing a lot of reading and searching on all this lately. Tough getting bored, All this is honestly make me think if this is globle warming, man mad problems with the ozone layers, or a natures way of healing.. Notice from truefusion: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/09/23/arctic.ice/index.html
  9. awww I have never felt so loved, and 1st too. guess that makes me the best
  10. I have to agree 100% with you. it has gone way down hill. Used to be so good, grezy and salty. now dry and bland. nothing like it used to be. Thanks to the FDA, They took away the good in foods.
  11. oh man that really brings back some great child hood memories. I guess it would be when I was about 4 ot 5. It was a Tonka fire truck. crazy as that may sound. something like that being the best gift I ever had. but it was given to me by my grand mother. We would open our gifts on christmas eve after a wonderful dinner. well I had a blast that nite playing with the truck, well Grand ma went on to bed that nite, and well passed away. to this day I still have that truck. a little rusty and some paint chipped away. but still have it, and would not sell it for anything on this earth.
  12. well last nite after posting this, I got talking with a buddy of mine, he said it was due to being able to save and store your passwords and screen names when you go to sites. Not a good Idea to do anyways but as we all know there some that do that. he thought that, that was how these hackers found the way to get into all the IE's not through other parts of windows.
  13. I thought that the name was Longhorn? hmmm Maybe microsoft is trying to throw everyone off with all this names and they will just call it HEY YOU!
  14. 1. you said a check fo4 3 million? 2. 3 attacks to stop at 3 million each? 3 that 3 million must come directly from me? maybe my old brain isnt working that well but why would a terrioriest group send a check like that to someone fresh out of collage knowing he has so many degrees he or she must pay for. ' you didnt say he or she was ritch to start with' sorry to be so picky but that just cought my eye, and made me think.
  15. I have to agree, but Microsoft will just have to throw down the flag and team up with Apple. With Fire fox out IE will not last. many have made the switch over and a lot more to come. It is my feeling for Microsoft to stay ahead of the game they must merge with Apple, then get better software programmers to stop all of these flaws all window systems have had. Romor has it that the new operating system after Vista, will be bug free. I doubt it. wouldnt be Microsoft if it didnt have a problem. but I have noticed over the years, from Windows 3.0 to Vista. They have got better at what they are doing.
  16. I would have to agree with the above. when I started my very 1st forum I used phpbb and honestly I ended up with more bots joining it than memebers, then I switched over to a Forumotion based forum. No bots joined at all Now I use SMF, I love the interface, so simple to use. but bot's but of the 3, I would have to go with SMF, main reason being so very simple. Just wishing it was easier to get mods like you can get for others. that always makes any forum look better be it just a simple game to add or something to make your members feel at home.
  17. I just read this and as much as I do love my IE It scares me to death and back. To read the full story Click here Thank goodness for FF
  18. YES It's a scam. I can not tell you how many times over the years I have got this in my E mai and even over instant message. As said above Track the IP then BLOCK that IP and inform Yahoo,MSN,Google or whatever mail server you use of this person. 99% chance it is comming off yahoo. and if that is the case good luck. I have reported so many scammers off there, and it does no good but to block them, yet like that pink bunny they keep comming and comming.
  19. I came across this today and thought that everyone here would enjoy it as must as I did. and here I always thought that we yawn because our bodies are tired and we need air. You may read the full story Here Very interesting study if you ask me.
  20. Is Having A Snake As A Pet Ridiculous? not at all. I had a Red Tip Boa for about 5 years. Gave him a mouse or 2 and he was as happy as a claim. Broke my heart when I moved to New Jersey where they do now allow boa's as pets
  21. The big bang has nothing to do with this? how so? All that I have stated is that I feel, repete feel. is that this whole globle warming is a hunk of junk, and that it is all just a phase that the earth is going through. Nothing of the big bang theory at all.
  22. Well Mr I have just 2 words for your post. Thank You. You know though when you and I was growing up all the talk was of a up comming ice age. Now they say that the polar ice cap is getting smaller. yet what they don't tell you is that it is becomming thicker. Could all this be a phase? Could mother earth, as ragged as she may be. Be trying to tell us something? I think so. Like the older Indian, and I have for got his name. But he way crying seeing how this earth is becomming so messed up.
  23. I lost about 3 myself but today it seems to be working okay? I hope. Would be nice if one of the admin or even Xisto's would send out a note telling why these losses. Just a thought.
  24. 56k? Dialup? That could be your problem right there. you may have signed on at 56K but your not really at 56k but closer to 45K. I know I sadly have to use dialup quite a bit myself.
  25. not bad prices but to be honest I have never heard of them. But with so many banks failing now a days I can not blame them for bringing down prices. they have to do something to get people to bring in money so they can pay off the usa goverment. lol
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