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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Well I have one thing to say and that is it is just annoying who cares if you are way too annoyed by spam get an email account with a spam blocker. Also its too bad it came to this.
  2. I have a Gmail account and a Yahoo account. I don't even use 1% of my Gmail account and I think I use 1-5% of my Yahoo account. I e-mail alot but I never send or recieve large messages.
  3. I can answer your second question for you I am pretty sure. That 2 megabytes must mean that you only used 2 of your allowed 250 megabytes. About your password try looking for any account management areas. I really hope that you can get this sorted out.
  4. That is a very good system in my opinion. Now people's computers can break without them scrambling all over the place because their website is going to die. Once again great system I think it will really help alot of people. Now if people make signatures for other users they can show some appriciation for the time and effort spent on them.
  5. I have been here at Xisto for awile now and I think that our moderators have been making honest judgements since I have been here. I want to ask why a moderator would want to bump up your warning level for no reason considering it is very hard to get a grudge against someone on a forum unless they spam all the time, in that case the person's warning level will be bumped up for disobeying forum rules. That is why I think there is nothing wrong with our warning system.
  6. My first computer was a Pentium 2 Gateway. It served me well for a little while then I got a computer made by a local company the computer was Pentium 2 I think, I hated that computer alot because it only had a 20 gig harddrive and a 56k modem (thats when I became interested in the internet). My next computer was a 1 gigahert, 1 gigabyte ram pentium 4 with an Nvidia graphics card and an Intel Pentium 4 Processor, this computer was great until it fried (built in network cards are bad). Now I am running a Fatality motherboad with a 3 gigaherts processor, 1 gigabyte of ram, a 300 gigabyte hard drive, and an AMD graphics card (I rebuild my 1 gigahert computer). That is my continuing computer owning history.
  7. Well I am pleased to know that if I ever need more e-mail or databases that I can obtain them (the e-mail is a far off doubtful maby and the databases are a never). Xisto is better than I thought when I applied here.
  8. Yesterday I had to reinstall everything on my computer. That is all fine and dandy if I only need to reinstall Windows so I decided to use the File & Settings Transfer Wizard. After I installed Windows I used the wizard to import my files and settings. The only stuff that actually got transfered was a few of my documents, my background, and thats it. Thats just a pain installing all that stuff over again, trust me.
  9. I don't hate smokers I just hate inconsiderate smokers. If they stay in their non-smoking sections and don't blow smoke at me I am fine, otherwise I think they are just being inconsiderate.
  10. For me it depends really. If I am really busy I might just post for a few minutes a day. I kind of post on and off (when I am on the internet I post and then read email or something) alot. For me it is really random but I can't say that I spend as much time here as Buffalohelp.
  11. This is a bad law. Lets say that they want to build a skyscraper in your city. They come to your house and say we are taking this because we can here is a pennie. There is nothing that you can do about it. Looks like it is time for another online petition .
  12. There is one word to describe this new game: amazing. The graphics are some of the best I have seen for the computer in a long time. I can not wait until it comes out. I think that Microsoft deserves a pat on the back (first one in years ).
  13. Goldeneye was the Halo of its day. During its time the graphics were state of the art. The gameplay was awsome. It was a golden age in video gaming. Now its just a fun to play game. Those are my 2 cents !
  14. My desktop has nothing on some of yours. I have 4 icons all 4 of them I use at least once a week. The computer I was using before this one has so many icons on it that I could barly see the background lol.
  15. Microsoft is trying to take advantage of people who have a hard time with homework. That is really low (this is comming from someone who despises homework).
  16. I would also like to see Google webhosting especially if they give us as much space as Gmail. If they don't give out much space if this becomes a reality then there is no point really because there would be ads I am sure.
  17. Wow that is a very useful script. Whenever I am about to post an image on my site alot of times I don't want my images hotlinked because of bandwidth.
  18. That is just plain funny! Out of all the news I have read on here this belongs in the Xisto Topic Hall of Fame if it is ever created. Thank you for finding this story.
  19. I am speaking for practically all of America when I say that the USA knows what England is going through. Some people just don't have any respect for innocent people. Probably all of the people killed in this attack and on September 11 had nothing against those terrorists and did nothing to harm them. Its just not right.
  20. I am glad that my cell phone is old no colored screen or this fancy text messenging stuff. Just a plain old Nextel. Why do they need to advertise when you pay so much a month to have a cell phone. In my book that is what you would call greed.
  21. I am sure that Gmail will allow this because after all they are saving files as attachments. I also found another virtual hard drive that I thought I should share with you. The site is http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm you don't need IE or any other browser, all you need is Windows and Gmail (of course). I think that Roam Drive is better because you can use a few different e-mail accounts for those of us who lack a Gmail account.
  22. Wow twenty-five cents to say what I think! Thats awsome! If I were 18 I would sign up now. I assume that it is legitamite since you have recieved two payments.
  23. That is very funny! Who would sue over something like that?
  24. In my opinion, Google has come out with yet another good service. Keep up the good work. Also, some one should create a Xisto recruitment video or something. That would be cool!
  25. I didn't learn to make web pages (I will soon). Right Now I use what you see is what you get editors like Frontpage. When it comes to HTML I am a lost puppy in the woods.
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