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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. OK this is really easy if your Frontpage has this option. 1. Insert2. Advanced3. Active X Conrol...4. Windows Media Player(click customize if Windows Media Player is not there)This should help have fun!
  2. This problem seems like something alot of people would have done on purpose. Google used an excuse thats uncalled for they could just admit the problems. There is no way to avoid what happened because sites are stored on their server.
  3. In my opinion you should forgive and forget because that was awile ago and like Wy said it was mandetory so he had no choice. Also the cardinals thought long and hard about their decision so I would assume they made the choice that should help Catholics.
  4. Go To https://xisto.com/ Best of all this service was created by the great people who created Xisto. Also the deals are sweet! Don't delay go there today .
  5. Try deleting public_html one more time and recreate it and if that doesn't work this time contact an ADMIN asap. I hope this works this time!
  6. Ok this is Bad! I personally think that there should be an option to turn this off or Microsoft scrap it completely or I'm switching to MAC since its better anyways. Ok thats what I think most people would agree I think.
  7. Here Is What I Think You Should Do1. Delete Every File/Folder From The Site2. Create a folder called public_html to put all your web pages in3. EnjoyI Hope I Helped You Out!
  8. Well I'm Gonna Wait For The PS3 For These Reasons1. I don't like Microsoft or Xbox (no offence Bill)2. Grand Theft Auto3. Socom 34. They have been planning for longer (so it should be better)Thats my 2 cents.
  9. As stated before it has to do with the kind of internet you have. The ads are the only way for this service to not drive Xisto bankrupt. Also be thankful they took the fall so you don't have ads on your site. Thats my opinion on the ads.
  10. I always thought that you have 99 subdomains you went throught them already! Go to the misc request forum. You must have a pretty large site. Anyway have fun posting and good luck getting those subdomains.
  11. I think you should use Invision Power Board and this is why:1. Customizable, you can find skins easily2. Addons, you can find stuff like a shoutbox or arcade3. Powerful, you can subscribe to topics and stuff like that4. Moderation and Admins, easy to manage your boardThose are my reasons I'm sure other people will agree with me.
  12. As said before the blue laser is awsome compared to the red laser. I'm not sure if blue is brighter than green though. I have seen some industrial lasers that give off a different color and they are brighter and they have a shorter wavelength, at least I think. So whatever one has shorter wavelength is most likely brighter.
  13. I personally think that the background is OK. I don't really see the point of the site either. Also there are too many pop-ups. So all things considered I didn't really like the site. But thats just my 2 cents.
  14. This is a good tutorial that looks like it would work, but I'm not using it on my desktop. Like I said before geat tutorial keep up the good work.
  15. I think this may be what you want find Winzip Self Extractor and its just like installing a program except all you need is a Zipped file. I hope this helps you a bit.
  16. In my opinion there are a few programs/browser plug-ins you need for your computer.1. Sun Java2. Flash Player3. Shockwave Player4. Adobe Acrobat Reader5. Spybot Search and Destroy6. Quicktime Player7. FirefoxThose are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head I'm sure there are more. Also the plug-ins I listed are required for veiwing alot of internet media so you should get them.
  17. I don't think I know what your asking, but I'll try to help you. I'll tell you how to create/edit an FTP account with a limited amount of space.1. Go to the FTP manager controls2. Go to FTP accounts3. Click quota on the right of anonymous4. Change the megabytes to your preferencePlease note that you cannot control individual folders but it seems good enough. Since when you upload with another FTP name I'm pretty sure it goes to a different directory, but I'm not sure about that. If I'm wrong about anything someone say so. Good luck!
  18. What is your favorite online game and why. If you have more than one favorite game post more than one. I'll post my favority game:My favorite online game is Runescape. Its very fun and easy to understand. Runescape is rather competative, which also makes a good online game. Also they update it alot so when you get bored there is something else to do.
  19. That pc is really awsome. I really like the chassie and LED lights. The motherboard and stuff looks pretty good too. I would like to know some specs though.
  20. Ok here is basically what i think of peer to peer programs. There is no safe per to per program. If you download a program off of someones computer you can't insure its virus free. If you want to use these programs then virus scan every file you download or your computer will have like 1 million viruses like my old one.
  21. I have not noticed that you get less posts as you post more. I don't think that its anything to complain about because you should just post whats on your mind. I personally have fun posting so its not really a big deal for me. Also, I get about one or more points per post.
  22. I would recommend Zone Alarm, it offers good protection and you can set it to ask if a program can use the internet and what not.
  23. Wow, Google is going to be the only site I ever go to in a few years they'll literally have everything. Thanks for the heads up too.
  24. Thanks for the info I'll store anything I need to remember there.
  25. I think posting notes in your own post would be cool, it just seems like something cool to add.
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