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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. I would invest the money in setting up a web hosting server in my own home. Or I would invest it in utilities because you can always count on power, gas, and water. If I could spend it on something that didn't have to make money I would create a free webhosting site.
  2. wariorpk

    Forum Software

    My favorite would have to be Invision Power Board. It has tons of great features and skins. I am stuck with phpbb because I don't have the money to buy Invision Power Board.
  3. I have only used phpnuke so I will say that is the best. I really don't like using portals that much though, I rather have a website with an unintigrated forum.
  4. That is exactly what I mean thanks so much. This problem is solved.
  5. Well I have seen it all over the web. Lots of sites have code boxes so you can promote them or they show you a code you can use for javascript and stuff like that. I would like to know the HTML code for those boxes. Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. That must be it. I am a bit of a computer geek sometimes because it is all that I have to do. I'll just play a game on the PS2 after a bit of extreme gaming. Thanks for your help!
  7. Well I forgot what I voted in the poll but the majority of the time I use a site builder, currently I am favoring using PHPbb because I happen to like forums better than normal sites. I have designed my own graphics before but I have never learned html. So for me it is more site builders than my own stuff.
  8. Earlier today I was happily playing my online video game when all of the sudden my computer stopped working. By that I mean that it froze and then completely stopped working. I tried a bunch of stuff like taking out the battery, clearing the CMOS, putting in the original motherboard floppy disk, and just leaving it off. Later this morning I turned it on and it just started working. I just can not stand when you do something and can not do it again. At least my computer is working again !
  9. Alot of free web hosts that require forum posting fail. You have to be interested in your free web hosting company for it to suceed (maby its only true with sites that require forum posting). I think that Xisto is the best around but that sounds like it was on the right track.
  10. I think that China would start the war because it seems they have a few rouge leaders who are not at all interested in peace. However, there is not a doubt in my mind that the United States would retaliate. I do not think anyone would win the war. I think that if this happens the Earth would cease to exist.
  11. I think that they would make less than 10 million a month. Even with ads there are alot of costs people do not realize. They have to pay for alot and I mean alot of space and bandwidth just for Gmail. For search they have probably about 1 billion webpages on record so that there is space and when people search it is bandwidth. They have a whole bunch of extra features. It must cost alot to run Google. If you are saying without cost I would say they most likely make about 10 million. I am sure the owners of Google are not suffering I can tell you that much.
  12. Greedy computer companies. They release software before it is developed and now look what happens. We get virus alerts every week or so. So what if they can get the program on the shelves faster. More people will buy it if it is safer.
  13. Those commercials are very annoying because the songs do not sound as good as when the original artist sings it. It completely ruins a good song if you ask me. I am glad that someone finally wanted to bring attention to this horrible collection of songs.
  14. Wow if I lived in Australia and I didn't live out in the sticks I would get this for sure. I think DSL won't get to where I live even when I am in my 80's. The e-mail accounts and free dial-up are also very tempting.
  15. That is a very good site. I would never have the patience to make a site like that. Great job! One of the best sites I have seen here at Xisto.
  16. That is awsome. I wish I had that much spair time! If that guy does get sued he could just use normal boxes no harm in that.
  17. This is not a big deal at all. All you need is an hour or two of internet time and you can get something like a month's worth of credits at least. The amount of credits per post are very fair here as I know most people know. Just in case back up all your files just incase you do lose your hosting.
  18. That is good that they can actually save the records for a long time so that way someone doesn't come along and dig up these radioactive boxes. That would have serious consequences.
  19. I hate spelling too but I try my best when I am typing on an online forum/game because I realize how much of a pain it is to read stuff that has misspellings in it. I may seem like an english scolar on here but at school I can't spell to save my life. I would like a spell check too it would make life easier.
  20. Thanks alot Snildude this is alot like auto complete in Internet Explorer. Now everything in Firefox is better than Internet Explorer. Now I won't worry about having a bookmark folder that has so many bookmarks you won't find the one you want.
  21. It is not actually free if you ask me. Completing offers wastes your time. The way I see it your time is valuable. So if you ask me this is not a good service.
  22. The dropping of the atomic bomb was completely nessecary from my point of view. I am sure that not everyone knows that we were planning a war against Japan on their soil. That would have killed millions of people both Japanese and American (I would speculate more than the bombs killed). The Japanese had it comming to them after they attacked American soil unprovoked. What we did was not a war crime but a retaliation.
  23. Car alarms were invented to make noise so people know when cars are being stolen, breaken into, or whatever. That guy must have been wasted or just had a really, really, really, bad temper. There is no excuse for that!
  24. I do not think that Gmail will ever open to the public. I think that Google needs the semi-public atmosphere to provide all of the space that they give you. I hope it never goes public I like being refered to as an owner of a Gmail account.
  25. I have reviewed quite a few sites here at Xisto but this is a very, very, very good site. I will give it a 10 out of 10 just by seeing the screenshot. Good work and you can quit your day job (if you have one) and design websites.
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