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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Wow that is amazing! I like playing video games and surfing the web alot but I am not that dedicated ! I honestly think that the media is trying to keep people from playing video games as much for a reason I do not know.
  2. Wow there are at least 1 thousand or more planes sitting there if you ask me. Looks more like an airplane grave yard than an air force base if you ask me. Cool picture!
  3. Windows is the most secure by far because they are constently fixing bugs because of the many people who target Windows computers. Linux is just sitting there thinking that no one will target open source but one day someone will and Windows will actually turn out to be better as much as I hate to say it.
  4. If they already have your email that stinks but for future reference here is what I think you should do. Spammers do not go after addresses themselves it would take far too long so they use robots that look for email addresses. If you make your emails look like this when you put them on your site: bob[no spam]@[no spam]yoursite.com instead of this: bob@yoursite.com . That is an easy fix for any site and its free too. Just make sure your site visitors know to remove the [no spam]. I hope this works for someone in the future.
  5. Ok here is what to look for in a webhost, everything that you get here at Xisto. Here you get everything that you need space, bandwidth, databases, uptime, ect. The forums here are also good.
  6. I agree I have had alot of bad experiences with free webhosting. Then I came here and realized it was what I was looking for. They have plenty of space and bandwidth. Also, no ads and a load of extras (like databases, e-mail, subdomains, and more). Other free web hosts are the opposite. I do not mind posting here because I find alot of interesting topics and have had quite a few problems solved here.
  7. I think that is a really good site. I especially like the layout because it puts everything right in front of you so you can get a basic overview of each page without scrolling down. Also there are no colors that strain the eyes and that is always a plus.
  8. I think that sooner or later everyone will get into these type of programs since there is finally one that is freeware. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  9. Windows 2000 seemed pretty good then our good buddy Microsoft took a nosedive in quality control if you ask me . Windows 2000 is very stable we have it at school and it never crashes. I get a few crashes per week on my Windows XP computer here at home.
  10. The best search engine has to be Google because since everyone uses it most pages must submit themselves to Google before going anywhere else. That and I like the results I get and the name of the company.
  11. Thats what I am worried about because that has happened to my stuff before and my friends have had this happen to them more than me, like this time my friend lent his friend a game and when he got it back it did not work.
  12. I was happy when my site got approved because it did not take very long and it was basically the webhost I was looking for. Its like a dream come true.
  13. Well if you are like me you like when people respect your stuff and most of the time people do. However, today was not a normal day. This neighbor kid (parents let him over he is a friend of my family's kid) desides to go on my computer without asking and surfs the web. This really gets me angry because first of all he respect my stuff enough to ask me, second of all most of the time this stuff happens when I am home but I was gone today, thirdly I had to make sure there were no viruses and stuff like that, and last I had to set passwords so this never happens again. Maby I have issues with people respecting my stuff I don't know but it still gets me mad !
  14. This could be a reality if you live under the following conditions:1. You live in the desert (so there is no clouds)2. You have lots of land3. You have enough money to buy alot of solar panels4. You can find a way to store alternating current in a batteryIf you have that you are all set to go!
  15. Nice tutorial it is even easy enough for me to understand, but I am still way too lazy to write my own HTML I use a web authoring program called NVU so I do not have to spend all that time to get the same result .
  16. I like Google maps because they show alot of detail I mean I can see my cousin's house on it how cool is that. I couldn't find my house though so that makes it not as cool as it could be.
  17. What you guys are saying is true but do not forget Windows takes up alot of space. My Windows takes up about 2.18 gigabytes.
  18. There is no real way to be sure but what I do is I change my passwords on sites I visited when I get home so that way no one can steal my information. Other than that always make sure to log out or people will not even need spyware to access your accounts.
  19. Wow! Now everyone can get a Gmail account even if they don't know anyone who has one. Thanks for finding this I'll give this link to any of my friends who want Gmail after I waste all my invitations.
  20. I am making a site for my cousin, long story short I realized for it to be recongnized I need meta tags so he can show up on search engines. I have never experimented with meta tags so I need a complete explination on how to create them. Thanks alot and have fun posting.
  21. I have to say that that is a very annoying website! I for one will not take the time to read all those flashing links . There is a group of sites that are far, far worse. These sites are the sites that give you viruses, spyware, and/or other stuff of that nature.
  22. Are you serious? That is good information to know I think I am going to research that because that will make alot of websites more interesting. I wouldn't do anything until you find out for sure. I don't think anyone wants to spend 2 years in jail for violating a copyright law .
  23. That is really too bad for your sake but the only option you have is to buy them on DVD if there are any episodes on DVD, otherwise that is really, really too bad for your sake.
  24. I rebuild my computer when my processor fried so I can validate that building a computer is far cheaper than buying a new one. It also lets you make sure all the specifications are exactly what you want them to be.
  25. I use Firefox because one day I just decided to switch and I stayed with Firefox because I am very happy with software that does not tend to compromise my computer's security. I am stuck in my ways and will never switch back.
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