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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. We have one computer where I live. It is a 3.6 gigahertz computer with 2 gigabytes of RAM and a 100 some gigabyte hard drive. I am the only one who ever uses it but I think that unfortunatly might change.
  2. I agree school networks are a pain. They block everything and there is constantly some program that got corrupted, deleted, or the save files were erased. I have also heard that each student is only allowed 5 megabytes for files (I might reach the limit first because I like MS Paint pictures and they take up so much space) so I will have to start deleting my art soon.
  3. This whole Iraq ordeal is a mess. They need to do something quickly because this can only waste more money, lower the United State's reputation as a nation of peace, and make our citizens think that the war was a mistake (too late we have been there too long by a few years). They need to figure out something quick pull out or help Iraq's new government preform a miracle.
  4. I play Runescape. I am level 60 and also have 62 mining and 52 smithing (its something along those lines I am not quite sure what my smithing is off the top of my head). My name on Runescape is Wariorpk. I would suggest that a good goal is buying a rare item like a santa hat (I own one they rule) or to get a bunch of money just to say you have it.
  5. Did you make sure to install your motherboard? Most motherboards come with installation floppy disks that you need to put in the drive before using your motherboard. If it did not come with one or you can access all the boot screens put in your Windows XP cd and try to repair the installation. I hope this helps computer problems stink belive me.
  6. I liked this game alot it had great graphics, great sound, great gameplay, great cars, and it was almost perfect except the promised online was not given to us like it was promised. If I completely forget about online because my internet is not good enough anyways it is still a best buy.
  7. You forgot to rant about flame signatures. I have only seen a couple here but at some forums it is out of hand and they are very annoying because I don't like seeing someone's flame war every time they post. About the spam signauture issue I don't see how this is a big deal but there has to be a limit somewhere. I mean if it takes up half a page its too big but even a quarter of a page is tolerable. Thats my two cents anyways.
  8. This is just an eighth grade 10 week course so I highly doubt that we will be learning php yet. I hope to learn it in the future though. I also highly doubt that we will learn css but like I said before I would like to learn it.
  9. I am very happy about this. I have always wanted to write HTML code but I never had the time or pacience to do so and instead I took the coward's way out by getting a WYSIWUG editor. Sure thats fine but I rather write my own code and soon I will be able to . Did any of you learn HTML in school or are you going to.
  10. I agree, how can they provide that much space for so little? Yes it is ok to talk about Compuhosting here because they help pay for Xisto. I am not sure if you can pay yearly. The features are pretty much the same.
  11. I personally think that Zone Alarm is a good firewall. It is free and should not be confused with Zone Alarm Pro (made by the same company but you pay for it because it has more features). It has blocked many access attempts to my computer. None of them were high rated but still I am glad that I have a firewall.
  12. I like Google because it seems to give me the most relevant results. For internet browsing I use Mozilla Firefox because it is free and the most secure browser that is out there.
  13. I would buy one if I were you. I saw that notebook on the television and I thought to my self that is an awsome notebook. It is from Dell a name that you can trust and it is the newest gaming laptop I have heard of. In otherwards by all means buy it I wish I could.
  14. wariorpk

    What To Do

    I would not let someone die unless they were in so much pain with no chance of recovery. If they are not in pain why let them die. Its human life we are talking about here and human life is worth more than anything. I hope that your friend gets better.
  15. Why do people take advantage of disasters. People's lives are on the line here and instead of the money going to helping people it goes to some guy who is sitting at his computer watching the money flow in from people who want to help people that need the money.
  16. Alot of people I know have bought stuff off of Pay Pal and I have never heard them complain. I do not see why you need to upgrade your account to get your money though. Paying $6 to get $200 is not a big deal at all. Would you rather drive or fly to where the money is. It would eat up your $200 thats for sure.
  17. I like the idea but I do not like the amounts. I doubt that anyone on this forum has 3,000 hosting credits and if they did we wouldn't see them for a few years . The idea of getting rid of the ads I do not like because the ads pay for this service. Would you rather have the ads on your site?
  18. Nintendo has gone downhill since they came out with the Gameboy Advanced SP. They seem to be falling off good gaming cliff here. This controler is a remote for a t.v. I do not want to play a video game using a remote. I hope they realize they need a better design.
  19. I agree with you. I do not like when people sware to be cool because it is quite simply a nusence. Sometimes you may just be talking to your friends and it slips out because you are mad about something thats ok I guess. The only thing swaring can do is make you look bad and depending on the situation get you into trouble.
  20. I can not help you but I can say that you are not alone. I have a hard time in English too. I would recommend asking your teacher how to write better if all else fails.
  21. I agree with you the oil companies are treating us like they can get away with anything. There is this small service station by my house and it just can not compete with the Mobile down the road. I like the small station better it is part of the community but for some reason no one ever goes there even though the prices are actually the same. I don't understand why something is better because it has a brand name attached to it. I also don't understand why someone would rather make an oil tycoon richer than buying from the local guy.
  22. Thats cool because Google does not tell you your page rank. I guess this is good for those who want to find out how popular their site is. Thank you for sharing this tool.
  23. Its not that free so its not that good. Thats just my opinion anyway I am glad you found it useful.
  24. Nice tutorial I always wondered how to do that. Now if someone comes up with some good html it can be used for their forum.
  25. How about they also open this to all people who are in school (from preschool to college) and make it available to everyone if they just do so much as tell others about Google. This might not work because I would be throwing Google fliers everywhere for gear and pizza and so would others so it would cost too much.
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