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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. What happened in New Orleans was very sad. I hope that they rebuild New Orleans somewhere else if they can so that way this never happens again. The people who are helping save the people over there are the real heros and should get a bonus for their efforts.
  2. I am not really a fan of the design, no offence. The whole purpose of your site is good though. I would like to know a little bit of another language. Keep up the good work and if you don't agree with anything I say just ignore my 2 cents.
  3. I think that Gmail and Yahoo have really good security. They both use secure sites for logging in. They both have powerful spam filters. Yahoo scans attachments for viruses. The way I look at it those two email services side by side are some of the best around when it comes to security. They don't say if your password is good enough because most people (like me) would ignore the warning anyways so whats the point of having one.
  4. The Army System icons are one word: perfect. The Xisto Army System has been around for a while (then it got taken down and put back up). The icons are retro so they are awsome. That and its alot of trouble making the new icons and installing them. At least I would think so.
  5. My favorite phone brand is Nextel because its easy to use, has the walkie talkie, and its the only phone I ever have had. Its an old one with the lcd screen that lights up blue.
  6. It would normally be if you ask me. I think that is insane that someone got their computer running that fast. I guess I should buy a mini fridge for my room and put my computer in it . I would think that liquid nitrogen and/or the speed would destroy the processor.
  7. I have a Samsung SyncMaster 192N LCD monitor and I use 1024x768 resolution all the time. I like how big everything is and how everything is readable. Go 1024x768!
  8. It seems like a very sad attempt to rake in even more money for a best seller game. I am not going to buy it. You would be better off just sticking with what you have the levels we get are good enough as it is.
  9. If you had to go with anything without prices/channel line up information I would go with DirectTV I have had it for years and I am very happy with it. If you can find out that stuff just go with what company offers more for less.
  10. wariorpk

    I Hate Greenday!

    I really don't like any new music these days. It all went down the tubes during the last few years to answer your question yes I hate Greenday's music and I am tired of everyone obsessing about them and constantly playing there music. If people would just not play it every time I come to their house there would be no problem. I don't bug my friends with music they hate.
  11. I highly doubt this. There would be so much disapproval by the people of both countries the governments would have no choice.
  12. I have one thing to say and that is keep your paws away from my stuff. I live in the United States so this shouldn't be a problem yet but I do not want this to happen to anyone.
  13. If you need more databases you can always use a Postsql database if you are not using a pre-installed script. I did that before when I installed phpbb.
  14. I personally think that javascript is worst of all because alot of people load their sites with useless javascript that is very annoying and makes the page hard to read. I like javascript when it is used in moderation for a marquee or to hide part of a page.
  15. Ok thanks for your help I will make sure to leave the copyright alone.
  16. I wanted to know if it is possible to add code to phpbb if so how. By adding code I mean adding html so I could add stuff like affialiates and stuff like that. Thanks for your help. I also wanted to know if that is allowed before anyone posts an answer, I figured it is if you leave the copyright because it is open source.
  17. Gmail pretty much has gone public because if you go to the Gmail login screen you will see you can text message Google to get an invitation. Even if you can't text message using a cell phone many instant messengers now allow you to text message. Gmail has gone public just without a sign-up link. I wish it wasn't public it was better before. Well now everyone can use Gmail might as well send all the Gmail invitations back to Google.
  18. As everyone else thinks sorry about your loss but I think that he admited that he ripped content from your site look at this: I find that quite funny that he admits that he ripped content from your site yet he still has it there. Well if the site was a member of your Xisto affiliation program then it was hosted at Xisto so can't you report him to an administrator?
  19. That is a nice tutorial you wrote here. If I ever learn php (not likely I am way too lazy) I would look here. Keep up the good work.
  20. If you ask me we are going to blow ourselves up because we are constantly fighting and one country is going to blow a fuse and launch nukes at another country. That country and its allies will fire nukes in return. It is a cycle that could end in the destruction of our planet. Thats what I think.
  21. I read a book about Bill Gates a few years ago and alot of the stuff in there seems to be different because Bill Gates did not invent the computer he invented an OS. Bill Gates did not even invent DOS he bought it from IBM so there is no way on Earth that he invented the computer.
  22. No he is not The Sims Online is a seperate game that you can buy from the store or online. This is for Ambient: I have a sim in Alphaville too. His name is President Turtle expect me online around 3:00 eastern. I have played for about 2 years but I can never seem to keep a sim around for very long but I think I will keep my sim in AV.
  23. Yes Gmail does take those types of e-mails quite seriously because you can report them seperate from their annoying cousins that we call spam. I am really glad you told us about this and I am really glad that the site was down. I don't know why people do stuff like this its just not right.
  24. I would use that but I have no use for voice over ip. I am glad that Google is making it free if I ever did want to use it. I have said it once and I will say it again here, go Google!
  25. I think that I will join it sounds like a good program. Well, after I get my ducks in order (my site is a mess if you can call a 404 error a site). This program was a great idea and no I can not think of a better name.
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