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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Wow I never knew that you could do that in Windows I guess it is good for something. Anyway, don't play games at school wait till you get home. That should solve the problem.
  2. My cousin made a few of these maps he is gonna be mad. I however, don't really think its a big deal because they will fix it. Hopefully, for everyone's sake (meaning those who play that game) it will get fixed soon.
  3. I have always wondered what all that copyright stuff ment. I only knew it ment DON'T copy it other than that I didn't know anything about it.
  4. If you have an alternate web browser such as Firefox (it rules by the way) then you can get rid of IE and never see it again. You also need Windows XP with service pack 1+.Step 1: Open the start menuStep 2: Set Program Access and DefaultsStep 3: Click CustomStep 4: Change your default browser to something else (like Firefox)Step 5: Uncheck Enable Acess to this programI used this to get rid of IE when I didn't have a computer my dad borrowed from work cause my processor burned out.This should help and if not I hope someone else can help.
  5. My school has a horrible budget for everything, but technology especially. Last year they installed Windows 2000 Professional on the computers and the computer teacher acted like she was given a free copy of Photoshop. Thats how horrible our technology is. By the way the computers are around 7-8 years old now.
  6. I personally don't think that rich countries need to share with poor countries in most cases. The most we should do in most cases in my opinion, is buy stuff from them like if they sell bananas, computers, or whatever. Buying stuff to help people will help them not be leeches so that eventually they will have a strong enough economy to be a self sufficient country. If a natural disaster hits then money should be donated because sometimes disasters destroy alot of the country.
  7. I don't know if this helps but I found a way to make quality posts easily, I have listed them below.1. Find topics that interest you2. Start threads about your ideas, sucesses, and problems (people here are very good at helping you out)3. If you think you can help someone post in that thread4. If there are no new threads you want to post in wait a few hours and there should be plenty5. Posting here is like talking to your friends (each post is like a reply in a conversation and e-mail try to put some meaning into it)
  8. This doesn't seem like a good idea to me. The technical challenged people like me would mess up everything. Only try it if you are a good programmer who can afford a few PSPs.
  9. I play Socom 2 occasionally. I forgot what my username is. If I ever start playing I will join your clan.
  10. In theory Xisto could put the latest version of IPB on there because they have a copy, but in reality Xisto would get shut down. Buy a copy of it or get a free alternative like me!
  11. I am glad that people are in agreement with me on this. I agree this won't be realized for a long time but I'm sure it will be in computers in a few years.
  12. I don't see why they are like that. Its all the same religion. In my opinion the Catholic Church is looking to make everyone Catholic so they can get bigger pay checks because of weekly donations. Thats my 2 cents!
  13. Well the other day I was having some hardware problems or something and I could not get to the bottom of it. I thought if only there were some way to find out what happened. Then I thought about it and realized there could be some sort of black box that could record critical changes to the BIOS and other system critical settings. You could boot the black box instead of a normal hard drive, cd drive, ect. Then you could fix what happened. This could also reset your entire pc to its original settings. So what does everyone think?
  14. Well have not had an evil science teacher yet but next year thats about to end. The teacher I'll get next year yells too much, has an attitude problem, and I heard that she doesn't know how to grade fairly. I know most of this because she used to be a substitute before she was a science teacher and I have heard about the grading from other kids.
  15. They better not cut off Gmail. If they do I'll have to use Yahoo and thats not good because I don't have all the storage and there is are alot more ads. Even if they give out no more invites at least I'll still have it (I hope). If Gmail is ever open to the public they should allow the people who were invited to Gmail to keep their storage.
  16. Thats cool thanks for sharing that with us! Too bad that I don't have Adobe Photoshop (its too expensive for me). I also think that was an easy to understand tutorial so great job.
  17. The moderators here are absolutely the best! If they weren't this wouldn't be the forum it is. I have run a small forum before and even then you have to make sure to do what you say you will (warning, suspending the account, ect.) or no one will ever take you seriously and your forum will be a wreck. Thanks for the great job mods !
  18. This is very strange. I would scan the file for viruses if you want to check if it is legitamite. It seems very unlikely that Yahoo would send of all files a zip file. Scan it and if there are no viruses investigate it. If you can, try e-mailing Yahoo after you investigate.
  19. Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour is my favorite PC game. I like playing as the GLA and watching the suicide soldiers run into the enemy base. It is also pretty rewarding to see a scud launcher kill a whole bunch of troops. I cheat alot by using a trainer .
  20. Its a pretty good design in my opinion. Keep up the good work and have fun!
  21. I Installed 2 mods and I am very happy with them both (I can't pick one its not possible). I installed Easy Mod because I am not very skilled at this whole mod installation. I also installed Cash Mod. I figured Cash Mod will help develope forum talent because people will beable to buy sigs and other stuff.
  22. The dumbest thing I have ever done? Everyone will be here for hours while I list them so I'll just put one. I was driving my dad's tractor and he said to not drive in the mud. I didn't care and I did and the tractor came out fine. Then I went to show my buddys and I got stuck 3/4 of the way to the end of the mud. That is one of the dumbest (and one of the funniest) things I have ever done.
  23. When I applied for hosting I asked for package 2. Instead, when I logged into my Cpanel I got package 1. My hosting credits were deducted correctly and here is the link to my application http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23394-free-web-hosting-wariorpk-free-website-geckotrap17com/ Here is the package, space, and bandwidth information: I waited a few days before posting this to see if it would fix it's self, however it did not. Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Before I give you any information you have to agree this game will be free because I'm not going to help you make a profit if I have to pay for something that I contributed to.
  25. My List Of Things To Do When You Can't Sleep:1. Post on the Xisto forums2. Edit my Xisto site3. Play Runescape4. Play video games5. Watch t.v. until I fall asleep6. Try to sleepI hope my list helps you!
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