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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. To me it seems that your problem lies in customer service not in the router its self. These are the following possibilities that caused your bad experience:1. The customer service person honestly knew nothing about the router because technical support could be on a website2. The customer service person was lazy and figured instead of searching for your answer they said they did not know3. This is very unlikely but the router is unconfigurable
  2. My user name comes from my Runescape name wariorpk.
  3. I think that I will just list the faults/homework habbits of my teachers:Math: the teacher does not explain it and he hands out homework like candy even if we get classtime it is still alot of workScience: this class is fineArt: this class is fine for now because we haven't started the real work yetEnglish: we have to read for a half hour a day even if she gives us a report and she gives us no warning about quizes so we can't studyComputers: the teacher is a little mean but its the funnest class I haveHistory: the teacher hates my friendI want less homework and more time to post here!
  4. Well it just goes to show you how great this service is. I sure hope that we can get some good topics from our new members.
  5. This is true but the way I see it if you have friends who hate forum posting even though it takes almost no time out of your day and its actually an enjoyable part of your day that maby seeing information about another host might help you find your friend hosting.
  6. There are a few good points to Geocities webhosting:It is freeThere is no spyware/adware as far as I knowThey give you a site builderYou are signed up if you have a Yahoo accountThis is what I don't like about Geocities:The ads are annoyingThe sites you create in site builder are very unprofessionalYou don't get much spaceYou don't get much bandwidthWhat do you like about Geocities? What didn't you like about Geocities? Did you have a different experience? If so I would like to hear it.
  7. I agree that number 3 is uncalled for. If they didn't find it anywhere else there is no reason to think that someone is hiding it in a notebook or whatnot. The people should think what if it was me who is missing class, what if it was me who failed a test because I didn't hear the whole lecture, what if it was my privacy that was invaded, and what if it was me who has work that could have been done in class. The people who came up with this idea need to realize that.
  8. It seems impossible that a country that exports so much oil is trying to conserve it. Does this make sence to anyone? If they had a gas shortage or wanted to cut down pollution this would work. I think people in Iraq will all think this is a bad idea and the limit will be history.
  9. I love Age of The Empires I can't wait until it comes out. I am hoping that graphics are better, missions are better, the online works with non-broadband connections. and there are more buildings, units, and upgrades.
  10. If I every buy fish I know what to read. Very in depth tutorial it must have taken forever to write.
  11. The only way I would advertise is if I could get paid per view and not per click because who really clicks on ads unless they really like the site. So if there are any pay per view ones I will check out the site.
  12. I agree that Tripod is one of the best bad free webhosting companies. I liked their site builder and the amount of space you got but the ad box just took up too much room and I was ready to add a forum to my site. If you are new to webhosting and don't use fancy scrips and think that ads add character to a site its a good choice. If you don't mind posting just avoid the trouble and get hosted here.
  13. The Ukraine must not be a democratic country because where I live we elect our leaders. I do think its funny that he fired his government though, but if they were no longer doing a good job I guess its ok as long as the people of Ukraine approve .
  14. Wow I guess that advertising does help offset the costs of large popular websites. Most people who I know that use Adsence made about $3.00 per month. By my math thats $999997 less. I sure hope Xisto one day reaches that record with their advertising.
  15. Wow that is a fancy calculator I don't expect to see that in college. The download is not illegal because the link shows that its from the Texas Instruments website (which I believe is http://www.ti.com/). If its not from there it is illegal because of copyright infringement.
  16. If you keep your chickens in an area that is unfenced it is a disaster waiting to happen. What I recommend is that you put up a run for them using some chicken wire (make sure to cover the top because of creatures of the sky) other than that put out a trap with something that animals like (like fish or something) and wait till you catch an animal and drop it off in the next county .
  17. This is what I like about your template:Good ColorsGood LayoutXHTMLGood PicturesThis is what I don't like:Too much advertisement for your site one button is enough
  18. I always thought that Microsoft only cared about releasing buggy products. I never thought that they would put in easter eggs and hidden quotes. Thanks for showing us these I am sure we would not have found any of them without your help.
  19. This is quite a collection of books just for a not very broad topic like this. If I ever switch to Linux (not likely I can't live without the games that I own for Windows only) I will be sure to check out one of these books.
  20. The gas where I live went up to over $3.00! Thats just insane. I have heard that they provide 1/3 of the gas over there so it makes sence. I feel sorry for motorists and anyone who is effected by this horrible hurricane. My gas is now around $2.99 unleaded but thats still way too high if you ask me.
  21. People have opinions. The people who write for Gamestop have opinions. If you do not like their opinions just don't listen or deny the existence of Gamestop all together. Its not worth getting upset about.
  22. Wariorpk with 1 terabyte hosting where would I start. First of all I would have a forum jam packed with the best mods. I would start a private webhost just for me and my friends. Thats pretty much it I think I would sell the rest of the space off.
  23. I wish this was around when I became a member because back when I got hosted I was wondering what a Cpanel is. This will show people that this truely is the best free webhosting. This is on your own space so thanks for donating that too.
  24. Before you compare this to Xbox Live you must understand that this is free which means no cost to you they cover everything. They can't have the best of everything if they provide it for free its just not possible because it would cost so much money they would have to charge for it or get rid of it. People who cheat, hack, and use mods ruin the game I will agree with you there, but is that Sony's fault?
  25. Thats very funny. Who comes up with this stuff anyways it seems that people have too much time on their hands these days. Anyway I bet that is pretty close to his inbox except I doubt its at Hotmail because he most likely has an address with some government domain.
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