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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. I have a problem typing in Fire Fox 1.0.4 sometimes the cursor moves back one space for no reason at random. In fact right now its fine and before it was moving back all the time was this just a glitch or is there something I need to fix?
  2. I would want one but if someone gave it to me free I wouldn't takeit because electricity costs too much. If I could sell it I would.
  3. For me it would be church in the day. Dakari said he was creeped out by it but it just scares me on the way because I think of how bored I'll be.
  4. I found a version of Apache on the official website that has an installation wizard for those of us who aren't programmers like me. If you go to the download page click on Win32 bianary. When it asks for domain information put in your ip address and it should work. I hope I'm not confusing anyone.
  5. Ok I am very pleased with this service but with the summer months comming and family vacations comming I know I'm not going to have time to post enough. I already know how to delete hosting.My Questions Are:1. Can I apply for hosting again2. If I can apply for hosting again can I use the same name (gecko.trap17.com)Comments:I'm still gonna post to get credits for when I reapply in the fall. Also thanks to everyone who answered my questions and have fun this summer!
  6. Yet another way how google wants to help the internet. Go Google! I would join but for one thing I can't code and two I don't have the time.
  7. The NVU seems really good. I am going to try it! The screenshots look pretty good. So I hope its a good program.
  8. Well I'm glad others are interested so hopefully others will also know.
  9. Very good design I like the fact that its alot like the Xisto logo I will use this on my site I'm creating right now.
  10. Thanks everyone! Now my site will be customized instead of looking like its a clone of the original site except with different content.
  11. I would use this but its too complicated for me to install all this stuff and I have a bandwidth cap from Direcway (my ISP) its like 150mb an hour. If I go over my internet goes slower than dial-up for 8 hours.
  12. I'm not planning to leave Xisto or anything but I'm considering a free webhosting site on my PC so I can give it out to my friends and host pictures and stuff like that. I went to the Cpanel site and it costs a bunch of money and it doesn't support Windows. Are there any free hosting control panels out here? If so post them here. Thanks alot !
  13. Well its good to know that we are getting it eventually. Also, they only charge $10 and most formerly free website software is usually very expensive. Take Invision Power Board for example they used to be free now a premanant licence is over $100. Also will anyone PM me when they release a new PHP-Nuke to the public.
  14. I had a new idea for a hosting package that could cost like 40-50 credits it would contail the following features:500mb space1 gp bandwidthThis is the best feature:the ability to provide hosting and you control how many subdomains, ftp accounts, how much space, bandwidth, ect.So what does everyone think?
  15. I would have to say UPS for a few reasons.1. I've known about UPS since I was 52. If the customer isn't there to get a package they give them like 2 or 3 chances3. You can require a signature (to insure no one stole the laptop your shipping)4. You can request payment when the package is dropped off (I think I'm not sure)
  16. I'm using PHP Nuke (the preinstalled one) and I want to change the logo at the top.Two Questions About That:1. Is it allowed (you can't modify some programs so I figured I should ask)2. If you can then how do you change the logo
  17. You bring about a very interesting point. Whenever they come out with free software thats really good you usually have to pay for it eventually. I have another theory though, maby they will release previous versions that you had to pay for to the public for free when they come out with a new version.
  18. I was surfing the net and decided that I want an upgraded version on PHP Nuke for my site. So I went to the PHP Nuke site. On the frontpage it says that version 7.7 final costs $10. In the download box the last version I could find is 7.5 (so I think its the last free one). Do you think that the beloved free portal is not going to be free in any future version?
  19. What I Liked About Your Site:1. You Used PHP Nuke2. You picked a good skin3. Pretty nice forumWhat I Didn't Like 1. The fact that you have adsI hope that you get alot of visitors !
  20. It looks like it showed up on the homepage. If I'm wrong try searching for the following on Google: Cute News. Then you should visit a support page/forum. I hope I helped you. Nice site by the way!
  21. Thats cool! That would turn my computer from a GMC truck into a Corvett. Unfortunately thats out of my price range but its still awsome!
  22. That is a really good signature you should make more like that. I couldn't make that if I wanted to because I lack art skills.
  23. I'm glad that its back to normal for everyone. Imagine what would happen if everyone pigged out on space and bandwidth then the servers would be overloaded.
  24. This is a temporary fix but it should allow FireFox visitors to come to your site. First you create a Fire Fox compatable website in Microsoft Word or Frontpage. Second you create a homepage for your site that could say "IE Users Click Here" and FireFox Users Click Here" all people would be able to come to your site and you would be able to fix and bugs without rushing. I haven't tried this but it seems like a great idea.
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