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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Are you serious that security update is comming out!? I am not going to buy Microsoft's security software because just like Windows its going to have security holes and bugs. Also, your right Microsoft may forget about money for once but I highly doubt it, but if they do I'll try their anti spyware software to see if it works.
  2. wariorpk

    Sponge Bob

    I was thinking of a way to worm your way out of wareing the watch but you beat me to it. That is a very good idea I'm gonna have to try that the next time one of my little cousins gives me something dumb.
  3. I happen to agree with this phrase there is no such thing as a stupid question. In my opinion every question was asked to find out an answer. When you ask a question and you know the answer or just want to be dumb that is a statement you said because you want attention. Thats just my two cents.
  4. I'm sure most people don't read the license agreements but I do to make sure I know what I'm agreeing to. I noticed that Antispyware can't be used on June 31, 2005. I think that what will happen is they will find out bugs from us and make a commerical version by fixing bugs we found on free software. Anyway I'll find a different spyware killer.
  5. If you are willing to pay some money use MacAfee for anti-virus and download Zone Alarm Pro for free (there is a paid version and a free version I assume the free one is just as good).
  6. I knew I was gonna get alot of Gmail webmail from people. I agree that Gmail is good too but I also like Thunderbird like I said before.
  7. I used to use Neopets but it was a waste of my time. I just went on there cause I had nothing better to do but I found better uses of my time. Anyway Neopets is ok i guess.
  8. I agree Bill Gates should give a reward to who created system restore if he can't give us a less buggy OS, system restore has saved me many times. I think that if Windows wasn't included with a computer (they also include Windows in the cost of the computer I'm pretty sure) then no one would buy it because of the famous screen of computer death.
  9. Ok so your happily posting and you hit the post button too many times because your internet is slow. We can't delete our own posts so we have to let a mod know. Or you want to add to your post. I personally think this is kind of a good idea because it will help the forums run more smothely if people can edit or delete their posts. What do you guys think?
  10. The mods here are doing a very good job in my opinion. I've been to different forums and I've seen the worst of the mods. The mods here know what posts need to be edited, deleted, merged and what topics to lock. The mods here from what I heard also have fair punishments which is definently a good quality to have when your moderating.
  11. I think after a certain age video games don't effect kids. I've played shooting video games for awile but I have the common sence to decide whats a video game and whats real life. I think that maby at a younger age its possible video games effect kids but I doubt it.
  12. I don't know HTML and I'm looking for a template. I disagree with you on this because if people are too lazy to learn html (me) there is nothing wrong with using a template. However, I believe that professional web designers deserve way more credit than they get.
  13. I agree with you on some points. The fact is Saddam was a threat to America in my opinion. Also I think in the long run we are helping Iraq. But I also believe Bush had another motive like wanting oil or something but that can't be proven.
  14. My personal favorite e-mail client is Mozilla Thunderbird for a few reasons:1. Few security holes2. Stylish inference3. Its just as good as Outlook but free4. It has good spam filters5. You don't need to use plain text6. Since messages are stored on your computer there is no space limit7. I can read and compose messages onlineNow that I've posted whats your favorite and if you want say why?
  15. Here is what I liked:You used PHP Nuke (best content management system ever)You used a skin with good colorsIts easy to readYou enabled alot of the good modualsHere is what I think you should improve:If possible let people view downloads if they aren't registered so they can decide if they want to register to download somethingYou should add less technical forums so it is more of a communityIn my opinion that was one of the better sites I've rated. Thats just my two cents!
  16. I agree I see some really dull topics sometimes and this would really liven the forums up!
  17. I heard that human cloning was illegal. Also people have to think about the fact that duplicates of them as much as I don't wanna say it would annoy them more than anyone.
  18. I have noticed that the more programs you open at the start the slower it takes to actually get to what you need to do.
  19. I would recomment Microsoft Frontpage! Its very easy to make a site but you have to make sure not to use any ActiveX controls because they are somewhat of a security risk.
  20. Here Is What I Like:Everything Mario KartYou used phpBB (everything open source is good)Other forums for when you get tired of Mario KartHere Is What I Don't Like:ThemeThats my 2 cents!
  21. Ok Here Is What I Like About Your Site:Some of the gamesLayout (you should make templates)Random factsPicturesWhat I Don't Like:Some of the games
  22. I too liked Vice City better but San Andaes is an AWSOME game. You just have to get used to the gameplay and adjust the brightness.
  23. Ok I will try a different keyboard. Thanks alot for your help I appriciate it!
  24. Welcome to this great forum. I recommend that you build up 30 hosting credits before you apply for hosting so you can get the better package and you won't worry about upgrading later. Also have fun posting !
  25. Well I hope they know that all this bundling isn't going to make us install their software. If I don't want it I'm not installing it. If I want it I'll download it myself. Good market stradegy though, pretty good idea (just annoying to me though).
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