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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Wow, something I can agree with you on. I also believe that if someone has sexual preference towards others of the same gender, they are "homosexual." The word homosexual doesn't mean actions must be done, hence "homosexual tendencies." It's just an orientation (way of thinking). Much like a pervert doesn't have to spy on girls or guys, you can be a pervert based on your way of thinking ("perverted thoughts").
  2. I have a cousin who stayed at "home" (with his parents) until he was 26. At that point he bought a brand new up-to-year car, house, and all the furnishings he needed, in pure cash. He was 26 years old with 0 debt. I personally use credit only when I have the cash available. I have a perfect credit rating (According to my CC companies - I have 6 credit cards, 3 of which I've had for over 5 years, and none of them have ever had an interest payment. Every transaction was paid in full. My APR right now is below 6% on each of the cards, and that's not an "introductory rate.") I agree that people need to quit living in the moment. Planning your future will easily lead you to being much more comfortable/rich than not doing so.
  3. You need to delete them using Wordpress or have support do so. More or less CMS plugins you install through the system get locked in as being installed from the CMS.For example, Joomla will be "created" by a user named Joomla. The only way to then delete them is through Joomla (or your case Wordpress) or have admins do it from their end (file a ticket).
  4. If you are good at what you do you can get your site ranked as #1 in Google absolutely free, within a couple weeks of starting it. Paying for traffic is, at least to me, a scam. You can get better results with absolutely no cost.
  5. Very interesting information. Is it possible to add colors and text to the screen when this is in effect as well?I've been messing with creating custom 404's for CMS's to where it will automatically take you to the home page if you type a wrong address, but I am only able to do it on a white background w/ black text. More or less it just says "Redirecting..." or something like that.I would love to be able to change the color to look the same as the CMS... It just doesn't feel like it fits right.Also, in your method one. This is just telling the browser that instead of, say "jokes.html" you are on "index.html"? Like you load up the jokes but if you refresh it would take you to index? (Assuming you set it as "index.html" I mean.
  6. As far as I know warning levels will bar you from getting conversions.To get rid of them you have to speak with a mod/admin and prove to them that you are clearing up your act. The whole point of warnings is to take the place of bannings for users who *clearly* did not read the rules.It's for people who excessively post content that isn't theirs, post the same things on other sites, etc.And no, they don't last forever. They last until you prove you have learned your lesson and will start obeying. If you never prove this, yes, you will stay warned forever.
  7. These guys are telling ways to get advertising more or less, but they are leaving out the most important factor: Have quality information that keeps users coming back for more. If people are not interested in the site, they will jump on it and go right back off.You need to choose a theme people are interested in and then keep adding quality content to make it worth them visiting.Word of mouth is by far your best advertising method. That's how Facebook and Myspace both got popular. Until they were *huge* neither one of them did any type of advertising - it was solely by word-of-mouth.
  8. PS3 *does* use BlueRay. That's why the games are usually 28-34 GB's in size.
  9. No issues visiting it here... Try restarting your client (or open another) and try again.
  10. The issue with piracy is that it's not only about getting free items. In fact, those who crack it *own the originals* in most cases.There are two reasons it will never end.1) Cracking is fun. It's a way to say "I'm smarter than you. There is nothing you can possibly think of that I can't circumvent." A direct example is when the Xbox 360 was released and Bill Gates claimed it was uncrackable. Within hours after the system's release there was already a video of someone who cracked it and was using a burned game. Why did he do it? Solely because Bill Gates challenged him.2) Popularity. When someone (say Razor1911) cracks a lot of software they get the fame associated with it. Of course normal people don't know who these usernames belong to, but regardless the fame is still there.And there is absolutely not even one piece of software that can't be cracked. And there never will be. "No matter how smart you are, someone else is smarter" plays a huge role here. It doesn't matter if you're the best programmer in the world, someone can dissect it.The funniest crack I ever saw was with a program called SoftIce. This is a debugging program so it shows hex code and everything and allows you to edit things "on the fly" as the program runs.Well, they released a 3 day or so trial of the software (it was $1000+ if I remember right) so businesses could test it out. And during the trial some guy used THEIR trial software to create a key generator for the program, and it worked.That, by far, is to me the funniest crack ever done. Using someone's own software to crack itself.
  11. Animism was the first religion and all others are/were based off it. It has the cores from every religion built in but was made long before the others were.If you mean "modern" religions, I'm unsure.
  12. It does get passed on, as follows: I got this picture from elsewhere. If I remember right, "r" deals with being color blind (?). Regardless, it all works the same. So on the left you have one parent and on the top you have the other. Which one is the mother/father is irrelevant for this. What you do is take the letters and add them into each box. As you can see, the top left has RR because up is R and left is R. And follow that through the chart. Capital means dominant, lower case means recessive (recessive = won't show if there is a dominant). The genotypic ratio here is 3:1, as 3 boxes have at least one capital R. So if this is color blind, these parents' offspring should include one color-blind (if I got that right) child for every 4 children. Blood type is passed on the same way, so instead or Rr and Rr it would be something like Bo and Bo. You would come up with BB, Bo, Bo, oo. In this case, o is recessive, so it is the weaker gene. Therefore 1 in 4 kids would have "o" type blood and the other 3 would have "b." Actually every gene is passed down this way (hair color, eye color, skin color, everything). In terms of how someone with B blood can pass the "o" gene, it is because with B type blood you could have BB or Bo. If both parents have Bo then there is the possibility of the offspring getting the oo. However, if one is BB and one is Bo, you run into BB, BB, BB, Bo. In this case all four children will be dominantly B, therefore every child will have type B blood. Hopefully this helps explain it to you a little better. If any of it is confusing or anything just ask, .
  13. If the PC doesn't recognize it, you run back into the issue of needing to figure out if your PSU is working. Only it's a little more involved. The issues at this point are that it could be caused by one of three things: 1) Dead battery (obviously) 2) Dead PSU (plug it into the wall - if it turns on PSU is good) 3) Dead battery connectors in the laptop - maybe the battery isn't connecting properly I've explained how to check the difference between the battery and PSU, but about checking the connectors I'm unsure... If it doesn't rise past 0% it is due to it being dead (as in unrevivable). There are only a certain amount of charges batteries can take before they go bad (~1000)
  14. Well if it was to share I would go very in-depth into it. Each game would have it's own website theme there but they would all be intertwined with one another in databases and everything (there would be a link at the top with the game names and clicking one would take you to another section of the site). As for the forums, all forums would be hidden except for the game someone signed up for (or games). So for example... Let's say it was Aion, Warhammer, and Lineage II. If you signed up as a L2 member you would see these sections: General Lineage II If you signed up as a Warhammer member you would see these: General Warhammer If you signed up as all 3 you would see these: General Lineage II Warhammer Aion So in a sense everything is still separate, yet they are all run from the same area, and are essentially part of the same site. Along with this, each game's section would have it's own customized version of the front-page, depending on what is deemed as necessary for each game. So there wouldn't be Aion stuff on the L2 page or anything.
  15. Almost always (if not always?) there are short and long versions. The short version pretty much states what the plan is. The longer version goes into specific details.
  16. Hmm, mine's the opposite. I'm quiet and so when people need stuff they look up to ME for advice/the answers. Quiet people do less talking, so they do more listening. Therefore they know significantly more. I can be a leader, I usually just choose not to. When nobody else wants to step up as leader, I have absolutely no problem with doing so. (I'm quiet. I don't talk to people - they talk to me)
  17. I'm not running a legion on Aion, and my current legion doesn't want the website because the owner wants to use it but doesn't want me to have any admin privs or anything for it, lol. I'm just making the site for fun to learn. Sadly my creativity is a little.. Dull.. Which is why I need the input. So you feel I hit on pretty much all the bases for a good legion?
  18. Wow, talk about a rough vent.But I know how you feel as I'm in the same type of thing. I feel like I'm in the "home" where it's not "We would love to have you around," but instead the type where it's "you're my son so you can stay."Actually, my parents pretty much tell me that. Sometimes directly (usually) and othertimes indirectly.But regardless as to how bad it is for me, I know someone has it much worse.
  19. Probably not now. When he first posted (and when I replied) they weren't showing up. They started showing up about 30 mins or so afterwards. So they probably posted soon after linking everything up.
  20. Work on it and don't give up! Keep at it, if nothing else passively (like my educational blog, right now it's more of a passive thing but it's slowly building up). Just ensure it's something you enjoy and not something you are hoping to "get rich quick" from.
  21. I'll take all your earned money, . BTW - just get your parents to vouch for you on the account process.
  22. Yeah, the problem is.. At least with what I've personally noticed, the quality of people has gone down considerably since the MyCents was created. Everyday I see people here who spam or whatever to get their money so they can get hosting. I think it should have stayed with the old system where you needed posts pretty much daily to keep your hosting. It helped separate those who want to be a part of the system from those who just want the hosting. Don't get me wrong, I love the changes because of the benefits for myself, but I'd much rather have the same quality we had previously.
  23. While I'm thinking about it, if your issue is in fact related to being IP banned, there are some things I've found that help alleviate the issue from recurring:1) Logging in and out of FTP very quick (due to disconnections/hiccups/etc.) seems to get you banned2) I think the admins said at one point that logging the admin account twice may do it (unsure)3) Using the wrong login multiple timesIf at any point you forget your login, go to the Xisto - Web Hosting site and log in. There you will find your services and the information such as your cpanel password (your main ftp and cpanel password are the same).
  24. Great justification for your beliefs. Seriously. I'm amazed anyone else understands slavery and how it is/was/was supposed to be. Most have no idea but try to claim they do. And yes, you're absolutely correct about that. As for marriage, the Bible never states anything about it. That is a concept people came up with long after the fact. About not allowing gay relationships, you're right. It is in the Bible. "Man shall not lie with man, nor with beast." (Which, by the way, is funny to me because it means beastiality has been around a *long* time). Anyways, I applaud you. There are still a few things you've said that I disagree with but on some of it it's pretty clear you do have a thorough understanding.
  25. I don't see a reason to boost the number of mycents earned. Just by taking part in the community in general you can easily earn your hosting. One post a day is roughly $3 a month. That's $36 a year ($24 for hosting, $10 for a domain are the costs, leaving $2). And that's just from one post a day.Of course bigger packages cost more, but it still shouldn't be an issue.
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