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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. As odd as it is, this is all new information to me. I've never even wondered what they were before so I never messed with them. It's interesting to see some of the replies though -- especially the system properties one.
  2. Someone achieved an Internet connection capable of downloading 100 GB/s in data, lol. So I'm guessing your 500/s wouldn't be an issue -- especially on a LAN. I think quality wise we're already to the point where you can't tell the difference. You can when transferring files locally but -- and this is the weird part -- I can download files almost as fast as I can transfer them between PC's on a LAN. Sometimes even faster.
  3. This. Physical connections are always stronger than non-physical ones due to their nature. In the air there is still "contact" but there are also many variables that keep it from being as effective. As a direct example: Take two walls with holes in each at an equal area on both. Put a water hose from one hole across through the other one and run water through it. As you'll see, 100% of the water passes through. Take a spray bottle from the first hole and spray at the second one. You will notice that although some will still get through, a lot of it doesn't. This is the same thing that is more or less happening with WiFi. If you run diagnostics and see how many packets are lost you will realize that there are a lot more lost via air than through physical cables. Although this can be fixed in the future if there is found to be a more efficient method to handle the data. I don't really see it happening myself but then again -- I wouldn't have believed satellites and cell phones were possible either.
  4. Rofl, I find this hilarious. Despite my massive hatred for Apple I always thought Microsoft was above them in terms of insecurities. Who would target the Apple platform? Most people don't even use it!I guess this shows that my complete disliking of Apple has its rightful place.
  5. Wow, this is some great information but I wonder if it'll succeed. This kind of reminds me of the $50 laptops that were claimed to be possible years ago -- the ones that never made it.It would be awesome to have these things come to life but so far every claim that's been made in the past has resulted in absolutely nothing usable. Hopefully this is different.
  6. There are many other ways to earn money than just by selling programs. Being open-source does not keep it from being funded. It's all about how well you plan and execute your ideas and how well you can integrate money-making schemes into it. For example, knowledge costs money. You could give the entire thing away free (such as Ubuntu) and charge for professional guidance. Guess who does that and guess who it works for? Ubuntu. Red Hat. (insert *nix distribution here). So claiming it can't be done just because it's open source is asinine, at best.
  7. Very, very true. Relationships are supposed to be based on trust. Tons of relationships die every day due to mistrust. If you can't trust the other person you might as well not even be together. On the same side, it should be blatantly obvious when your significant other is lying. People act different when they do and the better you know someone the better you should know their "tells."
  8. lol, my grandparents do that. They also talk about when you could fill up a gas tank for 10 cents. BTW, they said the nickel for the movie was an all-day pass and you could watch as many movies as you wanted.
  9. I like that Microsoft is finally offering things all the other browsers don't, but I'm wondering how long that will last (I expect Chrome to be caught up before too long).I really don't have an issue with them dropping XP support because Windows 7 is superior in every possible way. I think those who haven't upgraded yet should. Especially considering we haven't gotten any information (at least not that I know of) about the next Windows operating system.
  10. lol, I'll have to take you up on that offer. I just usually ignore them probably because they are almost always filled with links. Generally when I go to a site it's because they had information I needed -- not so I can be dragged elsewhere. It's probably more of a personal problem than anything.
  11. If you decide to install the OS you will be given an option to install alongside Windows. It will install/configure the bootloader and everything for you, although I'm not sure if it will force you to repartition in the process.I've personally never had a problem with repartitioning before and losing anything, but you should back up all your files anyways (you never know when your HDD will go out!).
  12. Are you just trying to get your site to be compatible with all browsers or do you mostly use Opera? If it's just for compatibility, as far as I know Opera is one of the least used ones so it shouldn't be an issue. I'd focus more on IE and Firefox/Chrome instead.
  13. Hah, I loved the one about agreeing to the terms of use. It's amazing how many people download programs or books and things like that and then try to sell them under the basis that "I didn't agree to any terms." When you *show* them the terms they agreed to it turns into "well, they should have made it more obvious what they meant. Since they didn't I really didn't agree to them" and things like that.It happens a lot with people on CraigsList who buy something like Adobe for $1k and then sell burned copies for $40 under the condition that they never agreed *not* to burn and sell the copies.
  14. I almost always have complete dreams. In fact, if I wake up to use the restroom or something during it, I can even get a drink and check email and things like that and go lay back down to continue it. I just keep the thought in my mind while I continue going about whatever it is I needed to do.This does only last for a short period though. I'd say after 10 minutes or so I will be unable to continue the dream, but shorter periods haven't been an issue yet.
  15. Yeah, please link us to this information. I wouldn't doubt that it's true though. I've heard of a few USB thumb-drives that shipped with virii in the past.There have been other things that did as well, like games and stuff like that.
  16. I don't know where the 800 GHZ thing comes from unless you mean using multiple motherboards. In that case, there was an interview with someone who worked on one of the Star Wars movies that said for their rendering of the video they had a farm of over 1200 CPU's and something like 15 Petabytes (15,000 Terrabytes or 15,000,000 GB) of hard drive and that they still struggled to get it to render due to the lack of power. The closer we move to cloud computing the faster our PC's will run though.
  17. The quality seems to be determined by how many others respond, how many views there are, etc. (possibly even how well the advertisements work in the specific thread you posted in).My average over the past 350-400 posts has been around 20 cents each. So in my case 100 MyCents is an average of 5 posts.It really just depends on how insightful it is though. I've had some worth almost nothing and some that were shorter that were worth 30 cents or more.
  18. If it was free there would be less spending on other things though. Think about how much you'd save using all freeware instead of Microsoft ($150 less on Win 7, $300 less on Office, $xx less on other programs). You could easily donate half that money to the freeware company and keep it going. Not to mention on things like Ubuntu hundreds of thousands of others also work during their free time to enhance the system. So it's not just one company with employees working -- it's everyone working together for the common good of everyone.
  19. In the case of things like Ubuntu the funding isn't an issue. They get tons of donations from users; not to mention the money they make from "extras" (like buying a physical copy of the OS, buying professional training, etc.). As long as the system is truly free and not just "free" the funding shouldn't be a problem.
  20. Anwii is right about the RSS feeds and how they work, but only if you use them in the same method as him.For example, you can use a CMS to pull in RSS feeds and convert them into articles (I am assuming that's what his is doing). But you can also do direct feeds, without copying any information (which is the preferred way).Both "work" but the latter is much more efficient.
  21. I prefer Adobe for a couple of reasons:1) Out of all the programs (including Corel) it seems to have the most featuresand2) It's the industry standard -- if you plan to do any graphical editing for companies you are more often than not going to have to use Photoshop
  22. Based on my personal times it's very random. I've gotten two updates in a 24 hour period and a break for as long as 5 days. So I think it's manual right now instead of automatic.That or maybe it's waiting for certain triggers before it runs.
  23. The post was made over 5 years ago... Anyways, great tutorial and it helps understand assembly a lot better than I did already. It's something I've been lightly treading over a while but didn't really know where to start.
  24. Very nice explanation there. I'm still a newbie at physics but that shows there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. It's amazing what people are able to create; especially when most of us can hear how things work and still have no idea, lol.
  25. I don't really believe in anyone being "perfect," but both people must definitely give sacrifices to make a relationship work. No matter who the people are or what they think, there are *some* things they sacrifice. If they didn't the relationship wouldn't last.I do believe a lot of people have too high of standards though -- especially when one person wants the *other* person to do all of the sacrificing. It should be mutualistic; not parasitic.
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