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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Last year there was talk about a HDD that uses water to store information -- they claimed in one drip of water you could store petabytes of information by polarizing it certain ways. The theory was that we could get a HDD that could store infinite information and would have no moving parts (so it would never break/wear out). Haven't heard about that one in a while either.
  2. I had never heard of that game before but after reading the forums it does look interesting.One thing I highly dislike is that they claim it is a "free-to-play MMO" but you can only progress to level 10 for free (doesn't say how many levels there are total so I'm unsure). If you want to go further than that you have to pay $20 for the starter pack.
  3. Yes, you can but it will take a lot. If you mean like a CSS server or something you'll need around $50 a month for it and if you want a game server for a MMORPG you're looking at $200+. It all depends on what you need. Just saying "game server" doesn't tell us anything -- it could be a custom game, an emulated game, etc.
  4. This thread is almost 2 years old. I doubt the person is still around to read it anymore.
  5. I've accomplished a lot with self-learning, including some small games and stuff. I'm moving up to DirectX currently for 2d/3d gaming.What language are you wanting to learn? I plan to start a project soon that demystifies C++ for newbies and teaches it from the very basics up through what I know (and then further than that).
  6. He does not have $57 billion. That is his *net worth*. Miley Cyrus is worth almost 1/3 that and didn't even do anything "innovative." The Harry Potter series' net worth is worth around 10 billion and it's not even near as important as the computer. The value means nothing. Many things that have changed our lives are worth almost nothing. I brought up how much he had because in this world, no matter how many great ideas people have, if they don't have the money to back them they will never come to light. I've heard many people who even have *proof concepts* of things that would help our lives (converting vehicles from gas to water, purifying water, electricity generation, etc.) that won't come to light solely because they can't find anyone to find the $80k+ required to get the items produced. Had Bill Gates been poor, the computer also would not be where it is right now. It is there because he had the money and a very high education (people bring up how he dropped out of college -- he did but his father was a genius, as was he. The amount he was learning in school was very sub-par to what his parents had been teaching him at home).
  7. I think if it was possible to split the atoms you could keep a flame going forever as long as water was being flowed at a good rate -- it only takes oxygen to ignite, and hydrogen is flammable as well. So theoretically you could use the heat from the burning to both fuel the car and split/burn the next molecule of water.
  8. lol, you beat me in terms of what you did but... I was 20 when the halogen thing happened. As of today (almost 4 years later) my friends still haven't let it go. They say I was way too old at that point to touch a lamp like that just to see what happens.
  9. Yeah, people in America need to lay off with the complaining (and yes, I'm American). I have many friends from Europe who have posted their costs which translate to around $8-13 USD a gallon depending on where you are. Yet we complain here about it being $2.49 USD a gallon. Everything in America inflates in value on a yearly basis (an average of 3.5% per year). Gas never followed that inflation. Had it gone up just like *everything else* we would be at around $7.80 or so a gallon right now. So we're *lucky* it is still as low as it is. As for my car -- I drive a Miata. Not as much because of gas mileage (granted, I love getting 38 residential/46 highway) but because of the size. It turns extremely quick and it's small enough to fit in tight places/park almost anywhere. Nothing beats them when you're in traffic and can slip between any two cars on the road!
  10. Maybe there should be some kind of notice somewhere that says "Formerly known as Xisto" or something -- it may help a lot with clearing up people's confusion with the change.
  11. That helps a lot with the understanding of what's going on. Thanks a lot!
  12. I think when researching for like-programs the thing to look for is "File Management System." As far as I know that's the official term for it, since you're not really making a website out of it, per-se, just setting up a way for each document to be shared. You may be able to pull other ideas from looking into those as well. When I finish with my CSS learning I plan to head into PHP. I may just adapt my own CMS to my site. Based on my understanding they really aren't *too* hard to make, since more or less it's just partitioning off parts of the site using CSS and then using PHP to pull and store data. Since it'll be for a normal website I won't need a lot of "special" features either (like what you would find in the Joomla backend, forums, etc.) and instead will just need it to store the HTML code and pull it. One question for you though, truefusion. Since you've made a CMS I'm hoping you could shed some light on this. When you format a page using HTML and put it into a database, do you have it just copy the entire HTML code into it and pull the code? Like would it be the same as going into phpmyadmin and just pasting the HTML from your page into it? Wondering about that because I still don't quite get how SQL stores information, and it seems like it would be a LOT to store an entire page in one SQL box.
  13. Ah, I think I get where you're coming from now. It's kind of like this: 100 Calories, 50 from fat -- the 50 from fat will become fat 100% of the time. The other 50 only if it's not used by the body 100 Calories, 0 from fat -- none of it will for sure become fat, only what the body isn't using And then if the body runs out of energy, *then* it would start converting fat to energy (meaning in that case, the 50 noted before would start converting)
  14. Lol, I like the picture but I'm almost positive it's photoshopped.
  15. Bill Gates was *not* poor like people usually try to claim. In fact, his family had millions. His success story is like that of Google (people speak of how Google was created by a ~22 year old as a computer science project in college). What they neglect to mention is that Google made it big when the creator's friend gave him a business investment of a little over $15 million.Bill Gates didn't quite have that much to spend, but with $1 mil anyone can make things in their "garage."I don't have an issue with how much programs cost; my issue is with their cost vs. the harassment you go through to USE them. Even at $5 you're still paying $5 to be harassed by the company, whereas piracy would allow you to have LESS trouble, NO harassment, AND be completely free. And people wonder why piracy is so prevalent.I do know all about the DRM. There are many off-line single player games now that require you to be online while playing -- ONLY if you paid for it. On the pirated versions you get the SAME game without the online requirement. This is the part that completely baffles me.
  16. Really this thread should have remained part of the other one... Are you able to boot the laptop up now? If so, you should be able to see restore options when you go into control panel. If you are unable to or do not find any options, you'll need the original restore discs or a full OS disc.
  17. Couldn't have said it better myself. Business is what it's all about. To me, I don't believe in "monopolies." I feel that if one company is able to dominate the market, they *earned* that right. Companies shouldn't be punished for coming up with such a smart strategy that nobody can beat them -- that's like fighting a war and claiming one side got too powerful so the war has to be called off. In fact, that's exactly what happens to businesses; I remember when Microsoft was classified as a monopoly because people depended on them -- well Bill Gates made something others didn't -- I don't see why he should be punished for it. Anyone else could have come up with the idea before him but they didn't. It's not *his* fault. My dislike of companies like Apple/Microsoft isn't anything to do with their successes/failures -- it has to do with their mentality. Honestly I would have no issue with either one of them if they didn't harass users that are legitimate. Think about it like this; you go out and pay $500 for one of their programs (Office, for example) and need it on three of your PC's. You get bothered by having to spend an hour on the phone explaining to support why you need a PC key to reinstall/install the system. Yet the pirates pay $0 *and* don't have to go through the harassment over the phone. It's like they are PUNISHING those who pay for their software and REWARDING those who steal it. That is my only issue with either company.
  18. Very good, informative post. I never thought of using a system like that before. I think there's other good ones as well and your post is causing me to go searching for them. Pretty much what it is is a "file management system," much like a lot of addons for CMS's can do (such as, there's one on Joomla where you have a music file directory and when you add new music to it, it automatically updates your site with a listing of the new songs that can be downloaded). I'll have to analyze the systems some more to see how well I can adapt them to what I'm going for though.
  19. I never noticed the lack of being able to edit posts. It could possibly be that another post was created after, and so editing yours would make the next one look weird. For example, someone could post "This is the problem with my computer -- I can't open Explorer" and someone else could post the steps to try. If you edited your post showing that it worked or edited it to show what steps you tried to no avail, the next post would make no sense anymore.
  20. I actually am quite overweight at the moment which is why the calories thing has been brought into importance to me (for example, the understanding is that 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat).So if it's other things than calories I should focus on, that brings in the question of fats and why they are bad.For example, let us assume a food has (theoretically) 3500 calories and 0 fat. That would equal one pound of fat (if you burned 0 of those calories).Now another food has 3500 calories of pure fat. That's really what the item with 3500 calories and no fat ends up turning into anyways.So I guess I'm still neglecting to understand the difference between fats (saturated or unsaturated) and calories, considering the statistics show that calories create fat anyways.
  21. Very interesting -- didn't know that's how it works. I've noticed on some hosts that if you use a CMS it will time out a lot/lag but with flat-file systems there is absolutely no issue. This is where my concern with using CMS's came from. I'm not quite sure exactly which direction I'll be taking the site(s) but there will be two or three of them, hopefully linked together in one way or another. Pretty much all I've decided so far is the overview of them and the structure -- not the exact details.
  22. Thanks a lot for the insight, guys. Based on all of the reading from you two it seems the concurrent answer is "CMS is no worse than flat-file but can even be more efficient."But rvalkass brought up something I'm a little confused about -- the database not using bandwidth on the Xisto network. This would mean that the CMS would use less bandwidth than flat-file (since the CMS stores all information in the database -- at least text)? Or did you mean the searching and pulling of information wouldn't count as bandwidth but the actual serving of information would?Thanks again guys.
  23. If the issue is a BIOS password (you said administrator one, which means Windows), the only way to reset the password is to either get it from your friend or reset the CMOS (pull out the battery in the motherboard for 30 seconds or do until it resets).Reinstalling the operating system won't have any effect on the password because the password is set *before* it even starts up the system.
  24. Not a problem. I actually just know about the antennae thing because we did that at one point to share our network with my grandparents next door. It was a $300 one and only enhanced the network enough to go about one house over though. Keep in mind that remote desktop is a full takeover of the other PC (meaning your friend must allow you to have full control when you connect, or you must allow them full control).
  25. If it's using Windows do this: Start > Run > msconfig Choose "Boot" from there and you will find all settings related to the boot sector. You can change the default choice, lower the timer, etc. Based on what you said what you'll want to do is to remove the other boot sectors if possible. If not, choose the default and lower the timer to something like 1 second. This will make it to where almost as soon as it pops up it automatically moves forward.
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