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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Those are pretty good graphics for a free game. The UI seems way beyond any f2p one I've ever seen as well.I'd like to give it a try but it says U.S. IP's are banned as well, . I wonder if it'll later be released for us.
  2. I like Grooveshark as well -- but it's only good if you already know what you want to listen to and want to make your own lists. For regular radio listening I just use Yahoo Music.
  3. I think the minimum for checks is like $50. They may waive the minimums for the people in India though since they have no other way to get their money -- it wouldn't be fair to say "well, you have $49.98, so I'm sorry but you can't take your money."
  4. The scripting is pretty much necessary for things like that -- had they gone un-scripted and *anything* went wrong I guarantee all 500+ companies that were there would be releasing information about Microsoft's failure and how the Natal/Kinect would flop over and die. By scripting it they ensured everything would work as intended.My problem with all of that is that we don't know if it really *will* work like it should. Though it was scripted, it may still work as intended; or it may not.
  5. Weird. I'll have to take a look at my Coke the next time I get one and see because I don't remember any expiration dates, . I thought they lasted forever,
  6. It's up but the updates are somewhat random -- the last one I got was a little over 2 days ago, and the one before that was almost 4 days prior. So you just need to wait it out until the next one comes around, .
  7. I don't see any issues with this since they are waiving the fee. If they were still charging it I'd see it as a problem though.As for how long it takes to receive the check -- it shouldn't be more than a week, which is about how long an ACH transfer can take anyways.
  8. I don't think the amount of time cokes sit around in storage really matters. As far as I know they are preserved in a way that even after 30 years it would still be okay to drink -- it might just taste a little "flat."
  9. I completely agree with you. I have a lot of respect for people who realize they want to be better educated and do whatever it takes to get that education. It shows a lot of character.
  10. I wouldn't really have any issues with Facebook, if it weren't for how insecure and stalker-friendly it is.I'm not so worried about people knowing information about *me*, but I do have a huge issue with how people can see who you know and stuff like that. I see that as being an issue just waiting to happen (think about how many relationships/friendships you could easily destroy by spreading rumors and things like that -- you could find someone's girlfriend through FaceBook and let them know about how their boyfriend was cheating on them, for example).So I would definitely consider deleting my information -- if nothing else, to protect my *friends*.
  11. I'm almost positive you still can, especially if you're still at the high-school age. I would check with the high school you went to before and question them on it -- though I don't think they should punish you for wanting to go back! (I think I remember a news report about a 80+ year old lady who went back to high school to finish her degree)
  12. I looked at it today while I was in the store. $59.99 for the normal edition -- a little more (well, a lot more) than I'm willing to pay for a game that will suck away my life, . I don't think the box really does the game justice -- it doesn't even give much information about the game and only had like 2 screenshots (possibly 3).
  13. I'll look for sources but many people said it was stated by Microsoft themselves and that the videos were there to show what it *will* be like. It was like a promotional video of sorts -- much like you'd post an unfinished video game to show what gameplay will be like -- doesn't mean it's fully working at the time.
  14. If I could travel absolutely anywhere, I would choose to go to Alaska. I don't really know what my fascination is with it but I've always wanted to go there.A second choice would be Hawaii.
  15. I've found some changes but not a LOT, though there are new functionality things included for working with other people and stuff like that.I like to stay up-to-date with programs though so I had to upgrade, .
  16. Both of those are very possible conclusions. I personally believe that you should be nice because I'm religious and at least with Christianity the view is that God should be the only one judging others -- by treating people badly due to their behaviors you are in essence judging them.
  17. Is either one of these more efficient than the other in terms of CPU/RAM usage or are they about equal?The more I get into web development the more I'm realizing that the more efficient things really do matter once you get to a certain point, so as of lately I've been more into what works best rather than what's easier, .
  18. That problem turned me off to the point where I won't even give it a shot. I feel like they are blindsiding players because anyone who doesn't read that ahead of time may end up addicted and have no choice but to pay, even under the pretenses that it is "free." They need ways to get the game free -- like earn x experience or something and you can unlock the next level. They even did something like that on Dungeons and Dragons -- you can either pay to unlock more of the game or you can do dungeons and get cards that unlock the game for you.
  19. Hey there. Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you haven't already, I would start by reading the posts in the very top forum base (announcements) as it will have important information, FAQ's, etc. There's a lot to be learned here so hopefully you walk away with some knowledge!
  20. Your post about Empire Earth reminded me of the old days when I played it too. I was actually reading up on it due to the RTS post here (I was going to look into maybe playing it again) and remembered why I hated playing it solo -- you're right, the computer attacks randomly. There were times where the map would have just started and I'd already have their starter people killing my town before the game was even really under way.I was looking at Gamespy to see if others played it there but the number of people was small (like 13 online). I couldn't really find any games with a lot of players on, and for me that's important -- being able to hop online and play anytime I want.
  21. I have some games but haven't really played them lately -- mostly Command and Conquers and things like Age of Empires. I've just been too busy to really play games like that since they are so time consuming. I'll definitely think about it though. If you have the C&C games I have the decade pack.
  22. This is a problem people always bring up when questioned about how they would feel. It's the fact that until you are faced with the information it's real hard to make the decision. It's just like with euthanasia -- a lot of people say they would say yes to it, yet if they were really faced with the choice I doubt it would be so clear-cut to them.
  23. I disagree with your view of how the diet coke is bad because a lot of people who drink it are overweight. Why would you go on a diet if you *weren't* overweight? That's the whole point of it.
  24. I feel the complete opposite. To me knowing is like being told you have cancer and will die in 6 months. You no longer live life -- you start to view things as being a waste of time since it's going to end "soon" anyways. It changes peoples' entire outlooks on life from that day forward, for the worst. There are a few people who are not affected the same way but generally most people are. I know for a fact that information would be something I would have a hard time handling. I'd rather keep going and hoping I can achieve what I want, rather than thinking "well, that's going to take 8 years to do and I'll die in 7 so why even start?"
  25. A very good way to learn how to adapt your programming skills to certain things (say, you know C++ and want to make an RTS) is to look for open-source projects of that type.There are projects for anything you could think of -- including full OS's (like Linux). By learning the language and looking at how things were done in those projects you help fine-tune your skills based on what it is you want to learn.
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