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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I didn't know about the price raise either. It seems a couple of things were raised since the beginning of myCENTS. But as you said, it really is not an issue -- it is just a few extra posts required and it helps keep the site alive anyways (to me the fact we even get this stuff for free is well worth the requirements to retain it).
  2. Pretty much what he said. If you're not against paying for service there are also dedicated proxies you can rent that will grant normal surfing speeds (as they aren't public). I'm not sure about this but maybe using a transparent proxy would also work. Those are free and are usually fast (as they aren't "anonymous") but if you're just trying to bypass ISP restrictions I think it may work. I really can not confirm it myself as I do not have that issue.
  3. You should be good to go since you signed up to both with the same email. If there is no change in about a week then I would worry about it and contact support. Regardless, even if there is an issue, when it's resolved it will calculate your posts you already made so no matter what, everything you've already posted *will* be paid for, . And welcome!
  4. Yes, that is right. A couple posts above that I pasted exactly what the email stated. The one you're referring to is this one: Which is an earning of $4.3654 That number is the amount that was added. So, say I had 10.00 myCENTS on my account, it would credit me $4 and then instead of 10.00 myCENTS I'd have 46.54 left waiting to be converted. Regardless, that number is very different than a flat out $4.
  5. Well your claim is you always get $2, regardless as to how many posts you make. This makes no sense because if that's how it was you might as well just make one post every 3-4 days and be done with it. Less work for more earnings. You also brought up $2 for 15 posts. 2 of my updates have equated to about that (though they were for 35-50 posts but if you were to divide by post count they would have been equal to your claim). However, you are completely neglecting to add the true amount ($2 and $2.99 are two COMPLETELY different things. As are $2 and $2.50 when dealing with only 15 posts). At the moment you are leaving us with NOTHING usable other than "it doesn't work." Why doesn't it work? What isn't working, exactly? What have your calculations been? How many posts did it calculate? How many posts did you truly make? Where were those posts made? How long ago were they made? When was your update given to you? There are TONS of questions you are leaving us to guess at. I promise you nobody is going to waste their time when you're not even willing to help figure out the issue (assuming there truly is one -- but again, with you refusing to post anything worthwhile it's hard to know). Until you all make a change and learn that if you don't help with understanding the problem we'll never know whether there is one or not, nothing will ever change. So either quit crying about it and move on, or start posting something useful.
  6. You're still posting nothing that has any proof in it. In that case, I think you should be banned because I think you're probably getting $50,000 per post you make. Now, it may or may not be true but I can't believe it to be false until an admin posts here to let us know you're not making that much. So until then I have the feeling you're exploiting the system. Because apparently our thoughts count for more than the truth does.
  7. I highly doubt it's manual because, for example, look at my $4 payment. It wasn't $4, it was $4.3654 It just seems like way too much math for someone to deal with in determining how much you get. Also, keep in mind that if you get $2 and 93.78 myCENTS that is almost $3, it's not $2. I have yet to see anyone post any actual information pertaining to their issue. It's all "I'm not getting enough" or "I only got $2." Nobody is posting the actual message they got that shows the calculations. It's extremely hard to find ANY fault when nobody wants to post factual information and is going solely based on how they FEEL. Feelings and truth are completely different. It reminds me of running a beta test for a game. Instead of people telling you what's wrong they just say "I think some skills don't work properly." Without knowing what you're talking about exactly, and what you mean by it's not working right, it's too hard to determine where to even start looking. Look at my previous post for an example of how to post HELPFUL information instead of just feelings.
  8. Odd for you to say 50 words... Based on my last 10 posts the average is 200+ words and over 1200 characters (and an average of 5-6 paragraphs depending). I didn't say it doesn't take character counts into account; I stated it isn't the main thing, nor is it the only one. Re-read my prior post (as you quoted it I assumed you would have at least read what I posted). I hope this isn't out of line but here's my most recent amounts: August 3 July 31 July 28 July 25 As you can see, it's not the same amount every time. This means it's most definitely NOT manual, and there ARE calculations being done in it. Otherwise it would be a linear amount (and 26 posts wouldn't give me more than 30 posts did). There's a lot more behind the scenes than you guys want to admit to. Either you're being paranoid or my account is the ONLY one working out of everyone's (which I highly doubt is true).
  9. Most FPS games wouldn't even run on 128 MB's -- a lot of newer ones need 512 MB to a gig of ram. Therefore the $18 one is irrelevant unless you mean 10+ year old games. And if he meant a game server as in a MMORPG or something like that you're looking at a MINIMUM of 8 GB's of RAM, in which case you're dealing with a dedicated server. This is why I stated that without knowing what game he is talking about we can't give a solid price. If he's talking about C&C Renegade, for example, the $18 one is fine. With CSS Source you'd need a bigger one. It all depends on the game itself.
  10. Becoming a teacher is your own choice. You could have become something else. That's the whole point -- it's all about choices.I know many teachers who are happy with their jobs. They aren't complaining about how others make more than them though. If you really have that big of an issue with it, quit your job and become something else.As for your claim I insinuated anything about people being "better" than you, you seriously need to re-read my posts. I never once claimed anyone is better than anyone else. In fact, I've stated completely the opposite. As I said, everyone has the same chances of success. How that equates to someone being better than someone else is mind-boggling, at best. I think the issue is that you're angry about the choices you've made and you want to reflect those upon others.There are some people who make it in this world because it's given to them; yes. But the brutal fact is most work their own way up. I'm 100% sure that Oprah, for example, had nothing given to her (especially considering she was extremely poor and lived in the slums before becoming successful). I'm 100% sure J.K. Rowling, with her welfare, didn't have over a billion dollars just tossed to her out of thin air (especially considering it took her over 5 years of being turned down by every publisher before she finally had one buy a book of hers, with the comment that she "better not quit her day job."). I'm 100% sure that Bill Gates did not have someone flat out give him the invention of the DOS operating system.I could literally list over 100 people who have gone from nothing to 100+ million on their own. Out of that list, only a select few had money to begin with (such as Bill Gates -- but his invention could have been made by anyone).Your flawed perception seems to be that those who have money were given it. I'd highly suggest looking into those people instead and realizing how wrong you are.Even Wal-Mart's founder (Sam Walton) was extremely poor. He used a bank loan to start up a very small store in his hometown. It was his ideas that allowed him to expand; not his money (especially considering he had none!).As far as I know Walt Disney also started out pretty poor, but I'd have to re-verify that.
  11. 1) There have already been hints at how the posts are calculated. Thinking it's based solely on character count is a little ridiculous considering OpaQue already explained more in-depth how that's not what it is. Reading does wonders in understanding the system you're dealing with. 2) Sending a PM is a lot better than just posting in a thread he will likely not look at again. You say it takes a lot of troubleshooting and stuff, then how does complaining about it every few days help? It doesn't. You are only slowing down your OWN progression.
  12. The hedge fund manager brought in an over 130% increase in investments in a one year period. Considering he is using hundreds of billions of people's money that means he earned THEM hundreds of billions. When he's getting less than 0.3% of what he helped OTHERS get I feel he DEFINITELY deserved it. ANYONE can become a stock broker. ANYONE can become a lawyer. ANYONE can become a doctor. ANYONE can become (insert thing here). Blaming others because YOU chose not to become any is not their fault -- it's yours. It's almost as bad as the people who complain because military veterans and active duty military personnel get free dinners on Veteran's Day. Nobody is stopping them from joining the military for the benefit -- but instead they would rather cry about how "unfair" it is. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who thinks their lack of success depends on anyone other than themselves. If you aren't making $100 million a year that's your own fault -- nobody else's. Edit : To take it further. Let's make an earning cap on resources. Now we have no cars. We have no computers. We have no electricity. We have no beds. We have no (insert item here). The whole point of inventing new things is to earn money -- otherwise what drive is there? Instead of complaining about those who earn a lot, thank them for allowing you to live life the way YOU do.
  13. I didn't really understand the point of Wave anyways. I used it once or twice but it just didn't really have any use to me.If there was anything to really set it apart from other things we have (based on my understanding it was like an IM system -- which we already have plenty of) then it wasn't advertised very well.
  14. This. You're 100% correct. Poor or rich means absolutely nothing. All it does is determine what you *start* with. The owner of Blizzard/Activision started his business with his life savings ($400k he saved up by only getting his necessities). Now he's a hundred-millionaire. Did he start out rich? No. The Forbes highest-paid people in the world were almost all poor when they were younger/young adults. Yet clearly they have money now. J.K. Rowling is a BILLIONAIRE. She was on welfare when she was writing -- she wrote while she was on the train going to her three jobs she had keeping her alive. The man who got rich off slinkies was a poor factory-worker. Was he rich before? No. Watch "How'd You Get So Rich" where they go to people's houses who all have $35+ million estates and you will learn that not a single one of them had money when they were younger. They all found a way to make it and worked their way up. This view that you either screw people over or start out rich is just stupid. The truth is in America everyone has an equal chance of success. The only person holding you back is yourself -- nobody else.
  15. Mine have been normal. The last one was $2.84 for 13 posts. Before that was almost $4 for 19 posts. I "don't care" because mine have been fine. Every couple days I get another update now. If you're having issues, why not send a PM to the person in charge?
  16. It's probably so if you have advertisements on your websites they can sneak in and change the referral codes to theirs. Or so they can add hidden pages on your site to host illegal things, botnets, etc. with.
  17. You shouldn't choose a career because of the money -- you should choose it because you enjoy it. The more you enjoy something the better you'll be at it, and the more successful you'll be.Case in point -- there are people who are paid $20+ million a year to drive a car in a circle (Nascar). Why? Because they love it and became the best, above all others.You are excellent at something; you need to worry more about that and less about the money.
  18. That makes a little sense. I was under the understanding (based on what they were saying) that if you were to, for example, save up $2 mil and buy a mansion and a Ferrari that you were going against God's wishes. But based on what you're saying, by purchasing both of those you are still helping others (all of the people who were paid to build the house/make the parts needed for it, as well as everyone who took part in building the car, not to mention taxes). Which means that by saving up and purchasing those you are not sinning; you are still giving back. I am catching that right, correct? (And that's not in any way to be taken as condescending or anything -- that's just how it seemed you meant to me. And as for the others my understanding was that by having those things you're a sinner).
  19. Ah, thanks for the clarification.In the U.S. we don't have to give any of that -- we just give our name/address and we're good to go, . Even when withdrawing.
  20. The problem has nothing to do with fast food. People stab each other to death too -- does that mean we should blame every knife-maker in the world because it's their fault they create sharp objects?The truth is nobody forces anyone to go get fast food. Many people have *never* eaten fast food before. You can't possibly try to blame someone else because of a choice you make.Not to mention fast food isn't what makes people fat -- it's the lack of burning calories. There are people in the Olympics who posted their diets and some of them require 20k+ calories a day (meaning the equivalent of 20-25 double cheeseburgers at McDonald's). Yet they aren't fat. Why? Because they burn as many (or more) calories as they take in.If people would learn to quit blaming everything on OTHERS and accept responsibility for their own actions, people would be living much better lives right now. Until people grow up and admit that not everything is someone else's fault, nothing will ever change.
  21. I've personally had 3 updates in the past week now. I got one today in fact.So as I stated before, if you're still not getting any updates I would suggest you contact OpaQue so he can look into it.
  22. This may be very insensitive but I feel 99.9% of the poor are there because they don't want to do what's required to rise above it.I know WAY too many people who went from having so little that they were BELOW the poor class, where they had to work 3 full-time jobs just to even live in a house with no electricity or water. Yet all of them ended up rising above it due to WANTING to and almost all of them at the peaks in their careers were making over $100k a year on their own (not including spousal income).I've yet to see anyone who wanted to succeed that didn't. The problem is people are too happy living their lives without change.You can dispute the above all you want. I've seen it true in every single case so far so I'm not looking for reinforcement or acceptance of the fact.I did say 99.9% because there are a few, very few, who are unable to care for themselves. Those people I agree we should help.As for other countries having less than the U.S. I have no idea how that's possible. Most countries have been here longer than us (not even 250 years) and yet we've surpassed almost all of them and become a world leader. There is nothing that was keeping any other country from doing the same. So again, we should not be dragged down because *we* wanted to succeed and they didn't. Everyone makes their own choices; being lazy should not be rewarded.
  23. What is a "pan card?" Is it something in India like an ID card or something?
  24. I just find it a little ridiculous that rich people would have harder times. *anyone* can become rich by not wasting money. So the religious meaning behind the scripture quoted before means "if you don't spend all of your money you'll have a harder time getting into Heaven than someone who saves up for things they want instead of wasting it?" It just doesn't make sense. Not to mention look at the leader of any major church. They are *all* rich, with mansions and nice cars. Yet they do nothing but preach about Jesus/God all day, everyday. Again, I find it hard to believe that they are punished for their money. I guess I'm clearly missing something here. I feel if a job offers you $1 million a year to work for them you shouldn't be punished for accepting it. If you spend the time and effort learning the trade (think about those who go to school 16 years for their profession) it shows they are outgoing and persistent. I highly doubt God sees that as negative. At the end of the day only one person knows. I just think you guys are misinterpreting it.
  25. I think you're taking it out of context. Keep in mind that in biblical days there was no "money." Riches were made by enslaving others and forcing them to do your work for you, or by killing others and taking everything they have.Being rich in todays' times is nothing like that. Now you can be rich from thousands of different jobs. You can even become a multi-millionaire if you have a $45k a year job (such as a police officer). So claiming people who are rich won't make it into Heaven doesn't really make sense.Now in the terms of those days, I completely understand where it's coming from. It would be comparable to drug dealers today. Stealing from others and killing others to take all of their stuff is definitely not condoned by the Lord.
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