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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I just want to add my view on the situation... At least from my experience (I've been here years) things have been great around here. My issue stems more from the community itself than Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto/Whatever you want to name them.I will admit, however, that I have had issues in the past (and still am) with my server being slow and/or offline. Usually it's fixed pretty quick but 5-10 minutes offline can cause huge headaches and loss of potential customers. So from that end, it is definitely irritating. On that note, I'm wondering if upgrading packages would help resolve that...?When it comes to support, however, they have always been very fast at getting back to me. I've registered three domains and multiple hosting accounts. Only the first one took a while (I think 48 hours) and that was to confirm my account/posts/etc. In fact, my last domain, in around March of this year, was activated the same day I ordered it. It was up and fully running soon after (which they have no control over, as that's just propagation).My last support ticket was sent in 3 days ago, relating to my IP being blocked from my server (which is annoying to me but is a great feature as it keeps people from brute-forcing you -- not going to get into talk of proxies or otherwise -- it's helpful). Within 12 hours my IP was unblocked and I had a message letting me know so. I honestly can't remember the last time a ticket took more than a day, if even that long.So from my end, it appears a lot of complaints (like this one) are based on people not voicing their concerns or not doing it politely or possibly not even clearly. If people don't understand what your problem is, they can't help. It'd be like going to the doctor and saying "I'm hurting" and refusing to let them know where -- guessing what your problem is will not grant you a good/fast solution.
  2. Hey guys, hoping someone can help out with this. Basically I just want to set up a cron job on my server (using Xisto - Web Hosting).Based on what I was reading, we should be adding a script like the following:/home/(AccountName)/public_html/CronScript.phpIn the above case, I used the settings above the "script" box to set up the time frame. I have tried hour, 30-minutes and 1-minute. None of these seem to work.Is there something I'm missing with this? I'm completely new to cron jobs.Thanks all!
  3. That's a good point. Also, when it comes to school it is what you make of it. Many people have this view that what you learn is "worthless," and although a majority of it won't be used later on in life, the principles you learn will. Find things you're interested in and do electives. Join school clubs, etc. There are tons of things you can find that will help bring about your interest!
  4. People who act that way are attention-starved though. By making a response you are doing nothing but empowering them, as that's what they're looking for. If you really want to bother them, flat out ignore them. Being ignored is what they often times fear and what will bother them the most.
  5. I have the feeling that for most people, this "trick" will do no good. It seems like a lot of the tricks there were back in the dial-up days (sorry for those of you still in that time!) that never worked because you can't increase bandwidth if you're already capped. QoS is a good thing to have though because it can significantly decrease lag. Setting it up in your router will help out a lot with that, without really affecting bandwidth that much (if at all).
  6. As long as you are providing quality content, people will link to it. It won't happen instantly but it will happen over time. The main thing, which can't be stressed enough, is that you need quality. Without it, you won't find good sites that are willing to link to you, as that affects their reputation as well.
  7. The only two games I've played from that list are Scarlet Legacy and Vindictus. I liked that Vindictus was easy to learn and fighting was a bit more "involved" the most games, but I hated the way quests/dialogs worked -- it was more like a book. Characters weren't alive. Scarlet Legacy, on the other hand, was also nice but I disliked that it has a built-in bot, a lot of English translation errors and the mini-games aren't separated well so you can spend a long time just looking for one you're eligible for. On the other hand, questing and leveling are both straight-forward and PvP is a blast!
  8. No problem! And incomplete sentences really aren't that much of an issue as long as your writing isn't full of them. In fact, having some is seen as being more "professional" than going without. It's odd but true. As for the writing, I didn't really think about it in terms of having to write about a certain topic; that definitely makes a difference.
  9. There's really not that much of a debate. If you honestly deal with SEO on a mass scale then you already know that domains have no noticeable influence. The only time it matters is on a very small site with very little competition.
  10. This is a good point but it neglects the fact that many programs on Windows require you to download others before they can be run, whereas on *nix if you are missing a dependent program it is automatically installed. That has nothing to do with commercial vs. free. It has to do with usability.
  11. Okay, to answer your question, keywords being in the domain have much less of an effect than most people think. Nearly every top website is #1 for things not at all related to their domain name. Content matters more than anything. Good content keeps visitors and builds backlinks. Good one-way backlinks means more reputation. More reputation means higher SERP's.Thus it all comes back to content. Whether your domain is full of keywords or has none at all honestly doesn't matter in the long run. It's all about what you do with the site.
  12. Do you mean you *couldn't* care less, meaning there's nothing you care about less than it? Because if you *could* care less, there are millions of things I care about less than WoW. On that note, I dislike it as well. It's too childish.
  13. Well... your grammar and spelling are pretty good. You do have a lot of incomplete sentences though!Other than that, I think it's pretty short for 10 minutes. But that depends on how fast you type, really (I do about 750 words in 10 minutes when I do free-writing).
  14. @rval -- you brought up a very good point about installations on *nix. It's all one-step.It's annoying to get a program on Windows and then download, go through all the installation dialog, and then have it say "Oh.. You need this too. Please go to (website) and download it and then restart this installer." And then after that you find another, and another. With *nix it's one click and it downloads anything it needs by itself.That is MUCH more user friendly than Windows.
  15. Keep in mind that "UFO" just means "Unidentified Flying Object." As such, if you saw a bird you didn't recognize, that's a "UFO." It does not insinuate aliens; people just misinterpret it. It's a lot like Area 51. It's named Area 51 because the military sets up "zones" across the country. Area 51 is named that because it is in between Area 50 and Area 52. There is no other reason. And in terms of its "secrets," it's an air force base for testing new aircraft. Outside it you will often see stealth bombers and other cool jets flying.
  16. Of course. A lot of companies use Facebook for marketing campaigns (much like Twitter). That's what social networks are best for, .
  17. Ah, luckily I don't deal with VAT, . Here's my recent charge:
  18. I still don't get what you're saying. You randomly decide to crash your car into a wall. That was your goal and you achieved it when you succeeded. You randomly decide to shout something out. That was your goal and you achieved it when you completed it. It's impossible to do any action without a goal. And the lack of doing an action is a goal in itself (the goal being to not do an action). Taking your sense of the word, it still fits in perfect. Idiological describes any and all things idiots can make sense of. In other words, pulling a fire alarm for no reason is an idiotic move, thus it is idiological. Therefore even in your own terms it is considered as terrorism.
  19. Seems to me like pulling a fire alarm for the sake of scaring people classifies as doing something with a plan you want to achieve (in this case the plan is to scare). I honestly can not fathom any other way to explain it. If you're doing something to achieve something, you're achieving your goal. That's what a goal is. Edit : Vandalism has a goal as well; it is to vandalize. Mischief's goal is to create trouble. Everything you do has to have a goal -- otherwise you wouldn't do it.
  20. You kind of contradict yourself there. Terrorism has a goal, yet pulling a fire alarm doesn't have a goal? If nothing else, the act on itself could be considered the goal. But it can be used in terrorism ways as well because it's widely known that fire alarms (depending on the location) cause people to panic and harm one another in their rush to exit a building or other area. Therefore it even has a physical effect as well, not just mental.
  21. To most people, ME and Vista were very user friendly as well. For the average user all they need access to is the "Start" menu, their browser, and a couple other programs. There are still a lot of people who prefer Vista over XP/7 for the reason that they are afraid of change.
  22. I didn't count them, . I pressed ctrl + f (for "find" in Chrome) and it gives a number telling the number of times the query was found.
  23. Programs with memory leaks are an issue, definitely. But that has nothing to do with the CPU (that would deal with the RAM). Graphics intensive stuff is almost primarily the GPU's deal (or RAM if you lack a good enough GPU). I did not know about OpenOffice's leak though. I have the feeling Chrome has one as well. One Chrome browser uses up almost 4x as much RAM as an IE or FireFox one on the same websites.
  24. Wait, who all has to pay VAT costs? When I got my last domain there were no extra charges, and my monthly charges for my hosting haven't had VAT fees added. Isn't that just a Euro thing?
  25. Today's Celerons are much better than the old ones. They aren't even near the same anymore (it's like comparing a P1 to a P4). I've found that with patience they are good enough for most people's uses (including documents).
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