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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Seems to me like it may have things in your auto run on startup, as well as your registry. I'd suggest booting up in safe mode and checking your start up programs. It's very likely that all you have to do is disable that and you'll be good to go.
  2. If you're doing an auction site you are pretty much required to use a VPS or Dedicated server. You'll need it if the site gets large because of the amount of power/bandwidth you'll be using for it.
  3. Read the past 10-15 posts here or look at the many other topics about it. Yes, it's up.
  4. Cool, and it's nice to meet you. I am also very into science and just recently decided to go pre-med (going to become a doctor). I haven't gotten too far into physics yet but I plan to pursue it deeper.
  5. I think this package is more for people who are doing major forums or things like clan websites (hosting the videos/pictures yourself). It isn't so much for professionalizing everything, but instead allowing you to go on with your site without having to worry about the bandwidth/space requirements of it.I think it's a pretty good deal if you end up going that far with your site. But as everyone should already know, if you plan on doing a *professional* one (thousands of hits a day) you should be moving up to a VPS or dedicated server anyways.
  6. I caught on pretty quick. The first email was the only one that was bugged. After that it was pretty obvious that the forum amount was the current Xisto balance (which was stated weeks ago when I spoke to OpaQue about it on the forums). Also, the emails work just as they did before -- they tell how much was added to your account. There is no difference there, only it no longer tells the total you earned.
  7. They might be like some of us who are very optimistic and believe that some days bad things just happen. In my case maybe I wouldn't be depressed (although it may seem like it) and am just in deep thought about how I can resolve the problem and keep it from re-occurring in the future. So it's not always a lie, and it's too hard to tell when it is and isn't.
  8. The perception definitely changes depending on what is going on. I just lost track of time two nights ago in fact, while playing a game, and ended up playing for almost 5 hours without noticing.It's also where the term "time goes faster when you're having fun" comes from (which is a very old saying, I might add).
  9. I don't get where your post about $2 comes from. I'm sure Anwii and the others were given more than just $2. On the first update alone I got like 34-38 and I wasn't the #1 in terms of most earned. Even my last updates were for more than $2 each (my average over the past month is 24 cents a post). So if you're getting a real low amount either you're having posts deleted, you're spamming, or you're exaggerating.
  10. Just as an update, I got my last MyCENT email 5 minutes ago (1:37 AM CST) so you can use that as a basis of when you should have gotten an update (unless it does certain people at different times or something).
  11. I find the stats in CPanel to be way off. Even on a site with 0 real visitors (according to Google Analytics) I still see thousands of hits a day through CPanel (NOT including the ones from search engines/bots).I'd suggest using something more accurate like Google Analytics.
  12. It's not an instant update. It's not a daily update. It's completely random. My last update was about 2 and a half days ago now. Just be patient -- it's working. If you've made a lot of posts and still haven't gotten an update in weeks, I'd PM OpaQue about it. Also, check your account -- maybe you got an update but never got the notice.
  13. I get where you're coming from now.After graduation usually comes college (which is where I'm at now). It's really just a continuance of high school, lol. That is, if you choose to go.So nothing to really be anxious about or anything when doing the college route.
  14. I'm a little lost as to what you're asking for -- advice?If so, and if your advice is as to whether or not the Army would be good, that's solely up to you. They do take very, very good care of their people though, but you also have to work for it. They will take care of your schooling costs for college, living expenses, and many other things. Not to mention if you're not deployed you will work a normal 9-5 job but with all the benefits (good pay, free breakfast/lunch/dinner, free housing, full medical/dental/vision, and free college).If that wasn't what your question was about, please elaborate.
  15. Both of them are extremely common. The "betting" one is a figure of speech -- not to be taken literally. The other one is considered as a "white lie," as it only helps people and doesn't hurt them (although I feel white lies are just as bad as any other -- either way there's things being said that are not truthful).
  16. He means you offer someone money to do something and don't pay it. It's kind of like "I bet you $x that..." but it's more of a figure of speech than anything. As for his second one -- think about like planes going to crash or someone is going to die. It's always the same response: "Everything will be fine; don't worry." Of course we know that's usually false.
  17. This is definitely a great place to be a part of but you have to remember that you might not always find your answers to questions/problems. As long as you understand that your stay will be a good one.Also, don't hesitate to ask questions or give input. Both of those just help contribute to the forums and help spark more conversation, .And welcome!
  18. This is a pretty helpful script. I'll definitely need it for a future site of mine.I like that you posted everything there as well so we can edit what we need to for visibility changes. The commenting in it is pretty solid!
  19. Something this thread is making me wonder about is... Whether or not you really die "peacefully" in your sleep. Maybe when we die "peacefully" it's really due to a dream we were having at the time that went very wrong.
  20. Yeah, there are some situations where I believe people need to be dealt with -- they can cause a lot of problems if they aren't. Usually people are better off around nice people so it really just depends. But our jail system is definitely full of fail. Consider how it works: 1) You commit a crime. Let's say you killed someone 2) You are sent to jail 3) While you are in jail you are around other murderers 4) From these others you learn even MORE ways to kill people, and ways to not get caught 5) You're eventually released with all of your new information 6) You go out and kill some more, rinse, and repeat That's pretty much how it works right now. They say "if you commit a crime we will put you with other criminals." What is that supposed to solve? Being around others who do bad things for years will cause nothing but *more* crimes to be pushed through your mind.
  21. lol, nice pun. I don't really see the point of a wooden car. It'd be too easy to fry/catch on fire while driving, not to mention it would be extremely flimsy (consider crashing wood into a wall).
  22. Standby mode on Vista has always been bugged. Sleep is too if I remember right (fixing those were huge "benefits" of upgrading to Windows 7).It's just the way Vista manages things -- that's why you should either use XP or 7.
  23. Why would Microsoft want the Ipod Touch when they already had their own touch-screen device? The reason it is selling so well isn't because it's good -- it's because people for some reason would prefer Apple (The Zune has more features, is more stable, and is better overall). As for the OS question -- you can install the Mac OS's on your desktop, though you'd have to use a hacked version (I bring this up here only because it should be legal if you own a copy of the Mac OS).
  24. About the Jango one -- there is another one just like that but I can't think of the name. When you buy a new HP PC and look at the bookmarks it has a link to it in there. Not sure if Jango has this feature but the other site has the ability to say whether or not you like a song and if you dislike it, it will alter the playlist accordingly. If you like one, it will also do changes. It's supposed to be a "smart" player. As for the Chrome plugin for Grooveshark -- thanks! I didn't even know about that.
  25. The Apple Macbooks are by far the best laptops in terms of their speed and all. They are expensive but nothing else compares to them. I personally don't have one because I don't need that much power (and therefore have no reason to spend 2k on one) but I have messed with them before.
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