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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Welcome! Keep in mind that with all knowledge-based things, the amount you learn depends on your own desire to suck in information. There is a lot of information found in the forums and although some of it is out-dated (there are threads that are a few years old), a lot of it is still on-par with today's standards. Especially with the programming/web design aspect of the site.
  2. RE: MyCents -- This seems about right -- it's what I used to be at. I've personally got enough MyCents to not worry about hosting for a loooooong time either. My activity here is just a bit swayed from time to time due to being busy with real-life things, And about the Decade Plan, I get ya. I actually have one of those set up as well that I use for a "live" testing environment and to learn from. It helps out a lot for testing things like backing up/moving websites and things like that, while still simulating what will happen when it's transferred to my real hosting package.
  3. Hey all, figured this is where I should post this. More or less I run gaming sites (fansites) for MMORPG's and have been getting a lot of positive comments. I've decided to take my project(s) a step further and make game databases (items, quests, etc.). For a reference of what I'm talking about, refer to: Magelo.com rift.zam.com (no www) These seem like they are pretty basic to anyone with database knowledge, but I have ideas on how to spice them up as well, making them more beneficial and therefore increasing their popularity. As for data, they usually come from the game itself (through game files), XML files (in the case of Rift these are supplied by the developers on a regular basis) and manual input. I'd be willing to help out wherever I can, but I don't know PHP and thus wouldn't know where to start with databasing -- I could, however, give listing of columns or something like that, such as with stats and whatnot for items. Regarding what I'm offering up, I see it working in a few different ways, and am more than willing to work something out with someone I believe is up to the task: I could pay for services (either on a per-game or even per-feature basis) We could work out some type of monetization method and work out a sharing procedure like that We can cycle all earnings back into the project for other things (server upgrade for new features, etc.) to enhance the site/project even more The database will only be one part of the site. The sites are fansites, so they include up-to-date news, previews/reviews of game changes, etc. for each respective game as well. As for the technology we'd employ, I was looking along the lines of MySQL, although I wouldn't be against MSSQL either, or another technology -- I'd leave that one up to the developer. So this is just a basic overview of what I'm looking for. If there are any questions or anyone is interested in talking to me about the project further, please do. I'm also looking for people interested in helping take on the news/walkthrough/videos/podcasts/etc. aspects of the game sites as well, but the database is a main priority right now as I can handle news and whatnot (for the record, the games in question as of right now are TERA, Guild Wars II, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Rift, though there will be more in the future and I'm always up for ideas). Just toss me a PM with a bit about yourself, your knowledge, what you'd be looking for out of helping out and what all you'd be willing to help out with and we'll go from there. Thanks guys! (Edit: you can also email me directly: rpgsearcherz@gmail.com)
  4. My favorite show of all time is Ninja Warrior (and America Ninja Warrior), just because the things those guys do is amazing. They really do accomplish a lot of things I always felt were physically impossible.Eureka's good as well though.
  5. If the credits lowered, they'd just be on par with how they used to be. It used to take around 50 posts a month for the cheapest plan. So that's really not an issue. Though as far as I knew we weren't allowed to contact support regarding the Decade plan, either. My understanding was that it's one of the reasons the plan is so cheap.
  6. There are a couple of things that come to mind regarding this...1) I know of people whose Iphone's have lost WiFi (something about the chip I guess?) altogether, so that's definitely a possibility2) It could be the router being "frozen" and therefore not even properly registering IP's and signals3) There could be something blocking the phone from being able to correctly connect due to a weak signalOne of the first things I would do is try rebooting the router. Unplug it for around 10 minutes and then plug it in. I have to do that often with mine because devices will randomly stop working.
  7. Well, usually when companies come out with these "cheap" devices that are meant to keep up with mainstream ones, they fall short. The fact is that to get quality costs money. There's no real way around that -- materials aren't free, nor is workmanship. So while I think they may be able to offer some features that are in mainstream devices, the quality will most likely suffer. But then again, for $30, what do you expect? That's not to say it's not worth getting, just that you should be aware that there are a lot of lies and misconstrued information companies push out to get people to buy their items.
  8. I don't really have any "favorites." I enjoy all learning equally. Though if I really had to go out on a limb and choose something, it'd probably be mathematics or science, mostly because those two are (for the most part) directly related to all areas of life. Things like History, Geography and Physical Education are used sometimes but aren't really needed to get by in life.English is a bit iffy. I love writing and I do it often, but whether or not I like English depends on the class itself. I've been in many classes that are just recaps of old information or aren't really relevant to writing (and are more about reading).
  9. And keep them on topic as well. I'd personally go with just what Velma said -- figure out what you're going to put on the site first. What I've done with my current site that I'm setting up (regarding domain names) is I designed the site, got some content on it, and then took out a notepad and a pen and started writing down keywords that directly relate to what I was working on. I got around 30-35 down and then started running through the Domain search to hit up each one, one at a time, with small changes here and there and wrote down which ones were available. This is extremely helpful because you don't want to just jump on the first one you find!
  10. Going to Agree with you on this, though I don't even think your name has to be in the email for it to be "professional." If you really want it to be part of the email, simply go with FirstName.Lastname@gmail. For the most part, those are available. Note: you can swap Gmail for Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, etc. as well. I don't view any email-naming practices as being unprofessional. You certainly don't need an @YourDomain one.
  11. I have three favorites: MTV, Comedy Central and G4. I use DirecTV though and they recently (well, a couple months ago) removed G4, which is a bit depressing for me. So for now I'm stuck with Comedy Central/MTV. We've got probably 300 channels total but never watch most, lol.
  12. Well, when you are talking about touch screen types, there are only two that I'm aware of: the one that allows you to use your finger and the one that requires a stylus (I think it's magnetized?). And in these cases, the latter would be much better because it just seems to work better overall.One thing you'll experience with any touch device, though, is lag. I've yet to experience one that didn't lag at least enough to make it noticeable. And furthermore, accuracy often turns into a big issue. I've used PDA's before that required me to recalibrate them every 30-45 minutes.
  13. I'm not really biased for or against any companies when it comes to monitors. I've had Dells, HP's, Acer's and Samsung's. Out of all of these, my Samsung was by far the most expensive but also is the most vibrant (I've had it probably 7-8 years now with no issues). But even with other, cheaper monitors I haven't had any real problems. I do a lot of gaming and all but even if the color is slightly dulled it doesn't make a big difference to me and is negligible most of the time.As for quality, I'd say that most should be about equal when it comes to the major companies.
  14. This. One issue, however is that you will need the Windows disc. If you don't have one, you'll need to obtain one from somewhere. Usually the back of the PC should have a key for the operating system it came with, so you can borrow a disc from someone else and use your key (at least that's my understanding). If you can hook the hard drive up to another PC prior, I'd do that first to take off any important files just in case you corrupt something during the "fix." You never know what will happen.
  15. Never heard of that but I'll look into it. Wouldn't that increase ping though, thus making it less efficient? You'd need the data to go 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 instead of just 1 -> 2 -> 1
  16. I actually wasn't aware of that either. I was under the impression that we could only submit tickets through the support site.
  17. Yeah, this was a sad day, =/. You often hear that the cure for cancer is "already out" and that only the rich can afford it, but with how much money he had he still couldn't beat it, so that's clearly not the case.I find it a bit depressing that with all he accomplished, he died at such a young age.
  18. Mrdee's issues appear to be the same ones I sent in tickets about regarding my situation: my site over the last couple days has been crashing a lot, and at the same time that happens these forums also won't load (under the "full" version or the slimmer version). Furthermore, during those periods I'm unable to access FTP.Sometimes the issue is intermittent as well -- a few images will load or some text and then it will time out, sometimes I can load one page and when I click to the next it times out, etc.I haven't had an issue today yet but I'll keep an eye on it.
  19. I sent a ticket in yesterday and already got a reply. It does support Cron jobs and apparently there is an issue with the script (which should still send out emails to let me know it failed...). And it's not the script itself that's the issue -- after spending a few hours searching for information on the error that was sent to me by Xisto, I found that it's actually an issue with all Cron jobs in Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 that has still yet to be resolved. So Logic *does* get Cron jobs, it's just an issue with the CMS I'm using.
  20. I don't know the implementation for it but for the "logical" solution I'd say to use a PHP script that adds a cookie to the PC. If this is found, it would not allow re-listening to the clip.As an alternative, you could log IP's and use that information to decide whether or not someone should be allowed to listen to it.A couple of problems, however:1) Both of these can be bypassed (but most people wouldn't know how)2) People can download the clip (same point as above)
  21. I personally enjoy working with Joomla, but that's because I'm used to it. Wordpress is powerful as well but I don't feel it's as easy to customize (at least not to the extent of Joomla). Drupal is the most secure but is by far the toughest to use. Keep in mind that's just three choices out of literally hundreds (if not thousands).It really just boils down to personal preference.
  22. Just tried what you said, and still no luck. As for the script, it was pre-written and most people seem to have no issues with it.Maybe it has to do with the starting part of it though? It starts with:#!/usr/bin/phpIs our location possibly different than that? That's the first line of the file, although I can post the rest if needed as well.Edit: Based on what I'm reading, it could have to do with the wrong php address. They say the default should be /usr/... but I see no folder called "usr" at the root directory. I think that may be the issue and would explain why CPanel refuses to even send a message letting me know it's failing.Edit2: Through more reading it appears Cron may not even be running. It should be sending an email regardless of what the error is to let me know -- for example, letting me know that it's got the wrong address/file type/etc. I get absolutely nothing. I've tried with a Gmail address, Yahoo, MSN and even my domain's. Nothing gets an email. I've checked spam/trash as well with no luck.Edit3: Looking through the packages, with the Logic PRO plan it specifically states it supports Cron, whereas the Logic (the $1.95) one doesn't. I'm wondering if maybe that's the underlying issue.Kind of sucks that I spent many hours trying to figure this out and then find out I may have had it right all along and it was just the disabled system holding me back, .
  23. Thank you for the response! Based on what I can tell, that's exactly how I had it set up (aside from the preceeding php -q). I've gone ahead and screenshotted the screen for you so you can see what I do. I do have it set to email me as well (at the top) and it has my email address in bold. Note that I removed my username (after Home) here -- that should be our main one, right? Like the one we see in our Xisto - Web Hosting login screen listed with the password beside it for Cpanel? Edit: Also, I get no emails from the system. I've tried setting it to a couple different ones and none get pinged to let me know it succeeded/failed, so it leads me to believe the system isn't even trying.
  24. So this number is used for all purchases, like even in the stores? Or just for online such as with Paypal? Wondering because it would feel awkward to (as you related it to US SSN's) have to supply my SSN before making purchases, =/
  25. If I'm understanding it right, it's pretty much just a method of automatically running a script at set intervals. For example, the credit script here (for MyCents) is run at every x amount of time, so a Cron Job is set up that points to the script that calculates/allocates the MyCents. Once the script is run, it's updated.At the same time, Opaque could also manually run the script (via address/.../script.php), but the point of the Cron Job is to automate it.In my case, I am syndicating articles from multiple sites of mine on to one main domain. To do this, I have a script that I can run manually (by visiting the address) but it would be more beneficial if I could just let the main domain sit and have it bring in the new article names by itself.Hope that helps clear it up for you!
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