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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Hey, welcome to the site. You can get free hosting as well (not just a TLD) by posting. Just make sure you are making posts that help lure visitors/others to read it and respond, and you'll be good to go!
  2. Reduce the file size by altering the images. For example, try saving it with different settings (such as jpg, bmp 32 bit, 16 bit, etc.). Another way to drastically reduce the file size is to cut down on the amount of colors that are used.If it's video that's the problem then you can try changing the type (such as flv) to make it shorter.
  3. Don't let their site hold you back. You could still do the same thing and either a) take it in a different direction or compete with them There are millions of sites in competition with one another, so it's nothing new. The chances of you coming up with something truly unique are so low it is not even worth beating yourself up over it
  4. The myCENTS are definitely harder to earn now. Posting the same way I was previously I now get an average of between 8-10 cents each. A few months ago before I left again I was getting an average of 28-34 cents a post. So it's decreased by a huge amount.Also, Inea seems to be trying to clear up his spam. His posts are getting better but still aren't there yet. He's still posting about things that you read and are left wondering what you just read (for example, his thread about how to repair computers).
  5. There is no real "best deal" because it all depends on your site itself. The decade plan is good enough for almost anyone though -- it has bandwidth, storage space, and an SQL database (which can still host many sites/forums because you just change the forums pre-name, such as using bb1_,bb2_, etc.).The others are of course better but if you ran out of bandwidth or something on the decade plan you could always change plans later on anyways. I'd suggest starting at the bottom and working your way up.
  6. He posted that in response to what has been going on. Let me elaborate: 1) He makes meaningless/worthless posts 2) He edits almost every post he makes hours later 3) He asked if he could delete his topics and keep his mycents 4) He asked if he will lose his website if he gets banned from the forums for spamming 5) He asked over and over again, despite us telling him yes. Because he doesn't see why one would lose their site for being banned (common sense?) 6) He continues making post after post about worthless things 7) He then goes through and continues editing all of his posts and deleting some See a pattern here?
  7. Are we talking about C++, C#, VB, Basic, Pascal, F#, PHP?? What is this dealing with? Without knowing what you're talking about it's hard to answer.
  8. Movies and the news do as well. This is why on the news they are not allowed to post gruesome pictures. On movies it is the parents' job to keep children away from those types (which is why there are ratings). Books do not have the effect because most people are visual. We learn faster and remember better what we see, not read. Not to mention when you see it you can see it (whereas by reading you are only making things up in your mind). More or less what's actually happening is called "desensitization." The more you see something the more used to it you are, and this causes you to care less about it in the future. For example, if your parents were fighting on a daily basis for years while you lived at home, and then they fight again, you wouldn't be affected as bad (if at all) as if they had never fought before and all of a sudden were. Or, in the medical field, a lot of us are bothered by dismemberment, blood gushing out, etc. As a result, we are recommended to spend a couple months in a hospital emergency room, as we will see it enough that it will no longer bother us. Hopefully this helps you better understand what's going on in the mind. If there are any more questions feel free to ask! I know a lot about the subject. Edit : Didn't see your question about games. In games you are the person, so yes it does cause an increase in anger and everything. It also embeds itself in your brain better as it is interactive (whereas a movie isn't).
  9. Mine's been working fine since the issue I posted about. But I do get offline errors every week or so for up to a few hours.
  10. No idea what softaculous is... And what hosting are you on? The decade, or which regular plan? I have the feeling that has a huge part to play in what features are added.
  11. I created a topic about the same thing last night. I was unable to do any editing to my site and wasted a few hours because I typed up a very long page and then it failed to connect to DB and I lost all of the information (now I know to post it all in Wordpad first).It's a pretty annoying problem and keeps me from being able to officially launch any sites. I can't risk a site going "live" and having downtime like that.
  12. Wow, interesting that I never realized that before. I've been having to use the legacy one though as modifications to files that are made from other files (such as forums) aren't editable from the regular file manager and only from the legacy one.Thanks for the help though. That will save a LOT of time in the future!
  13. Every major policing group in the U.S. has a cyber crimes division. In other words, you're asking if we need something we already have? I'll grant you one guess.
  14. Is there an FTP backend in the system like there is in Joomla?I would think that you have access rights to public_html as that's just the site's base folder. If not, you could still access it using an FTP backend through the WP admin menu (assuming there is one).
  15. Re-read the post just above yours. Not *everyone* is affected, but a lot are. You making your basis solely on yourself and a "perfect kid" is like me claiming nobody has vision impairment and needs glasses because myself and my 4 friends all have perfect vision. You can't make a judgement without having a much larger pool of people.
  16. How do you unzip using cPanel? I know how to do the uploading but I thought you need SSH access to run things like unzipping.
  17. This. I get these fakes all the time as well. I even get fakes from random banks (big name ones like Chase) telling me they need my full information (including SSN) because an account was opened in my name and that without sending them the information they can't look into it. I've never really had an issue with Paypal aside from a time in the past where I had $200 or so in my account and magically had $3800. Instead of taking it I called Paypal and they found that someone used a hacked credit card to buy something using my account off Ebay but lost the bid and so the money was returned. Because of this they locked my account and made me wait 18 months to receive MY money, and since they didn't know who the credit card belonged to they pocketed the other 3600. So more or less I got screwed because I didn't take 3600 of the money that wasn't mine, and Paypal got richer because of it. Were it not for the fact that so many people require Paypal, I would never use them. They have already shown me they will screw people over for money if they get a chance.
  18. Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone else has been having issues with their FTP or SQL lately.To elaborate a little:When uploading files I get kicked off the FTP every 50-60 files (to upload 6k files, for phpBB, for example, can take as much as an hour due to all the disconnections. When using the online file manager it's not an issue -- the one through cPanel).As for the SQL, I'm working right now on adding stuff to my site and for some reason I keep getting the "cannot connect to SQL server" error. If I wait a few mins after getting that it works again, then dies a few minutes later. I haven't had any issues with this part in the past though.So I guess what I'm asking is do any of you guys experience this? If you did in the past and somehow resolved it, could you please shed some light for a newbie?Thanks!
  19. I still don't get it. If you simply READ the rules then there's no reason to claim you didn't know you were breaking them. Therefore, what is the point of asking what happens if you break them? And if you changed a topic it would hurt EVERYONE who has ever posted in it. You would be screwing everyone else over. What is the point in that? You clearly don't comprehend the concept of a "community," and based on all of your posts and threads it is blatantly obvious that you care about nobody but yourself and what benefits you may (or may not at this point) receive at the expense of everyone else. Quit being such a jerk and either join because you WANT to or get out. Seriously, you're like a child and it is the most annoying thing I've ever dealt with on this site so far.
  20. I'm confused about what this "acid test" thing is. Does this just judge speeds?And if so, what about the memory footprint?I'm using an older PC right now and prefer Chrome as sites load faster on it, however I recently found out it's using significantly more RAM than IE does (by a huge margin -- about 2 to 3x as much). I hate IE but I'm forced to use it for quite a few things because otherwise I keep having issues due to the lack of RAM.
  21. I completely agree with the two posters above me. I've been reporting all of Ineas posts because they are clearly spam. He's even posting things in threads that have nothing to do with those threads. He's deleting posts he's made, and editing a crapload of his posts. I'd suggest you others report him as well.
  22. You have great ideas in theory but they really wouldn't work out. A direct example is the bot for Microsoft's game site where you win prizes. It comes up with captchas of dogs and cats. There are two ways it's been cracked: 1) Someone analyzed thousands of dogs and cats to find the most common distinguishers between them and created a program to go bit by bit and analyze the picture to determine which ones are dogs and cats. It has a 98% success rate 2) Someone else created a bot that takes all the pictures you get, waits for you to submit your guesses, reads which ones were right/wrong, and submits them all to a database. With 10k+ people using this the database was full with every possibility within 3 days and now it has a 100% success rate as all answers are known. Both of these work automated with no user input now. The truth is that no matter what people can make, someone else can crack it. It's just how technology works. That's why I don't see the point in trying to delay the inevitable. It's a waste of time (yours and the users'), effort, and money to try and stop it.
  23. I think if Apple went into handhelds they would do fine.Nintendo has the Wii/Wii2Sony has the PlaystationsMicrosoft has the Xbox'sApple has the handheldsI think that would be a fair way to go. It appears Apple clearly has superior finances and everything when compared to Nintendo and Sony (referring to the DS and PSP, respectively), so I think they could really push the gaming limits. Driving games where you tilt the handheld like a steering wheel? Speak to your characters and have them move with your voice? I think it would be awesome.
  24. This. I had a Hitachi Deskstar go out on me at one point and I found out it was filling up with bad sectors (not even a lot, but it seems as if they are cancerous or something and end up spreading). I ran some bootup CD (I think it was called Hiren's Boot CD or something like that?) and it had quite a few utilities for repairing HDD's. It didn't work on mine so well as I had already beat the drive half to death and had put it in the freezer but it may be something to look into.
  25. I never knew about the dot trick. That's pretty cool. As for catch-all, I never thought about using Gmail for that, but then again after all the time I've used Gmail (I joined in the first beta days when it was invite-only) I'm only at 3%. I don't get attachments very often though.
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