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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Huh? Your PC won't even go to POST without RAM (meaning it wouldn't even start powering up). And incorrectly installed CPU's? There's no possible way to install it wrong. Either it locks down or it doesn't. If it's not locked down then it again wouldn't even start booting (as the CPU controls the POST). If the PSU is dead then it wouldn't even light up, so again, wrong. Electricity supply would be the same way. Please don't give out completely wrong information to people. It's going to hurt them more than it helps them.
  2. I'm unsure how the domains work. With hosting I can understand a grace period but domains have to be registered by the hosts for 1 year increments. If Xisto - Web Hosting gave a 1 month grace period they would have to pay for the entire year, and if you didn't pay it off they would still be stuck with the charge and an unusable domain (since they have no use for it).I'd contact support for a solid answer though.
  3. Some of this stuff is true but there's a lot that isn't. I'm wondering where you are getting the information from.On a side note, the word "dog" was mentioned 165 times in your original post... lol.
  4. The rundown is pretty much as follows: It's $10 for an entire year You get one database You can park domains but can not add on domains Other than those and the bandwidth/space differences, it's pretty much like the $1.95 a month plan.
  5. The swine flu is LESS DANGEROUS than the normal flu. The only reason it's "worse" is because there was nothing to combat it, thus you had a much higher chance of contracting it. If the regular flu had no antibodies it would have been worse than the swine flu.Since there are antibodies for both now, the regular flu is back to being the most dangerous.
  6. The war of Afghanistan was started due to the terrorism bombing of the World Trade Center (which was not the first time it happened, it was bombed a few years prior but the bomb failed to do significant damage). Afghanistan was housing the terrorists so we of course went there.There's not much else to that story.
  7. That was an excellent article. It's not often that I take the time to really read long articles but I followed that one through to the end.I agree that religiously there is no reason to doubt that there are other lifeforms. Nowhere does it state that humans were the only thing here, and in fact, based on my understanding there were people here before Adam and Eve.For me, the thought that there is another planet out there somewhere teeming with life is not too hard to believe. The only problem I have is accepting what they claim the aliens look like -- green blobs with clear helmets and stuff? Come on, lol.
  8. Terrorism is NOT happening more now than it has in the past. It's just being publicized more now. Nothing has changed.And terrorism happens on a daily basis. A bomb threat is terrorism. Pulling fire alarms is terrorism. Terrorism is just a way to get people to fear something (or someone).But even the more deadly types have been going on forever and nothing has changed with them.
  9. I have also been having issues from time to time with loading (although it's very rare). And regarding the number of posts, yesterday from 10:18 AM my time until 9 PM my time there was only one new post on the forums, lol.
  10. I had never even heard of this game before. I'll definitely be checking it out more when I get done with some work! It does look pretty interesting. Also, it seems browser-based?
  11. I checked out your site but there aren't enough details about how the game works/what it is. You have information about the features and all but you also talked about upgrading graphics. Is this like a graphical TBS (Turn Based Strategy) or did you just mean the website and that it's a text-based game?
  12. I think Japan attacked us because as a country we try to impose our morals on everyone else. We think (for some reason) that we are better than absolutely everyone and that anyone who is different from us is a bad person (or in some cases, bad countries).Also, America has in the past always used war to obtain what it needed. We had a war for our independence from Europe, used war to take over America from the Natives and Spanish settlers, used war to help fight communism, etc.I'm not saying any of the wars we've taken part in were necessarily good or bad, as all of them both had significant benefits and negativities, but it can't be argued that we've always used war to get what we want. It's pretty much a mentality that says "do what we say or we'll make you do it."So to me, I think maybe the Japanese saw and understood what was happening and decided since nobody else was really taking a stand that they would. By attacking Pearl Harbor they went directly against our military and used the sneak attack to show us that we're not as invulnerable as we always act like we are.But of course all of this is just my opinion. The only people who know the truth are those that started the attack to begin with.
  13. You seem to have lost me with this post. What does the amount of visitors have to do with the theme being unique? Were you stating that: a) The theme couldn't be unique because there are only 3,000 visitors or The theme isn't unique and that's why there are only 3,000 visitors? That lost me because I don't think the theme really matters as much as the information. I wouldn't really care if 50 websites looked the same; I am more interested in what I am learning from the information.
  14. I can handle teaching pretty easily but my issue stems more from the age of the kids than anything. There seems to be a period (I'd guess around 6th-8th grade) where the kids think they own the world, know more than anyone else, and are overall extremely rude because of it. I do not think I could handle being around that kind of mentality on a day-to-day basis.Then again, maybe the issue isn't so much the kids as it is the current teachers themselves. I know I, for example, was always well past where my other classmates were in terms of learning. Due to this I was extremely bored through school and spent more time messing around than doing what I was supposed to. Maybe by having teachers that realized the issues I would have been a lot better to deal with.
  15. I would really like to hear about this as well. I'm also wondering if the issues are only on shared hosting or if it's with VPS's and stuff as well. It's pretty annoying to not be able to mess w/ your forums or CMS-based site due to the SQL errors.
  16. A great quote is one I read on Twitter the other day (and of course retweeted). It pretty much stated that a best friend is the one that walks in when everyone else walks out. Which means the person that is there no matter what, even when everyone else ditches you.
  17. Well, to a point that's true. But I've heard before the words "if you loved me you would be with me." This is especially irritating after something major happened (like finding out he/she cheated on you). So really it isn't just wishing them happiness that would constitute love, as if that were true then you would be with them because it makes them happy. Maybe this is why it's so hard to put into words... Because it's an indescribable feeling. And this then brings about the question of "is love the same for everyone?"
  18. Actually, this is a very good question and I am also interested in seeing what the answer is. Though I think it would be hard to compete with their daily visitor count.
  19. Seat belts vs. no seat belts are about 50/50 in terms of whether you will live or die. If you pay attention to the traffic statistics (which every state and the national government in the U.S. release publicly) it is clear that this is true.Just as many people die because of seat belts (cars catch on fire, people get smashed instead of tossed from the car, etc.) than those who die for not having them on. Driving is dangerous and nothing is going to change that until vehicles themselves go through massive changes.
  20. I agree with you to a point, but another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that infatuation also often gives people that supreme feeling of happiness. For them, the word "love" may feel like it's what they're going through. For example, I understand the feeling that you love someone when it's unconditional. But at the same time I feel that if someone, for example, cheats on another person, that shows that the other party did not love them back, therefore they should not be together. This doesn't mean to stop caring for the other person, but I can't honestly see myself being with someone who cheated on me. It is betrayal worse than just about anything else. So even when you look at the feelings of love you can't really use that as a basis because nobody truly knows what it is.
  21. I agree to what you said here. Though I would also add the fact that "love" is a word that is tossed around way too much. People think they are in "love" just because they like someone.You should also add in the word "lust," because that is one of the most common feelings today. Lust is the "desire" (generally sexually) for another person. It is another feeling that is commonly mistaken for "love."
  22. I think history is less important than a lot of people realize. But not in all cases. It really depends on what kind of history, now just the fact it's something that happened before.For example, learning from and understanding our stock market crash (for those in America) is important to keep it from happening in the future. But knowing about something like the number of natural deaths that happened in a certain year is irrelevant -- it's something you won't change.So for me it all boils down to what the subject matter is and how it pertains to the future.
  23. This. No other operating system is as easy to use and user-friendly as Windows. Plus their resources in terms of pure cash are large enough for them to pay off other companies to support them and only them (which is one of the reasons most game companies only support Windows, via DirectX, instead of using OpenGL which is basically the same but is cross-platform). Due to those reasons alone it really doen't matter how much better any other OS gets; it will never be able to compete with Windows.
  24. It's interesting to see a post like this when you even admitted in your last post that you've told Inea at least twice to start posting more relevant stuff. But wait, it's fine for *you* to do it but nobody else? I forgot. Based on your argument against the mods in the past it's clear you think you're above everyone else. Report me all you want. At least if the mods/admins read my posts they may step in and do something about Inea. That's all I care about right now.
  25. I'll give you a hint : I keep getting driven away from the forums by you and your constant worthless threads/posts. I'm about to just give up on the forums altogether. I've never had a point where every time I load a page all I feel is anger towards someone before.
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