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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. It does. Unless you are paying for it in cash. Why would they allow you to keep a free website if you aren't even following the rules? The website is your reward for *following rules*, not for doing as you please. If you are paying by cash then you don't have to worry about that (nor do you need to post). And that's because the rule you have to follow is to pay on time. I don't know what else you're looking for. It's common sense.
  2. There's other ways to find peoples' information without using those methods as well. Those do make it significantly easier though. But yeah, it just doesn't make sense why people are so paranoid. You have the same chances of being kidnapped by a random person walking down your street as you do being attacked or whatever from someone who went out cyber-stalking you. Honestly I'd say the chances are BETTER that the offline person would come after you than the online one -- because online the chances are it's a huge distance.
  3. Forums are just like businesses. They can refuse service (in this case the ability to visit and/or post) to anyone for any reason. Even if you go to a store, if the person running it does not like you they can force you to leave.So I really don't understand what this topic is about.
  4. Usually my favorite would be Saturday (as there is NOTHING to do that day so I can use it to catch up on stuff I haven't gotten around to yet) and my worst would be Monday, as that's the beginning of another week of things that need to get done.
  5. Windows 7 does a surface reformat (meaning it deletes no files, it just erases the headers that tell the HDD where the files are located). On XP you have a choice between a quick reformat (surface like 7) or a full reformat (which wipes out headers *and* files and is therefore much more efficient). That's why it takes so much longer. And yes, you can use a floppy disk, Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Linux/Ubuntu, LiveCD, or one of many other discs to do a reformat.
  6. I've never seen so many advertisements on one page in my life. It ended up turning me away when I realized just how many there were.
  7. I think games may already be going a little too far. Some people (myself included) have (or at least had) a hard time believing games can affect behavior of people, but as of recently I've been seeing it more and more with siblings and friends. During and after playing a game that deals with a lot of violence (Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, whatever) they always get "set off" a lot easier/faster than normal and end up resorting to violence much faster in many situations. Without the games everything is a lot calmer.As for myself, I don't deal with that. I fully comprehend the difference between reality and games, and to me a game is a game. Whether I lose 50 times or win every time is irrelevant to me -- I play to pass time and as long as time is going by it is serving its purpose.But for a lot of people (dare I say a majority, based on watching players online?) that differentiation just doesn't happen.As to whether or not it causes people to kill in real life, I don't know. But I know for a fact a lot of people get madder/more aggressive after playing them.
  8. I ran into a captcha just yesterday that gave me issues. It took 5 tries to get it right because it was all random letters/numbers and they had to be perfect (caps/lower case, 1's and l's, etc.).I hate captcha, and it doesn't even really work. There are tons of bots that detect somehow what should be read in and automatically type the text for you.
  9. I would post my speed test but it would just depress me more than it already does.The fastest Internet due to where I live is around 1.5 MB down and 512 kb/s up or so. Not able to get cable, dsl, fiber optics, FiOS, or anything else. I'm only able to get a WiFi connection.
  10. I agree with this. It pretty much reinforces that you do not truly work for free, and that no matter what you are always getting something. Even your own self-happiness for knowing you volunteered is still a form of payment.
  11. The issue with this statement is that the Internet is not near as "anonymous" as people like to try and make it out to be. I have no issues with sharing personal information on sites because it's just too easy to get anyways -- there's no reason to hide what people can find with about 10 minutes worth of work.
  12. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I hate when people try to make someone like them. That's why so many marriages get destroyed -- people rush into things and try to make things work rather than letting them go.
  13. This really depends. If the person is going to be installing Windows 7 there are very few drivers that don't come with it. Out of 6 PC's I'd have ONE issue with ONE pc not having the wifi drivers in Win 7. Everything else on that PC and all others was flawless.
  14. I've found some true information and false information here. I've been dealing with Paypal for multiple years now as both a buyer and seller so I'll clarify a few things.1) You do not need to have money in your account to make a purchase. If you do, you can send the money as an immediate transfer. You could also use a credit card for an immediate transfer. If you want to use your bank as an ACH (automated check) it takes a few days but that is another way to pay.2) As for receiving money it follows the same guidelines as above. To withdraw you can get a check from Paypal, transfer to your bank, or a Debit card.The issue I have with Paypal is their fees (something like 4.6% + $0.30 per transaction). That adds up fast!If you want to pay someone without fees for either of you, you have to do it as a gift, which is not protected (meaning if it was for a purchase and the person didn't send the items, you're SOL as you "gave" them the money for free).Hopefully that clears up any confusion.
  15. I highly doubt Windows will ever lose its place in the PC world. No matter how many people move to *nix, the fact is a lot of people (dare I say most?) are afraid of change. I even know of people who refuse to upgrade to Windows 7 from XP because it's different and they feel uncomfortable with that.As for prices, I assume they will remain about the same as they are. And regarding the programs, I think going more and more lightweight is the direction everything is going. Even Ubuntu started that and offer most of the extras as downloads now.Only time will tell though!
  16. Ah, your CPU is the bottleneck. Not sure how much you paid for the PC but there was a very nice one at Staples 3 weeks ago. It was quad core with 8 GB of ram and 10 USB 2.0's for $350 brand new.The thing about computers is that you want to comparison shop. Don't just go out and buy one, give yourself a couple weeks of research into trends and sales and you can snag one well below market value.
  17. Yes, BK is Burger King. As for the second, it deals with every company in the world. Microsoft is a 100+ billion dollar company, Apple is nowhere near that. Exxon tops the earning charts for gasoline, no company is anywhere near that. Godaddy is apparently worth a billion, no other hosting company is anywhere near that. Walmart makes over $40 billion a year, no other comparable store makes anywhere near that. And this goes on and on into every possible market. Therefor those who are earning are the ones with money. Those who are suffering are those who don't make near that and work just as hard (or harder).
  18. Well, it's a two-sided situation. On one hand, making friends that work with you is helpful because it helps you relate to others while you work. This has strong psychological effects that make you feel better and allow you to work better as a result.But you do not want to move anywhere past friendships. At the same time that friendships help, relationships (such as boyfriend/girlfriend) can hurt them. This is especially true if you break up, as you will more than likely be seeing each other on a regular basis still.So pretty much what you want to keep in mind is that friendships = good, relationships = bad (on the job, at least).
  19. I don't work for free unless it is straight-up volunteer work for non-profits. Other than that I would only work for a for-profit organization if I got some benefit from it. This does not have to be monetary compensation either. It could be as simple as me doing writing for someone and them allowing me to advertise on/in it and keep all rights to what I wrote. To me that is worth more than most places would pay anyways, and they would get the rights to what I wrote.
  20. I would really like to see how much they get bought for, assuming it actually happens. BK was sold for like 1.6 billion and I find those numbers to be beyond ridiculous. It's amazing to me how one company (even with thousands of others just like it) makes money while the others suffer, lol.
  21. It is also classified as a federal crime to write on money unless you are an official bank or government employee with the rights to do so. This includes people who write messages on their bills and other things, like highlighting and coloring.
  22. @inea -- as long as you aren't spamming there is nothing to worry about. And in terms of what happens if you get banned for spamming, I would assume that your hosting and earned money would be removed as it wasn't legitimately earned (thus stolen) in the first place.
  23. I agree with the last post. The best one and the one you should make is the one you like the most. If you aren't passionate about the subject it's going to show pretty clear. So don't listen to others if they tell you which one(s) to go with; you're the only one that knows.
  24. As far as I remember reviews are allowed, just not direct marketing/affiliations with various companies. I remember there were quite a few threads in the past and I think they are still around (in the voice section).
  25. In the past Xisto was doing manual checks for myCENTS to ensure they weren't earned from spamming or anything like that -- back then it would take 3-5 days on average. Not sure if its changed since then though.
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