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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Hey dude...I think your CD-ROM file system now is corrupted...If it's a CD-RW, do a full format to make sure it clears out the entire disk before recording new data again...
  2. Hey dude..then nice to have you in this board..Because there will be alot of people asking on Windows problems so you might help..Hope you have a nice time here...Cheerioz
  3. Yeah I would agree that editing own post is a great tool..Nut I've seen an article somewhere that states the problem where people abuse the system by editing and editing again and again to get more hosting credits...Well, if thats the case, then might as well remove that edit feature..Anyway our posts will still be posted..But sometimes is su*x...There was once where I need to post some latest technologies in this forum..I copied a paragraph from the source and pasted in my post...Guess what, I forgotten to Quote it...And worst still, I couldn't edit my post already..Few minutes later, my post was deleted and I was given a warn attribute for copying materials...I don't intend to.. but I got no choice..Well, maybe I just got to be careful everytime I post...
  4. Hi dudes...I've Warcraft 3 installed to my PC and I wanna play a game with a friend over the internet...We'll be connecting via the Direct Connection method whereby the host IP address will be given to the connecting client to start the connection.I'm behind a Linksys router and I'm pretty sure that I will need to configure the router to forward port numbers used by Warcraft 3 to my computer...And here's my question, how can I do that?I will really appreciate step-by-step methods...Thanks in advance...
  5. So what is it, a virus or a trojan horse...It's best if you do a screenshot of what Norton Anti Virus has captured...Or else, state the name of the virus or trojan horse so there's something we can start searching for an answer...
  6. I've got sega seturn...That's the only console I have besides a notebook computer... Anyway, a notebook is more powerful than any current consoles out there...
  7. I've downloaded Java Wireless Toolkit 2.2 and it has an emulator to run Java midlets without creating a new project...But I couldn't get it to work when I open a *.jar file with it...However, it could work when I run via from a project source...Is it suppose to work this way?How can I make the emulator to run the *.jar file directly?Assuming the *.jar & *.jad files are on the desktop...
  8. One common scientific explaination is the double exposure to the film whereby a part of the picture is imprint to the next film, creating the "spook" effect...But you never seen one with a "shadow" sitting right behind someones neck..I bet you will see it in the movie...Its based on true stories...
  9. I've watched a Thai movie, Shutter, about shadow beings appearing in a photographer's photos... More info on this movie : http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=shuttermovie&e=com Teaser 1 : http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=shuttermovie&e=comEN/teasers/teaser01_en_hi.zip Teaser 2 : http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=shuttermovie&e=comEN/teasers/teaser02_en_hi.zip Now after watching this movie, I'm pretty interested in these spook stuffs and searched the Internet related to them... I've found some photos taken by people and their comments on it... Here one of them : My question to people here, have you experienced such spooks in your life ?
  10. Hey dude, I don't have and never come across a Hyper-Threading PC... But I think these may help... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.gateway.com/worldwide/support/ http://forums.devhardware.com/intel-processors-30/unable-to-enable-hyperthreading-on-my-p4-3-2t-31312.html http://www.echeng.com/journal/2005/05/28/enabling-hyperthreading-in-windows-xp/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. PacMan was a HOT favorite a decade ago and I used to play them for hours..Now thinking back, it's kindda dumb to play PacMan on a Pentium 4 PC...Well that was a decade ago...
  12. I played the French Horn 5 years ago and now just stopped...Because I think it takes lots of time for practices and I couldn't catch up with my work...I played a various concerts too and was a member of a brass quintet...
  13. I thought that was similar and common as a feature of AutoComplete for Web Addresses?
  14. Can this be done without PHP... maybe just Javascript ?It can be useful for me if it's done on Javascript...
  15. By the way, Linspire is running on which kernel version ?
  16. I will not use Internet Explorer as much as possible...But my school uses a very Microsoft-based network and their PCs are all equiped with Microsoft products...You can never find foreign products in their PCs...Worst still, we are not allowed to install FireFox in their PCs... so its Internet Exporer all the way in school..We also cannot access our intranet out of school with firefox...They simply blocks it... Not just firefox, other browsers like Opera and other non-IE browsers cannot access the intranet too...Now we all have to rely on Microsoft products in school...
  17. I like Command & Conquer Generals best! Because they have the latest technologies and look like the real world in gameplay... Look at the GLA forces in the game, they resembles the terrorists after the September 11 attacks.. GLA : Global Liberation Army I love best is the aircraft... Sleek and swift I can say... I always build great teams of aircraft, about 20-30 per team, and swift pass hte enemies bases, bomb every of their main targets in that single flight... That's my tactic...
  18. Hey dude, speak them out to the mods and admins...Maybe you would like to PM them if you are overworried...I think they would'nt mind as they are a bunch of good people..However I'm not so sure if PMing the mods and admins violates ther Terms of Service...Better check that out...
  19. Ouch...! But what's wrong with their site? What were they doing anyway that violates the Google Terms of Service...?
  20. Yeah.. I wonder if such tricks available in Office 2003...Hey for those who are able to do the trick on your version of Office, can you do a screenshot for us to see...Although we cannot do it in Office 2003, we all are still interested in seeing these "secrets" at work...
  21. Oh I thought they had these types of notebook long ago already?But I think they look stupid..Imagine a business man takes out his notebook from his notebook bag, then open the notebook screen... and twist and turn the screen to plug out the LCD screen...Look so dumb..
  22. Oh... I always wanna try RPG-Maker 3D...I'm currently creating a game for my project... so this program might help...Any kind souls here please PM me if this RPG-Maker 3D comes available in English...Thanks...
  23. Does it seemed to be photoshoped ? But the article in http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/04/21/1082530230223.html seemed so real... Who knows... There might be new licences to aquire to ride on those rocketpacks... You seen before the skycar? Same case...
  24. Here are my favourite top 5 games...1) Command & Conquer : Generals Zero Hour2) Warhammer 2000 : Dawn of War3) Need for Speed Underground 24) Warcraft III : Frozen Throne5) Empire Earth IIbtw Empire Earth is real cool... Go check that out...
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