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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. That's really beautiful..The world is going crazy.. If there's another Tsunami, it'll be gone.. with the food...
  2. Any example ? I don't think its possible too. Even it does, it will be supernatural...
  3. I hope the MSN people will fix the lags in 7.0 for this newer version...And also, hope it does not use extra resources...
  4. Trap17 forum was unable to load yesterday for me, no need to say 5 or 30 seconds..I'm using Opera browser by the way.I think it's not the ISP or browser fault. I think its the nature and structure of Xisto. Lots of users are using the forum at any one time, you can never see only 1 member is online here.And I think the bandwidth alocated for this forum is quite low such that we using it will cause jams and bottlenecks.Like what I've said, I was unable to load the forum yesterday. This problem does not happen once, its alot of times since I joined Xisto.Hope the administrators increase and put some extra bandwidth to the forum since its a webhosting company, should be able to I hope...
  5. Hey dude, I think you should make the text stick out from the background as its kind of hard to read. I have to highlight the text to make them visible for reading...You can try some bright colors for the text instead. Design wise I should say its not bad and you still have alot to improve.Good work..
  6. This is a really (DIY) Do It Yourself type of robot.No more requesting, no more begging, no more asking any humans to forward you a gmail invite. Just get it yourself without fuss. It's there!
  7. The page was dead already I guess...Is Uncle Bob that hacker ?
  8. Wow nice game graphics...Looks like Maple story..I'll try it out..
  9. PCI-Express is capable of speed up to 4000 MB/s, twice of AGP 8x if I didn't get the info wrong. And PCIe has 16 processing lanes to spilt up work and process faster. You may like to check this sites for more info : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express https://www.directron.com/blog/what-is-pcie/
  10. I'm running on 17-inch widescreen monitor by Dell, Inspiron 8500.1280 x 800 will be perfect for this...
  11. If you would like, you can still use your hotmail email address for MSN messenger.You can also sign up again for a new account for your gmail, which you will need is a .NET passport. Your contacts stored in your hotmail will however not carried forward to your new account.
  12. Ok so this is eventually what it means... Any examples of real courtroom TV ? But why is there courtroom TV? Solely for entertainment?
  13. Yeah what kind of Moral Fibre is this? Well at least we can see the other point of view of this Moral Fibre.How can you give an example of ugly guys dating hot chicks? Might proves useful to me in future..
  14. Did Greece banned olympic games too?They made a name for themselves in the previous few olympic games.It will be weird if they ban it too...
  15. I've got a linksys wireless router (BEFW11S4 V4) that causes lots of packet drops when I used it wirelessly. I didn't realise that packet drop while surfing webpages until when I tried to play online games.I tried Warcraft III and it becomes super laggy. I also tried to ping my router and sometimes I got more than 700ms latency and packet losts.I don't know much about routers but I believe it's something got to do with wireless buffers, however I couldn't find any related help from the internet.I'm trying to ask people in Xisto what are their best used routers, and state why too so I can buy something significant, not forgetting the model numbers.If voted others, please also name the brand. Notice from BuffaloHELP: This post does not belong in What Is...? section. Moving to Hardware.
  16. One of the ISP in my country also gives surprise upgrades to their services to grab more trust and loyalty of the customers.Recently they upgraded all of their 1500kpbs users to 3000kbps without even notifying them.It's only like when everyone has been upgraded then the ISP releases the news.It was like one to two months later before announcement..
  17. If it really comes through hitting 999999 MPH wind speed at florida, you will cry and regret for it...Anyway, that's a new findout and I didn't realise hurricanes' names comes in alphabetical...
  18. Sometimes I'm wondering what Google wanna do..It seem's like trying to take over earth and capturing space.
  19. I'm running as a host for the game, which I think you are trying to ask if I am the server.My computer is also configured to be a webserver too, installed with Apache Web Server, but I'm not running it as I've not configured my router to forward port 80 to my computer yet.
  20. Yeah I've tried all these already but it just couldn't work...Thanks anyway...Hope someone here can really find out the problem..
  21. Hi, anyone plays Warcraft III : Forzen Throne here ? I'm having a problem and hopefully someone might be able to help... Here it is... I'm on wireless connection to my wireless router (BEFW11S4 Version: 4) and I've got my port forward ready. I am able to host games. However, the players connected to me experience horrible lags and they kept complaining about it. As for me, it was a very smooth game since I am the host. When I join other people's games, I also experience horrible lags but not the rest of the players. So it have to mean that it's a problem with my side. I've also tried to configure my firewall such as to allow Warcraft III ports to open, with reference to eu.battle.net/support/en/ I couldn't figure out how... Here's some of my computer stats : - Windows XP Professional - Wireless-B - Lancraft 1.18 - Norton Internet Security 2005 - Broadband 1500kbps Can someone identify the problem ?
  22. Template 1 gives a "can't be bothered" feeling..Template 2 still acceptable..Template 3 looks professional..Template 4 looks like a childs play..
  23. Search for books or search for printouts? I don't quite understand what is it for ...
  24. I saw advertisements on the Movie or rather previews of the show on my local television.. I find it cool to have the real car spinning like as if you are play the drifting course in Need for Speed Underground 2 game.But many people here in asia go to see the handsome actors rather.. Beats the movie already.. So I think its a waste of money for them to go and watch the same movie again and again just to see their handsome actors acting..Therefore, somehow I dislike the movie..
  25. Why not try GIMP ? It's the free alternative to photoshop supposely to cater for linux distribution.. It works well on Windows too and the best thing is it's free.. Try it... https://www.gimp.org/
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