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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. So what that black box really do?Its like another computer within a computer?
  2. You travel back to the history...You see your grandfather when he was a teenager.. You take a knife and killed him.. In the future of the grandfather's time, you does not exist, because the grandfather is killed.. However it is you who killed the grandfather.. So who exist and who not..?
  3. Of course its fun..I bet you guys have played Dota in Warcraft 3...DoTa allows you to control a hero and attacks your opponent heros using different skills and magic..This time in WOW, World of Warcraft, you play the hero or any other characters in First Person view... That is, playing your character in CS view... that's even more cool...
  4. Hey... the link is dead...The site you gave however still exist..But when I click "DOWNLOAD NOW" the site gave a blank page...
  5. You cannot uncompress multimedia files... This is how it works.. The MP3 codec samples at a certain bit rate to capture the sound levels and saves as an MP3 file.. These sound levels are like a bar chart and the uncompressed version is like a wave in a graph.. Since it has became from a wave form into barchart, the details are discarded when saved as an MP3 file.. So you cannot get back the discarded details, hence you cannot uncompress an MP3 file... Goes same for any other sound and video formats...
  6. ME !I'm currently playing DoTa 6.10...I'm a noob too.. and I'm training fast...I don't play in servers, rather I play on LAN...I use Emulated Lan program to connect computers across the internet to play a "LAN" game...
  7. Did I heard "OPEN BETA"... ?When will Microsoft be that sooo OPEN... So what is it going to be..? Open-Sourced, free-sourced... What?
  8. Both hands up... !I'm on your side...
  9. Dell, not Bell, because Dell is the best computer company in the world in terms of service and product quality...If you have any defective parts, Dell will replace for you free of charge, and also the replacement part is upgraded to a better then your usual part on complimentary...I had once a Dell desktop and the screen becomes defective..I ring up Dell and they agreed to replace the monitor..It was a CRT monitor then, and they took me an LCD screen in exchange...I like this kind of service.. You may not find such services in other computer companies...
  10. I prefer this one.. The guy in the picture looks like Yuri in Red Alert : Yuri's Revenge
  11. Notice from moonwitch: Don't quote a long post like that when it isn't absolutely necesary Hey dude... I like that eye candy graphics of your site.However, there issit any special effects like mouseover button colors..And many links are dead... The thing I really really dislike is whereby the top links open a new window.. In the end there are lots of windows loading the same site...You might have to change it to load in a single parent window...Overall, not bad.. And still needs inprovements...
  12. Yeah I agree with him... I played one old RPG game Pokemon long time ago and I was addicted because I wanna be invincible in the higher levels. RPG games makes people wanna continue the game because of the more powerful skills in the higher levels and the gameplay becames more stategic. However I still support Strategy games like WarCraft 3, Red Alert etc becauses it really needs alot of brain thinking. Likewise, I play Red Alert and I was addicted too... Now it's Warcraft 3's turn. Some people prefer to be an invincible individual, choose RPG... And those who prefer to be an invincible team mate, choose Stategy..
  13. Seems we like having another musician here...Here's what I suggest for a PC that processes music stuffs... Pentium 4 2.4GHz or higher 512 MB RAM, recommended 1GB nVidia G-Force series graphics card or anything cheap Creative recommended soundcards Amplifyers / 7.2 Surround Sound speakers ... Creative brand prefered Cakewalk Studio software Synthesizer device Still on your own choice...
  14. I can get to 60wpm with 70% or more spelling errors... :P
  15. Hey, from what I think, Linux distributions are slowly becomes OS that you will need to pay.Look at those Linux Destros with strong support like, Mandriva (formerly known as Madrake Linux), Redhat, Linspire, all becoming paid Linux OS.Of course many distributions are still free and usually have problems and can crash easily or no support on them...But still, Linux is less vulnerable to sercurity threats unlike Windows OS...
  16. Oh manz ...In that case, Microsoft becomes the loser...Because it used dirty ways to force people to use IE.Damn manz...Microsoft shouldn't be like this...Surely people will still use IE to download windows patches to update windows and Norton uses high on IE too...Most people who doesn't know what's going on will find it troublesome to change browsers since IE features such convience and easy navigations, will not find the problems raised by IE, especially the security loopholes...Well I think its a stategy, or rather a lousy strategy, by Microsoft...It's like, if you don't use IE, you won't have a good Windows OS.
  17. Hey dudes...have you guys used mIRC before ?Now I've a problem on mIRC regarding to resume a file send...When I try to resume a sending file, I got a status message which says ... "DCC Resume from <nick> rejected (invalid parameters)"Anyone knows what is going on ?
  18. Anyone knows of any Warcraft 3 Mods ?Special maps and missions too...
  19. 7 CDs ?I downloaded only 3 and it was already the full version...How can you get 7 CDs...I tried Mandriva LE 2005 too and I couldn't get it to connect to the internet...I gave up...Maybe I su*x because that's my first time touching Linux...I was just trying out...
  20. I believe Time Travel is possible in near future...And everything will be messed up because everybody travels back and forth Time to change their past...Hey but come to think about it, imagine you travel back to date 10 Sept, 1 day before the Sept 11 attack, and call a troop of anti-air armory and gunzmen at the airports to snipe down the terrorist, the two towers will still be up today...But again, the authorities will think you are dumb and idiot, and crazy to tell them these.. they will just not believe till daylight comes...I know such technology is coming near because someone has already invented and created a man-made blackhole...So it will be possible...Technology in future is real disastrous...Lives out there will be treated like characters in computer games..Once dead, respawn back in time.. Scary yeah...But it will be coming...
  21. Yeah.. There was a downtime for me too...I couldn't access it.. and it just states "website not found"...After awhile, I see the shiny new skin to the forum...So I knew it was the upgrade that causes the downtime...Might not be true... Let the Admins tell...
  22. Warcraft III Frozen Throne of course...And there's alot of pros in it too...And if you are a newbie in Bnet, you will be trashed out in the first minute...
  23. Try these too... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Yeah... It finally worked...I've forward a range of port to my computer...In the blizzard forums, it stated only port 6112...But I've tried 6112 ~ 6120 and it worked...Thanks anyway...
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