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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Oh as referred to my previous post, any moderators or administrators please help me get that important line Bold if possible.Thanks and sorry for double posting...
  2. Hey dude... Do this.. : <html> <head> <title> Favicon.com - custom icons for your website!</title> [b]<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="favicon.ico">[/b] </head> <body> <!-- Your HTML contents here --> </body></html>
  3. Ha.. I agree with his post.. Its your internet that transmits data to your computer, of course your computer have to be turned on. Well I think if you have an antivirus of firewall software, being online for days continuously isn't a problem, or else how web servers or email servers survive? You just got to worry your electricity bills. An exception: if you have any peer-to-peer software installed, especially Kazaa, don't get online too often, you might just be spammed with pop-ups or uninvited trojan horses, viruses or any security threats. Kazaa is well known to deliver all these, so does other peer-to-peer software. Best way to solve this: reformat your computer, and don't install any peer-to-peer software, avoid stuffs related to Kazaa.
  4. Oh so now the spammer is dead.. and out comes the killer..!Worst still..
  5. I play Warcraft III custom map that most players are playing, called DotA or Defence of the Ancients.I've seen reviews and articles about World of Warcraft and find that game great. But I don't have the money to invest on it, so I just play Warcraft III.Anyone plays DotA using LANcraft may also place your nick or so, we might have a chance to play a game.
  6. Anyone is use that feature to kill too. Robot killer that no one can stop. But hey, its a nice tomorrow technology.What if the robot ran dead, lets say batteries become dry or mechanical fault, the patient will be dead by then.
  7. Novell is not open source, however its Linux, a paid version of SUSE. https://www.suse.com/ I believe it all depends to the conditions when comes to security. Linux, opensource OS, allows people to quickly fix errors, viruses and security holes in quick time. However this does not guarentee the fixture and might make it worst if not don't properly as opensource OS can be edited by anyone. On the other hand, Microsoft is patched by certified engineers and guarentee to work for users. The bad side is Microsoft is working for money and the price might not be cheap. But one can guarentee security with Microsoft for an OS giant.
  8. Still according to the product's profession.A MP3 player is still better in terms of music quality, convenience and standard while a mobile phone is still a communication device. Although a mobile phone includes MP3 player function, it still loses to a real 100% MP3 device in terms of music quality and probably device quality. It goes same for mobile office function in mobile phones as compared to a handheld or a notebook. It is still ultimately a mobile phone.So it depends on the user. If the user doesn't mind to for-go a superb music quality, a mobile phone combined with different functions might be a good choice. Else, having an MP3 player will create the real musical quality that the user wants, especially its surround sound feature.
  9. Yeah.. Reformat only on last resort... And get someone who knows to do it because it can be not so easy if you don't understand them...
  10. I vote for Snlildude87 ...His text has focus from the background unlike Saint Michael.but the man pointing to =me= in Snlildude87 picture does not have the focus. I think the fingers should standout.
  11. I think its only a temporary skin. You won't be able to see your skin on another computer without firefox installed with that skin mod for gmail. It's like cheating Firefox to believe and change the skin when you logon to gmail. So its a local computer thing. Nothing is changed on gmail I suppose. It's just how Firefox display it to you.
  12. I don't know about Delphi and I came across the same problem with I was doing on Visual Basic.What I did was to call a DOS prompt, you may like to try it.
  13. I'm using Norton and I have to say it's very slow in loading especially during bootup times. Its live updates are slow too. Sometimes it causes major lags to your computer. Jamming isn't surprising for Norton. But I think Norton is scrict on security and that's why I feel safer with it.I didn't try McAfee before.
  14. Now everyone in the world is using IPv4 to connect to each other to the internet or a local network. IP (Internet Protocol) address are unique addresses that can only be assigned to 1 connected device each. The current IP address is differentiated into classes according to their submask: - Class A : used for interconnecting backbone routers and switches for the Internet, also used by huge/govermental agencies that require large base network (e.g. NASA, Area 51 etc) - Class B : used by huge companies that require a large base network (e.g. Microsoft, Cisco etc.) - Class C : used for interconnecting backbone routers and swithes in a network - Class D : for each connect device (e.g. a computer connected to a router) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Class E : for further research and development IP addresses are valid for use on a normal connected device are bounded within the range of xxx.xxx.xxx.000 to xxx.xxx.xxx.255, hence each class can have 255 connected clients on a network in each class. These classes are futher broken down into subnets to allow more connected devices just like switches that allows more connection into 1 backbone. The world's network is growing fast and huge quickly hence there is a need for a new way of addressing to allow more connected devices. Hence IPv6 is implemented, which not only consist of numbers but also alphabets, becoming alphanumeric addressing or simply hexedecimals. This therefore allow even more connected devices. This is just a brief introduction about IPv6 because I study them as part of my course in school. There are alot more about backbone networks which you guys can find on the internet. Here are some of them : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipv6 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PS : There might be mistakes in this post because I'm still new to it.. Just happened that I studied its basics in my school...
  15. I don't know what I think is that when someone dies, his/her soul will go to some place not in this universe, probably another dimension, or heaven and hell. Since ghost and spirit sightings are found in reports, I think that after someone dies, that ghost or spirit will wonder around waiting for something to happen. Because the ghost/spirit can't be seen by us, they can't talk to us. Maybe that's because why they came to sight when they become vengeful and vex when they are alone. Probably the guards from the other world would then come and take the souls away after they died. These guards probably cops or policemen from the other dimension and one of their law is not to interfere with the humans.I don't think there's life after death. I don't think there is overpopulation in another world either. Who knows...
  16. How much RAM you have? You may delete the files in the TEMP folder. These files are usually setup files when you install something and they gets unziped there before starting the setup. You may try softwares that can free up your RAM: http://www.sci.fi/~borg/rambooster/ http://rambooster.net/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some of the hidden programs or viruses that you may be checking for might not show up in normal Windows mode, that's why you can't find them. I suggest you to boot into safe mode and re-scan the system again. Also, look out for the RAM usage in safe mode. If the RAM usage is still high in safe mode, I suggest you to reformat your computer (that's what I will usually do) because it has gone "crazy" with hidden programs.
  17. I use notepad, not just for php, for html, java and any programming languages.. just save it in their respective extensions.Notepad, the fastest text application known on earth, even faster then Wordpad.It does not take time to load, neither does it takes some time to save a file where many other editor does..Notepad all the way...
  18. I only have Windows ME and XP installation CD. Two computers are currently on Windows XP. There was once where one of the computer had some serious error that require formatting. So after formatting, I decided for a change to install Windows ME instead. Installation was faster then Windows XP I must say. System startup fast and smooth too. But it has random jams and lags upon system bootup. Sometimes in a worst case scenerio, it flashed the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). And the errors are usually due to hardware conflict whereby the message shows all the long hexedecimal addresses and other information.I have to agree that Windows ME then has alot of bugs, but still its faster then Windows XP during bootup. That's a case for me...
  19. I only use IRC for gaming and transfering files.The DCC send/receive feature is super fast, alot more faster than sending through MSN messenger.
  20. OGG format will be slightly smaller in filesize of the same quality. It's open-source and free too.I choose MP3 codec because it is widely available, its players, songs etc.OGG however is not so common. There's no standard players for OGG yet and you can't find OGG files easily anywhere.
  21. I think it works seperately from Googles as the page rank it calculates depends on how many times the button is accessed. It does not affect the real google pagerank. That's what I think.
  22. Try these: https://www.avast.com/index http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.freebyte.com/antivirus/ http://www.clamwin.com/ http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download
  23. Its a toy I should say.. These light sabres can't kill.. Imagine touch lights in the form of a sabre.. That's crazy sales deals..
  24. Well I think there's nothing to steal about wireless signal.. If you don't protect it, other people may get the chance to detect your signal and use it since they may think that its a free-to-use signal... It doesn't happen to me.. Even if it does, I won't really bother about it.. My wireless connection is for home use and its not for business, doesn't hurt me anyway.. so why trouble to complain, whine and report to authorities...?
  25. The link is dead already...What wrong with the sheeps?There's food below the cliffs?
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