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Everything posted by dre

  1. About the Chinese launching an offensive...the only problem that U.S. would find when dealing with the oncoming hordes of Chinese troops would be to find enough bullets to shoot them all.
  2. Get RAM right now, it's the most important upgrade at the moment. You can just get the video card later if you have to. I wouldn't recommend anybody having less than 512mb of RAM on their computer, and 1gb is highly recommended.
  3. I don't see the difference when it's arrogantly taught as fact.
  4. Benchmarks showed that games made for Linux ran slower than their Windows counterparts. Therefore, there is no way that Wine will run them faster. And also, Wine is not an emulator (Wine Is Not an Emulator).
  5. I don't think it was made out of conventional hard drive materials. This is probably some bionic contraption, like the DNA computer, something of that sort.
  6. From what I've read, AMD's handle more heat. The magazine said something like Intel's should go over 125 F and AMD's shouldn't be over 140 F.
  7. Not bad, just don't expect to play games on that thing.
  8. dre


    I highly advise anyone against using any type of registry "cleaner." It does a whole lot more harm than good to any computer, and this comes from experience. Leave your registry alone if there's nothing wrong, and if there is, then fix it by hand or leave it alone. If 8 years of use on a single computer didn't mess up its registry, I don't know why anyone's should.
  9. Hey genius, nothing doesn't include dark matter. It's pretty obvious you have no astronomical knowledge whatsoever. Anything else you're sure of?
  10. Anybody here lived during the times when the Earth was made? No? Oh well, then I guess we'll never know. And the people who present their ideas in the form of fact, I don't know who they're kidding. It's amazing to me that scientists try to provide an "answer" to everything, instead of just saying "we don't know" until they get some actual proof.
  11. No, linux just installs a program to try and handle multi-os booting.
  12. No don't do that. First of all, you would have to buy liquid cooling, that's the only way you'll get 2 P4 XE's at 4.6 Next, which video card are you using? For things like 3DS Max there are specialized video cards that should improve performance.What you should do is get yourself that dual LGA 775 mobo and then buy yourself 2 Core 2 Duo's running at 2.66 ghz. They should cost about $180-200 and will absolutely kill the Pentium 4's in performance. The age of the Pentium is over, don't buy any more of then, I beg you. You're probably going to have to get new RAM (ddr2 800 most likely) to ensure you get good performance. (I just did a search for a P4 XE and found nothing, so good luck buying those). Do not expect, however, better gaming performance from having 2 cpu's. Many a benchmarks have shown that 2 cpu's actually slow your games down more. I haven't seen any comparisons with newer games running multithreaded, but that was the case some time back.
  13. I got myself an Airlink 108mbs usb wireless card for $15 and I'm very happy with it. I bought a Netgear usb 108mbs device to compare it with, and the Airlink tore it to shreds. Except that the Airlink cost $15 and the Netgear cost... $85.
  14. Ubuntu is the perfect OS for those people that do nothing more than surf the web, use email, talk on messengers, and type up papers. Anybody will be able to do the things I just listen because they're very simple, and the fact is that most people with computers do little more than that.
  15. I can sense that I will breathe in the next 10 seconds. I have mastered the 6th sense, because I'm never wrong!
  16. Resume is never supported, how convenient indeed. Quite contrary to what they seem to claim.
  17. Very singular...Ubuntu did all the work of setting up the network on its own. Which version are you using?
  18. Well, which part of the frontal lobe is it then? Also, that isn't the 6th sense, it's called memory, which isn't accurate and recalls previous experiences which happen to be just unclear enough for us (not all people though) to interpret it as a deja vu feeling. Right, but what about all the times you get the feeling wrong? So it only counts when it's right? Not fair. You only remember that you feel like somebody is going to call you because it confirms your thought, if it didn't, then your brain would pass it as irrelevant information. Also, you notice somebody behind you by chance and by delicate sensory cues. Most of the time, this would startle you and your brain would investigate what's behind you, and the sensory information would get little attention by your consciousness, therefore making you conclude that you knew the person was there without hearing or seeing anything. (At least that's my theory of it.) I draw this from the fact that nerves can act on reflexes. For example, if you had no sensory cues that a lit lighter was to be brought to your hand and burn it, you would have no idea it was there. Simple enough, right? And once it reached your hand, your hand would actually move itself away from the flame before you even realized that the flame was there and was about to burn your hand. Therefore, I think you turn around to spot the person behind you before you even realize that you heard (or all other senses that apply, except this "6th sense") the person in the first place because you've been startled. Honestly, if this was true, why don't they set up experiments. A test subject would be blindfolded and would be wearing ear muffs (and all other possible senses taken care of), and somebody would walk behind them. The subject would not be told the goal of the experiment, would be told that everybody was going to leave the room, and would have to be able to identify that there was somebody behind them. This experiment could be used on thousands of people to prove the final results.
  19. Unless you currently have viruses running on your pc, then this would do little to affect performance. Also, in this case, performance means loading times, because I'd bet if I started up F.E.A.R. and benched it before and after these tips, the frame rates wouldn't change. And about tip #8, I don't agree with it. Turn off automatic updates to increase performance instead of wasting bandwidth and ram. Unless you have problems already, updates aren't necessary in most cases.The average user wouldn't know what to turn off in msconfig, but if you know what you're doing, then you might be able to shave off a few seconds off startup times and a few megabytes of used ram. If you really want better performance, then disable all the screensavers, good-looking menus, and such. That'll free up plenty of resources at the cost of making your folders look better.
  20. Needles and shots don't freak me out because when I was little, I used to get lots of shots (I was a sick kid). However, I knew that the doctors meant well, and therefore the needles didn't bother me.
  21. Back in the day, your parents didn't have access to computers like you do now. So when they see you more on the computer and less doings the stuff they did (ex. being outside a lot more) then they don't think it's normal.
  22. That's why you don't buy extra warranty. I never have and I always ended up fine.
  23. No matter how much you can hate homework, you can't ignore the fact that it helps a great deal. For me, homework didn't matter much until high school, where subjects got considerably harder. Even though I didn't really like homework, I started doing it in groups with my friends, and it worked out pretty well. In the long run, I know it'll help me no matter what I believe now.
  24. This would be the perfect thing for people who don't care about education and hate learning. Those kind of people will not like learning now and will not learn later in life: for those, this could be a godsend. For those who want to expand their knowledge, even though it might be hard and take lots of time, this isn't for them.
  25. You could have just unplugged the other hard drive, installed Ubuntu on one of them. Then connect the other one up, and chances are, if it's on master, then it's going to load how it used to normally. Then, to load up Ubuntu, you can boot from the CD that you installed it with; I believe there's an option to load Ubuntu from another hard drive, though I'm not 100% on that, but it was something along those lines.
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