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Everything posted by dre

  1. Well, to sum up my opinion, I believe that we gotta solve the problems at home before shelling our a couple trillion just to go see the stars. Now I know that touring the Solar System would be sweet, but in my opinion, saving the lives of millions of people quite easily with those same funds would be more worthwhile.
  2. Well, I guess you could toss an explosive charge in a room and make the lights go out. Or set off an EMP and take out all the electronics for miles away, that'll do it . Besides that, I'm not sure how you can make a harmless "dark bulb." I doubt we've got a way to suck up photons that would do practically.
  3. Sorry to say, but WINE doesn't get the job done when it comes to trying to compare it with Windows XP. One of the most annoying things about it for me is that it only works for games it's been built to work for. For example, if I rack out a game or a tech demo and try to run it with WINE, I might want to think again, because it wont do squat. Tried it several times and I've just given up on trying to make games on and for Linux (without completely replacing all the programs I've bought and am used to). Also, the support for my favorite games on WINE is rather rickety, with BF2 not working completely. However, once you add Cedega into the equation, Linux then becomes a much more formidable gaming system. However, it's not free . If you run a good enough machine, games shouldn't crash anyways. That goes for Windows 2000 and all the other OS's people have been recommending. These days, you'll probably have a much harder time trying to find drivers for those OS's also.
  4. Well I though about it, but Kingston focuses more on stability than anything else. Since the case here is for top performance, Corsair provides better performance than Kingston. Also, Kingston RAM that's fast is really expensive for some reason, at least in my area. I found Corsair to be the most compatible RAM on the market, one of the fastest, and 2nd only to Kingston in stability.
  5. The Japanese attacked because they had to buy themselves time to acquire raw materials in the Pacific. Since they didn't go for a 2nd bombing run, the fuel storage and dry docks allowed the fleet to recover about 4 months faster than it should have. By the way, Japanese did bomb a U.S. ship in international waters in China before the war. Japan said I'm sorry, here's some cash, and America believed them and accepted the apology.
  6. Right on. I'm thinking the exact same thing, but I tried to put a little humor in my last posts, guess it didn't work . But yea, nowadays the government just exists solely for itself and therefore does whatever it wants.
  7. Being an expert only makes you an expert in your field. That applies to any side quite well, I think. I agree with you there, however, religion doesn't preach that. If the priest thinks so, fine, but my moral values and teachings say otherwise (and I'm religious also). Some places it is, others it's not. I agree that being arrogant because you're religious is wrong, but I myself don't think I am and I haven't met many people who are. I just happen to think that it's important to realize other points of view and if they're different doesn't mean the other person is the devil. Bottom line: I think it's ok to disagree, but if you declare someone wrong because they disagree with you upon the kind of topics this post is about, then that's just stupid.
  8. I've had good experiences so far with Gateway laptops, and since they're not too big of a company (unless they're owned by a giant, I'm not sure) they will probably make better products than the Dell and HP supergiants.
  9. Well, AMD has already made a new cpu, running at 2.4 ghz. So far the benchmarks show it's keeping up with a Core 2 Duo 6750 pretty well, despite the lower clock speed (2.4 to 2.66). Since this is the first cpu of the line, I'm excited about what we're gonna see next. Gotta love competition: more speed, lower prices.
  10. Do you have some advanced sound system set up for your computer? If not, then don't bother spending extra money on the sound card. Also, for the RAM, I'd stick with either Corsair or OCZ for the best performance, compatibility, and stability.
  11. Wow. Seriously? Looks like you haven't kept up with the last couple thousand years of science. Wow, what else are you gonna cook up next? Ooh I know, you'll buy yourself a car, and then if it breaks, you'll rant to everybody about how much that car sucks and that every model of that car ever made should be recycled, because you're all knowing like that.
  12. I made a post about this some time ago, where Microsoft claims it has "100 reasons you'll be speechless". Check it out here , and try not to laugh too hard. Also, the title they put has incorrect grammar, it's supposed to be 100 Reason's Why You'll Be Speechless. I think that's just freakin hilarious.
  13. Conspiracy theorists said that Roosevelt knew of this attack, however, did not inform the fleet of it. The reason for that action, they say, is so that the event would anger the American people so much that they would join the war because of it, because Roosevelt wanted to go to war, but most Americans didn't (Hmm, good thing that this kind of stuff doesn't happen now, right? ...). Lo and behold, America got in the war. I gotta admit, that's a pretty compelling argument, and I still haven't made up my mind on whether it's true or not.
  14. Pretty intriguing story there. However, I found a bunch of copies of this on many forums, like this for example. Please use quotation marks with anything you didn't make/write yourself.
  15. I got Ubuntu 7.10 and it automatically found my LAN and configured it, and I instantly had internet. The likely reason for this is that I got an nVidia chipset, and Linux likes most of the stuff nVidia makes. See if you can figure out what kind of controllers you got, both the LAN and the WiFi, and google around to see what people did about it. There is no universal almighty Linux driver for every WiFi out there, but it's likely that following some instructions from people with experience will solve your problem. If all else fails, post something on https://ubuntuforums.org/, it's pretty helpful.
  16. In the software section, what is an example of desktop software? Also, I think adding something for 2D and 3D art/design, ect. would be good. For example, something like Photoshop and Blender wouldn't fit into any of the categories you proposed.
  17. Some people just don't like paying $400 for something that cost 15 cents to make. You wont be finding Vista in any form in my computer. Pretty sure you mean 4th
  18. Basing your pick on a height adjuster is a bad way of picking a good LCD monitor. Well that's just my opinion, of course. With my search of "Dell adjustable monitor" I only found height adjusting stands, which I'm hoping is what you're talking about. If not feel free to post an example.
  19. Genocide? Well gee nothing has stopped it so far has it? You can't just make ways to prevent this because they won't apply to everyone, different groups need different types of outreach. I'm not saying I'm the one to solve it, but in my eyes, nobody is really trying that hard. It's more of responding to genocide when it happens rather than preventing it.
  20. Explain the details of this "time lapse" a bit to me. Suppose you were running 3 miles right before the time lapse. Would you then clueless as to how your body is so darn tired or would your body be restored to an earlier state? Also, I'm wondering why your memories wouldn't carry on from one lapse to the next. For example, it would appear as elections are coming up and it would appear to continue so for 20 years, so perhaps you might think something peculiar is going on. If you would care to answer those questions then I can perhaps ask some better ones (I can't now, don't want to waste my time if I'm completely wrong). Thanks for your time.
  21. Haha exactly what I was thinking. Interesting to note that a majority of the sold Vista operating systems, not counting the ones that come with your pc if you're the kind that buys from stores, are usually bought for business and because the new Office was sooooo much better than the last.
  22. Wow, I can't even begin to say how horrible repair installs are. Only happened after you reinstalled? Have you tried using Microsoft's website to manually update your system? I remember they used to have some kind of stuff like that, not sure if they still do. Trust me, you want to back up your critical information as soon as possible and you do want reformat. When Microsoft goes unstable, then all hell goes loose, and you don't want to live with a machine doing some kind of random crap every day (most likely it'll get there, if it isn't doing so already). You might be able to prolong the life of your install by using something like a trial version of Registry Mechanic for a big until you get your stuff backed up.
  23. The days of the P4 are long gone. Also, your information is misleading. The Athlon 64 architecture dominated the P4 architecture in performance, it was only the Core 2 Duo that saved Intel. So I should go to eBay and spend about $40 more on a quad that a duo, which will run games slower than the duo would. I like that kind of thinking (not ) Show me some benchmarks where a quad goes faster than a duo at the same ghz, from what I've seen that's not happening, unless the game companies had enough sense to incorporate some decent SMP in games.
  24. If people are going to your site by the hundreds, it better be about Mist or else they'll be hitting the back button in about half a second. I don't believe adding useless meta will help your site, it'll only ruin your credibility for wasting people's time.
  25. Only if you have 64-bit Ubuntu, the 32-bit version will work fine. However, all you have to do is install 32-bit Firefox on 64-bit Ubuntu and you're set.
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