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Everything posted by dre

  1. Do you need all those partitions, or do you just want to have XP on the whole hard drive without any complaining?
  2. There's probably something wrong in the boot device priorities, not sure what though. Take out the drive and see what happens and tell us here.
  3. I used to play this game couple years ago. I didn't work for squat, did nothing at all besides player killing. I admit the whole game is boring as hell, but when you run out with 70+ teammates and start killing everything that moves, it gets pretty funny. When I didn't PK, I didn't play. Thankfully, I've discovered the magic of BF2 and the like, so I'm all good
  4. I'd like to see the proof behind your statements before I go on to correct it first, since you bring it up so much. Also, now thinking about it, why is socialism a type government at all? It's based on Marxism, the ideas of Karl Marx, which really were that no government is the system, the people rule themselves. Next: Imagine a world where Saudis rammed jets into towers where Afghanis were blamed... I highly recommend a class called AP U.S. History, interesting stuff you learn. For example, America has a bit of history when it comes in and "liberates" other countries, for example, Cuba, or the Philippines, and just happens to stay there for a couple of decades. Americans seem to not know their own history and are puzzled about why foreign countries are not excited about America "helping." Many teachers don't like to go over the history of American imperialism, so if that's the case with yours, then I recommend you read a book called Lies My History Teacher Taught Me, really good stuff in there (not sure if name is perfect, but close enough).
  5. There are many ideas like this, even better. The bottom line comes to this: who will use money to make this reality? Nothing ever gets done unless somebody is making money (I know, exceptions, but this is virtually always true on a large scale). Amen to that.
  6. Let's choose a couple, I have not the time to go through 100 Sure, after you shell out an extra $150 on upgrades. Really? I have NEVER EVER BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT BEFORE? WOW I'm getting Vista this instant. (not) Yes, please fill my hard drive up with useless clutter every single day. Hehe, oh wow. I'd like a guarantee on that. What's that? Oh, of course you can't do that, what was I thinking... If it didn't have problems, it wouldn't have to "take care of itself" in the first place. Chess Titans? That ain't no joke. Must be worth $59.99 straight from the manufacturer. LMAO! I'm pretty sure I do! Contrary to what I've heard/experienced. And to think, why would I ever want to get any other products that offer more features than this? This alone must make Vista worth it! (not) Well, I can't take much more of this. Perhaps if I want a laugh I should turn to MS instead of Comedy Central. Half of their reasons have nothing to do with Vista, and the other 45% are blatant lies. There are 5% that are true I'd say, but nothing to make me "wow".
  7. So what are you gonna do, chew on your pot leaves? Yes it does, just take psychology in college. Causes more critical damage than smoking ever will, but hey, by that point, you couldn't care less. That's a weak argument. Sort of like saying, "No, no, no, I didn't kill him directly your honor. The gun did it."
  8. I stumbled upon this today, not sure how many of you actually read this before, so here it is: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows I think that this list is freaking hilarious. I know I'd be speechless because I'd be laughing so bad I wouldn't have time to respond.
  9. Seriously? Wow you must have a laptop which would qualify to be the world's worst cooled laptop. Maybe in the winter you could plug it in and use it as a heater. Hell, just use it as a hair dryer!
  10. Do you have evidence to support it? I think the video card you ran D3 on would allow about a low detail setting, therefore, not using much video ram in the first place. Setting the aperture size that big is a complete waste of system ram that could have been used elsewhere.
  11. I feel ya man, but I usually have enough technical savvy to figure out why those things happen to me, even though it's about 2 times per year. And let's not start with Ubuntu, where I get none . But yeah, Microsoft just wants to buy that company out so that people wont have an option when it comes to trying to solve their own problems. Those people would be about 90% of the computer users who know nothing about how they work or what to do when something breaks. I feel sad for them yet at the same time I just don't understand why they learn at least a little bit about hardware and software and stop themselves from getting ripped off so bad.
  12. If the clone shares all of the memories of the host, then how is it possible for the clone to think that it was created 5 minutes ago as you say? It would seem like it was just sleeping or something, unless it was somehow "awake" in its own "creation" and able to realize that it's a clone.
  13. So if your hard drive failed, you would be just so eager to run to the store and buy another CD for $100+? (supposing you had an OEM install from the beginning) Thanks be to Linux, Vista and their DX10 scams were the last straws. No, you can cause huge damage to your computer. Perhaps the millions of people that are tired of getting ripped off and don't want to/can't switch to another OS?
  14. Get a 3rd party partition manager of some sort that will boot and try to organize your master boot record. Installing different OSes on different partitions doesn't mean they can't overwrite each other's boot sequences, which tends to get ugly. Your XP install probably wiped off the boot sequence of Vista, or something of that sort. I had these problems too, just not with the same OSes. In the end i gave up and just used multiple hard drives, which saved me a couple million nerve cells .
  15. I don't believe the robots themselves will be a threat to us, but instead I think they will somehow start off a chain of events that would lead to catastrophic events.
  16. Well if you found it that it wasn't true, what did you do about it? And don't tell me there is nothing you could/could have done, unless you don't take it seriously.
  17. dre

    No Startup

    Back in the day, I tried this to, usually with little avail. Some time ago, I noticed that if you pop in the Windows XP cd in, boot from it, and continue on like you were installing fresh Windows, it should be able to detect an already-installed Windows and give you an option of repairing it. Much more useful that the stupid Recovery Console.
  18. Why would you want to waste so much ram? For a card like a 6200, 256 mb of video ram is overkill. Why? Well, the usage of more ram typically means the video card is running better-quality stuff. A card as weak as a 6200 will probably be fine up to 128mb of video ram, past that, performance will be so slow that it wouldn't matter if you had 256 gigs of video ram, performance still wouldn't change. I highly recommend setting the aperture size to something like 16 mb or lower if you can, there's absolutely no reason to have it with this card. Now if you had something like a 7950gx2 256 mb, then it would be a different story.
  19. One of my computers is a Celeron 600mhz (not my best, of course) and it performs the tasks of surfing the net and IM'ing perfectly fine. Has 256 mb of ram and runs Windows XP. I think the problem is more tied to you than to the actual computer, ie. you might have lots of background crap running that you absolutely don't need. Perhaps I'm wrong, but seriously, you got a 900mhz advantage, it should perform better.
  20. Whichever one of those comes with the longest warranty (standard) will last the longest and be of the best quality. I urge everyone to stay away from company computers and experience the difference of a customized home-built computer.
  21. Games like Battlefield 2 have already been known to use more than 1 gig of ram, and it's not a latest game. I recommend 2 gigs for Windows XP because ram is pretty cheap these days. I personally have 3 gigs. 2 sticks of 512 and 2 sticks of 1 gig, and the 2 gig set now cost me less than the 1 gig set did ($55 vs $80), and this isn't cheapo ram, I got myself OCZ platinum since I overclocked my cpu.
  22. Perfect practice makes perfect is the principle I believe in also. It only works perfectly in theory, but in reality, it works well enough in my opinion.
  23. Windows has widgets, you just have to download them. I personally enjoy having both Windows XP and Ubuntu running, they come together as a great pair.
  24. Well if the value of the dollar is declining then for example if you had 500 billion dollars in debt one year and 5 years later you're at 900 billion, couldn't the value of those numbers be the same? If the value is going down, then there has to be more to account for the same value. In my eyes it makes the debt rise look smaller. (I'm not sure if these numbers are realistic since I can't find any trusted sources that say how much the dollar declines yearly, seems like a 10-20% decline though) I wish it was really this simple, but like I said earlier, the economy and complex and several factors come together to do this. Also, I'm happy to see we've reached some agreements upon a couple things.
  25. Wow dude. And how about the contractors that are gaining billions, and then the oil? Cmon, don't tell me you're living in a fairy tale. I'm not going to hand it on a plate to you, read what you said and my response to it... To me it looks like a steady increase in debt. The higher numbers don't mean anything since you didn't correct for the declining value of the dollar. Well, most of the terrorists that come to Iraq are not from Iraq. Therefore if forces are pulled out, then it'll create a safe haven for them. And I agree with you about the part where you said Hussein was an enemy of Bin Laden and that taking the head off will leave the body...messed up. America obviously "forgot" the strategy it used in Afghanistan and hopefully is slowly relearning it. But you're absolutely right, the attack on Iraq wasn't really justified, which like I said earlier, leads me to believe there are gains from this war. Service jobs are slowly going away. 80% of jobs are service jobs, and a lot of them are headed for extinction. Only in earlier years could those jobs support you anyways. I guess what Americans want is easy jobs that pay well, which isn't going to happen. With that, the companies themselves lose money rather than having cheap labor. I'm saying you can't just come in and curbstomp the whole entire system. Nobody is ready for that (in my opinion at least). If people in general were actually competent enough, than yes, what you said would work. Sadly, the real world doesn't offer those kind of simple solutions. Usually they had to do something to get the US to come and intervene. Marines wont be deployed to apprehend grannies surfing the net.
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