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Everything posted by dre

  1. Do you realize the kind of power this device would require to communicate with a satellite while determining its own location? Then there's the RF signals. You might as well walk around with an active radar in front of your face, you'll get about the same disturbance to your body.
  2. Then let's clarify this. Does "doing your best" involve a useless amount of work to achieve the same exact thing, or doing enough work that needs to be done?
  3. 100% is usually not needed. For example, to figure out the answer to 2+2, you need to use about 2% instead of 100%, but the results will be identical. What you need to be is not a hard worker, but a smart worker. And no, you don't always do your best in everything. Using knowledge to supplement your effort will also result in you doing less than your 100%, but hey, would you rather be solving the problem rather than exploring the "exciting" ways of discovering the derivative formulas (beforehand)? Hence, just solving the problem=about 40-60%, doing the other will be about 90-100%. I rest my case.
  4. Why travel anywhere when newegg will come to you? And besides, don't plan on installing the quad core. That is, unless you want your computer to boot up.
  5. Honestly, cmon guys. If you're a competent computer user, than viruses shouldn't give you a problem no matter what operating system you use. The three main sources of viruses (at least I think they are) are: porn, illegal downloads, and plain-old stupidity (ex. opening up an email titled "cool, check this out!" from an unknown sender). Windows 98 SE and Windows XP have worked for me perfectly without any updates at all...zero, zilch, nada.
  6. Thanks for the info guys, I solved the problem by opening up the terminal and typing in "nvidia-settings". Then on the X Server Display Configuration I choose a 1440x900 resolution. I had to set the refresh rate to auto, or else the screen looked oversized and unclear. My monitor is detected as a CRT, but as long as I got my resolution working, then I'm not worried. Perhaps this is what truefusion meant, but I wasn't sure about how to get to such settings in his way.
  7. Did you install the latest drivers for the monitor and the video card? If not, then it may be possible to force unsupported resolutions which will cause your monitor to display a black screen. Also, does this happen when you try to use the control panel that the video card drivers come with to change the resolution? The video settings tab isn't the only way to change resolutions. Try running something like Scandisk to make sure that any of the system files aren't damaged, although this may not necessarily help.
  8. syncn21, you have to specify as to how the monitor turns off. Does it turn off like it would if you pressed the power button? Does the screen just turn off, but the monitor is still powered on? Is there any way to make the monitor work again without restarting your pc? This problem may be linked to the video card, the monitor itself, or overheating. Also, I'd like to know whether your computer was store bought or if you or somebody else built it. Hopefully you'll sort this problem out.
  9. Well I Googled around to try and find an easy way to force a widescreen resolution on Ubuntu 7.04, but with no luck. I have a Samsung SyncMaster 931 BW and a nVIDIA 7600 GS (drivers are running fine). I'm sure people here know Linux a lot better than me, and hopefully will be able to help me. Thanks for your time.
  10. It means that crappy video cards will be able to steal a lot of RAM from your computer instead of using their own. Since PC RAM is much slower than video card RAM, this technology sucks. Look, I've said this before so many times, and I'll say it again. A metaphor for what you just said is like putting a super charger on a Geo Metro (0.9 liter V3 engine). It's not going to help! You need a video card with all-around speed for it to be able to begin to use so much RAM. Video RAM will not increase system performance in any way, shape, or form, unless you are running recent games. Unless your video card costs at least $400, there is absolutely no reason for you to have 512 mb of video RAM! Why, you ask? Because by the time the video card is able to use that much RAM, its performance would have gotten so slow, that it would make no difference. It's a useless waste of money!
  11. I have no idea why this received so little attention. I just used this thing to install Ubuntu 7.04 and it was just the easiest thing ever! I didn't have to fiddle around with partitions because this uses your current partition and just creates a folder for Linux to sit in. The way you start up Linux is just by selecting Ubuntu from the choice menu that pops up, and boom, you're in. If you want to get rid of Linux, just go to Windows, go to your drive you installed in (such as C: or D:) , go to the wubi folder, and run the wubi-uninstall application. So simple and effecient, I gotta congratulate Wubi, they really got something here.
  12. Tell me the exact models of the video cards and I'll give you an exact answer.
  13. dre

    The N95

    That would be a sort of phone discrimination I never heard of anybody having to pay more per month because they have some special type of phone. Somewhat true, however, the iPhone has already been hacked. Therefore, I can choose between providers at will. I don't hop around from provider to provider anyways, so that's no problem for me.
  14. Different companies sell differently clocked products, and those differences approach hundreds of megahertz. Now if you're comparing the same companies, then I'd go with the 8800 Ultra, they have pretty close pricing, and with enough ventilation in my case, it shouldn't overheat.
  15. You can install the hard drive if you have the correct interface (either ATA or SATA). You might have to format it, however, because there will be many driver conflicts and it'll be pure luck if it works without complaining.
  16. Maybe this is news for you, but nukes have accidentally been dropped in the past and nothing happened. The weapons will not detonate unless activated, period.
  17. This is the time when you just sock him in the face. No seriously, I don't care what he says, I don't care what your parents say, I don't care what the law says, I don't care what you say, just sock him in the face. That will do 100x more than talking will. Try talking to a cat. Tried it? Tell me how much good it has done. Not so much, eh? Maybe it just doesn't understand. Now smack the cat a little. Lo and behold, you have gotten the attention of the cat.
  18. dre

    The N95

    So if I bought an iPhone from craigslist.org or ebay.com, who would I pay $2000 to?
  19. Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that possibly every creature was not listed? It would take many pages to list all of the creatures created and some general information about them.
  20. Because people don't like people who are not like them. Disagree with this all you like, but I have all of history to back me up. No argument you make will change world events. As some philisophe said (can't recall his name) something along the lines of "People are like animals and need to be controlled." I don't care who's name blood gets spilled for, it'll get spilled one way or another, it's just that it was convenient and easy to kill people "in the name of God". They might as well kill people in the name of the devil because his ideals would fit perfectly with that phrase. It's not God's fault nor of the belief. The religion is there, and how it's used is up to the people. My only question to your quote is, what can be done about it? Funny, because you can't prove there is no God also. I've read several books explaining that radiocarbon dating can only be used to date animals or plants that are less than 50,000 years old and that the only way to theoretically date objects millions or billions of years old is to use uranium, thorium, rubidium, potassium, and samarium isotopes (sorry if I missed some, but these should be the most used or with the highest potential). However, scientists only use radiocarbon dating to date things. Can you see the dilemma? How can they date something to be x millions of years old with radiocarbon dating when it was designed to date 50,000 year old or less objects? Why don't they use any of the other methods to get their estimated dates to agree? (This information has been compiled by the Science and Technology Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh)
  21. Buy the 256 mb version of the video card. A radeon 1650 with 512 mb is TOTAL OVERKILL. If that card were to just use 256 mb of ram, then you would probably have unspeakable lag...If you were to try 512 mb, you will be enjoying 1-2 frames per second (fast, I know). And do not buy another one of these cards and use them in Crossfire. Seriously, save yourself the money. You're much better off just buying a single nVIDIA 7900 GS video card (Newegg product here:) that'll cost $119.99. In many cases, the single 7900 GS video card approaches the speed of a Crossfire X1650 XT dual-video card setup (it's about 6 fps away, gets closer as quality and resolution increase, benchmarks from TechReport benchmark page, a very reliable source). So you have one video card beating two video cards, which are even slightly faster than your model...I think the answer here is simple. Please save yourself money and gain yourself speed, buy the nVIDIA 7900 GS, you wont be disappointed.
  22. dre

    The N95

    All of those make sense except the $2000 price tag...I really have no idea where you pulled that one from. A 4 gig iPhone goes for $300 while a N95 goes for around $600.
  23. If it was something like 23 and 20, then it's a whole different story, but for this case, I'd have to say age matters a lot. For instance, what do her parents think of this? Do they even know about this? Do yours? Most likely, they will be against this. Also, when it's time for you to get a job or go to college, how are you going to see her? Quite a dilemma, I think.
  24. dre

    The N95

    Can you list some reasons why it is better than the iPhone? The way you stated that is nothing more than personal opinion and can be contradicted by many others.
  25. Of course they'd be happy, unless they wanted problems Take a look back in history, having a bigger army means nothing. Next, all this talk of communism...there hasn't been a single country on Earth that had a true communism government. They all like to pretend and say they are, and they have their share of true believers and maniacs, but altogether it was never communism. Nah, they'll just make it themselves.
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