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Everything posted by dre

  1. You really think that debt began right after the war in Afghanistan? Perhaps I'm one of the few who think that money laying around doing money is lost money. Think about it. If you just save up money and don't invest it, you're loosing money. Of course, it's easier for the Euro Union, since the value of their currency mostly increases. All they have to do is save it up, and if by magic, it becomes more. This happened right after World War II. People now had a different state of mind after they realized what happened when there were huge wars, and therefore the doctrine was to prevent such things from happening in the first place rather than responding to them. Little wars instead of big ones. And by saying "where we no longer need them" is completely biased, I highly doubt troops would be put where they serve no purpose. Yet they call America ignorant when it decides to stay out for once. Go figure. Nothing will be done by anybody unless there's some sort of gain included. Some people would like to do something to help and expect nothing in return, but those are by far the minority. Lets start getting used to the real world now. You don't have to say something to let everybody know you mean it. And just because you say something doesn't mean anybody must care. Foreign policy has never been and will never be simple, if it was, then there would be no wars. Maybe I'm just a freak, but I have a militaristic view of war, not a political one. Therefore, by doing so you're simply creating a new terrorist playground. I think Americans should be required to take a Warfare 101 class in high school. You wont find many people who will actually take those jobs anyways. For example, I don't see millions of eager Americans spending their whole summer in agricultural labor tasks. The economy is complex and is composed of many parts, doing 2 things would create catastrophic aftereffects. A solution would have to be made of many little changes and would have to take years to complete. Personally, I feel good that the world's strongest military force is out there to protect me from millions of crackheads eager to kill me.
  2. Good points! Also, another important thing is if your friends eat more and are more acceptive of fatter people, then you will probably eat more. I would guess that this likely happens subconsciously.
  3. Do tell me about these improvements in Vista over XP. Right, but 3rd parties have already started working on DX10 for non-Vista operating systems. Therefore Vista probably isn't required in the future, and I foreseen this ever since M$ was trying to convince everybody that Vista was soon to be required (for gaming). And who's says that Wine and Cedega for Linux won't be able to support DX10 games in the future?
  4. I'm running 1440x900 32-bit. Since it's an LCD, then the refresh rate has no matter. I absolutely love my widescreen since greater width is a more natural view instead of being more vertical.
  5. Unless you have some critical need that only Vista can relieve, then I really recommend that you stick with Windows XP. Do not get Vista just because it looks better, there are plenty of ways of making Windows XP look just like Vista. If it's because of DX10 games, I would recommend you wait longer, since there are very few of those at the moment anyways. Better yet, why not run a Windows XP and Linux dual-boot system? The two operating systems work very well hand-in-hand for me, where one can do anything the other can't.
  6. Seems like a pretty nice phone, but you'll have to carry a charger or spare batteries around with you. Also, how much did this cost you?
  7. I made a thread some time back when I was trying to figure out how to set the resolution right. This method was by far the most used when I searched on Google, but in my opinion just running "nvidia-settings" in terminal is much easier and will do the same thing. And that was on Ubuntu AM64 7.04 version.
  8. Because all the member countries of the UN don't sit around a table and say "Excellent, let us send troops to that country, even though they will be outnumbered, and this will likely be of no benefit to us, and lets 'restore order.' Who's up for it?" (Everybody is supporting the idea, and they're all outraged that this is going on. However, when asked to volunteer, they look around the room; heads shaking). "Well, we tried." Something of that sort would be going on. Millions of people around the world will disagree with you there. Sad, isn't it? So if to many, cost is more important than life, is it a wonder why nothing is done? Well, the United States would represent about 80% of the military power of the United Nations anyway. They just don't wear the blue helmets which are excellent for target practice.
  9. More like if your computer has 128mb. 512mb is plenty and doing this will make no difference.
  10. In case you haven't noticed, the real world is scary. Excellent, I'm sure deploying 2000 troops will make a huge difference.
  11. I've always thought that people have organs for a reason. Although the job of the appendix isn't vital to life, if it's responsible for getting us good bacteria, then it's pretty important to the digestive system.
  12. That's odd, because multiple Google hits that aren't Wikipedia don't agree with your encyclopedia. They call it Germany so that stupid people wont have to bother with the fact that it was all just a bunch of nation states and wasn't unified at that time. Germany was unified in 1871. Now who said your life was done? Alright then. I guess I have my right to have an opinion. Just don't generalize. Hey genius, America was founded by the Puritans, what do you expect? Most of Europe is secular so maybe it'd be a better place. Well, that's the cue for me to get out of a stupid and pointless argument. Apparently you're too ignorant to take another's point of view, even in secular topics. Consider me out of this "conversation".
  13. dre


    If it's fear that keeps crackheads from breaking the law, then I'm all for it. My principle is to club anybody walking down the street on the head and take their money. I'm all knowing and always right, therefore, I will follow my principle.
  14. Well, to sum up a lot of things, the United Nations is really weak. Most of its power is in paper form, and it can only do militarily what involved countries volunteer to do. Usually that's nothing. And if they do? Those blue helmets come real handy as target practice...
  15. What person1 should say: Yes, they all went to heaven to be with Allah, and we must avenge their deaths. Now that's more like it. I find it hard to break the will of a people who welcome death, expect by using their own tactics against their families.
  16. I was thinking more like bullet holes. And being turned into mist by a 2k pound bomb. But terrorists will not stop at their task until every American or anybody else who is opposed to them is dead. I think that's a bit more fair. Me: komigen: I was being sarcastic. The fact is there isn't much to blow up with nukes besides rocks if you aim it at mountains. Maybe you'll get lucky and kill a few dozen, but why would you waste billions of dollars making all those bombs?
  17. That's what almighty Google is for... If you ask me, we hurt a lot more than their feelings . So when Afghanistan was taken over by the regime we said "You suck, what the hell dude" ? Tell me what you're basing that off of. So if I called you up on the phone today and demanded that you couldn't go potty from now on, and if you did I would nuke you, you would listen? Yes, I'm quite sure they have very sophisticated infrastructure up there, including mud huts and caves, just to name a few.
  18. PCI video cards usually have a hard time being recognized as the main video card by the BIOS because they're so outdated. I recommend you just upgrade the video card (if you can) and get it over with. It's either that or you getting a new motherboard.
  19. Maybe this will cut off 5 seconds of bootup time and take off about 10 mb of RAM usage, but this will in no way boost performance unless you're running a really outdated system.
  20. Well if you're running memory intensive tasks or games like photoshop or Battlefield 2 then you'd need the extra ram more than the cpu. If not then I'd just go for the cpu upgrade. Both would be ideal, of course.
  21. Yes. I'll bring a shovel along and give each of them their own Extreme Makeover for free.
  22. Little do they know that if I knew where they lived I could crush their faces. I do believe in the equality principles such as an eye for an eye. Even though it wasn't a human they killed, I wouldn't feel sorry for them anyway. This act of ignorance only clues us into what's really going on in their air-filled heads. The forum rules have kept my reply much shorter than what I would have liked. Also would like to add that would-be murderers usually kill/torture animals first before they switch to people. These crackheads should be locked up no matter if there are animal cruelty regulations or not.
  23. Hey same thing happened with my cousin, it was dust mixed with crackers that caused his computer a lot of problems. Glad to see things worked out.
  24. That would be intensely boring, I'd rather work in the game design team instead, where I would make complex bug and gameplay reports rather than saying "Yeah dude sweet game" or the equivalent. But who knows, a lot of people would love to sit in front of the TV/PC all day long.
  25. Bull. Then why do they keep saying whales (at least some species) are endangered? Also, if there were more whales than all insects combined, the ocean levels probably be 100 ft higher, you'd basically be swimming in whales. Seriously, just do the math. Scientists estimate that 20% of the world's biomass consists of 'social insects', like ants and termites. The weight ratio of whales compared to ants would insists that the total percentage of biomass on earth is somewhere in the 1000's, which is impossible.
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