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Everything posted by dre

  1. Negatrons are electrons and positrons are electrons with a positive charge and with the opposite spin.
  2. dre


    What made you aware that you have missing drivers? Also, is your computer store-bought or did you make it youself?
  3. Thanks to the years of training (being around the highest ranking annoying people in the world), I have built up a strong resistance to annoyance. Honestly, you will have to ask these questions 300 times a day for me to start being agitated. Also, in my experience, it tends to work like this: if she asks me more questions, provided that I answer (well) then I'm able to get more/better answers from her. I guess there may come a point where both of you come to understand that you really are interested in what the other is thinking, that it's not a game of who can annoy who more and get away with it.It's easier for me to tell the truth, and truth gets me a lot more milage that lying. Your girl might notice that you really are a trusted person and her doubts will start to disappear, so you receive less of those kinds of questions. Maybe she really does care about what you're doing, ect. without worrying that you might be talking to other girls. Give her a chance, don't push her away. Besides, the things on the list you can lie about are pretty minor, so why bother lying? I for one do care about what my girl does, not because I'm suspecting her of cheating, it's just that it's interesting, and perhaps there's something I can help her with. It'll all just help me get to know her a little better. And so what if it's a boring stuff? The worst it could do is show her that you care and want to know her more.The stuff I said should be able to go both ways, for guys and girls, given that they have reached their eureka moment of how the world actually works.
  4. Matter and antimatter do not respond identically or symmetrically to all of the fource forces in nature (grativy, electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force). Given, you can't be sure that EM or a gravity force will be able to contain the antimatter in place predictably, if at all.I'm not sure where you would be able to harvest pure antimatter and be able to contain it, but I have read somewhere that when gamma rays collide with atomic nuclei, their energy is sometimes converted into both positrons and electrons. And as we all know, particles and antiparticles annihilate each other, creating the energy you want. I guess the trick here would be to make sure that the gamma rays are able to hit the nuclei. However, the production of matter and antimatter would be uneven, yeilding random energy release. It could be possible that so little antiparticles would be produced that the reaction would not even start.Also, if you are going to store antimatter, you will have to be able to release it it very small amounts. If you just let the thing off like a firework, all of the antimatter will react in trillionths of a second, making you cruse through space at top speed... and then you have to figure out how to stop. That's why the idea of using matter to create particles and antiparticles appeals to me more: you can store it at ease, use whatever amount you need, without any dangers (depending on what element you use).The way I see it, the first thing that has to get figured out is how to be able to travel for long distances, and speed should be figured out later. The world will probably annihilate itself before this is available anyways, so there's really no hope of distant space travel for mankind.
  5. It's not really the fault of the game console producers. Although it is true that they will try to squeeze every last penny out of us, the reason why they release so many consoles is just so that they could try to keep up with current technology. At the rate technology has evolved, you can basically now consider the ps3 "old." A new console is released abut every year, while new technology usually takes about 3 months, and whole new architectures are created about every 8 mo. to a year. So in trying to become better then the competition and to offer more, game console makers try to spend as little time as possible to release brand-new consoles. And frankly, 90% of the attention is now turned on the new products, and the past generation is on its way to being forgotten.
  6. Well, since video card gpus and ram are way more complex than cpus and ram for your motherboard, it's safe to say that the video card is 20 times as fast. Also, I'm not going DX10 (at least not yet) because certain programs that I use a lot can't (or don't want to) updgrade to DX10.
  7. Hehe then everyone will have to buy firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-spyware for their PPC devices.
  8. dre

    Best Mp3 Player?

    Say what you want, but nothing beats my Nokia N80
  9. There are several websites that post myspace hacks as soon as they come up, and people looking around the forums will be able to enjoy them for a couple of hours before myspace is able to patch it. Chances are that the best hacks aren't made public like that, but most hacks are usually just posted. All myspace has to do is google for myspace hacks or exploits, find the guide, and fix the problem accordingly.
  10. Well if you ran avast and now it can't find a cetrain exe, chances are you got rid of the virus or whatever it may be. Also, be more specific when you say you were opening the laptop. Did this error appear as soon as you turned the laptop on or after trying to open cetrain applications? If the virus happens to be there, you could try running Adaware. I know it's anti-spyware, but I've had very good success with this thing in getting rid of viruses.
  11. Hmm pretty useful, normally the only thing my run was used for was msconfig lol, this will go in the favorites.
  12. I doubt this is a reason to switch OS lol. This also happened to but I decided to ignore it. I guess you could run system restore and it should be fine. I'm gonna try and mess around with it for now and if anything useful happens I'll post here.
  13. This will probably be implemented through the use of automatic updates and such, but I personally do not know anyone who has ever ran automatic updates in the past 5 years. Some clueless retard might fall for this, but I doubt people that know what they're doing will even be affected by MS. A firewall will most likely be able to stop MS from sniffing around your pc anyway (unless it's MS's own lol)... Good luck microsoft, but the last time I checked, trying to piss off people with illegal/pirated/ect versions of windows never seems to work, and never seems to bring more cash in your pocket. Why not waste money trying to make your OS better instead of wasting it for useless crap like this that will probably be the laugh of millions of people worldwide.
  14. When you get into your logon screen, hit ctrl-alt-del (may need to do it a couple times) and it'll bring up the manual login. Type administrator in username and leave the password blank. You should be able to get in that way. Once you're in, go to the accounts thing in control panel or wherever it is and clear the passwords from the accounts you can't get into.
  15. Pfft you people with your optimization software...doesn't ever do crap, I learned that years ago. Memory optimization wont do squat unless you're running like 128 mb of ram on win xp, then maybe you'll see a bit of a difference. If you wanna free up ram, then run msconfig and turn off all the useless crap and about 8 ms tasks that do nothing but take up memory and you will probably get better results. Better yet, create yourself a user account that runs only the barebones tasks for maximum performance for things like gaming. All that the ram tweaking crap does is push off background tasts (or more, depending on how far you push the slider) from the memory into the page file on the hard drive, which is dog slow. For those of you who didn't know...windows kind of does that when you turn on a memory intensive task. If it didn't then you would see a blue screen every time you tried to play Unreal Tournament 2004 on a pc with 256 mb of ram.I think that whatever ram that those proggies hope to "free up", they cancel out with cpu usage and taking up their own ram. If you're running out of ram, then honestly, just get more. If you can't, then get a new pc; software is not the answer.
  16. Here's what I think:1. Cheating- will obviously be a good reason to break up2. Buildup of tension and unresolved problems between the couple3. Immaturity- not being commited to relationship.
  17. I think it's good to have both a laptop and a desktop, however, the desktop should be your number one priority. Desktops don't have the same limits that laptops do on speed, and you can get a much better desktop for the price of a laptop. A desktop can be upgraded at will while a laptop will seldom get upgraded. Have fun trying to get a better video card for your laptop... about 99% of the time, you can't.Your desktop should be the mac daddy at home, and your laptop should be entertainment on the go (or maybe business or notes, ect) and should be bought with the remaining cash. For me it's just more comfotable to sit in my big fat chair with my wireless keyboard and mouse and play games from 10 feet away. I don't wanna hold the laptop in my lap till it gets sweaty, I just wanna relax and be able to run anything I throw at my desktop at full speed. Laptop batteries won't allow enough time for serious gaming anyway (unless you have some power plugs around you, but in that case, it's likely that you're not really mobilizing your laptop).
  18. There's always C++ and Java .But yeah, you're not going to find anything that's free that wont give you a headache and make something better than 2D Pong (and even that will probably take a bunch of un-needed time due to the crappy design of the program). I tried doing the same a few years ago, but gave up and bought myself DarkBASIC Professional. It uses DirectX and is sort of like the other BASIC languages with commands designed specifically for game creation. There is a huge community forum focused on DBPro (and their other products) and you will be able to get help easily if you need to get started. It does take some background knowledge to start making games, no matter how easy the programs you use (unless it does the coding for you). You will find lots of guides that will do a great job of giving you that starting nudge.You will need additional programs for game creation, like 3D modeller, something along the likes of photoshop, and maybe a sound editor. Now those things, you can get for free... not just crappy programs, but surprisingly good software.
  19. Well, look at it this way. AMD has been using the 64 architechture now for quite some time, and up until the Conroe showed up to give it serious competition and to finally beat it, Intel had no answer for AMD with their P4's. When it's AMD's turn to launch their new line of proccessors, then they will be the new king in performance. In my experience, the difference between a core 2 duo and an athlon 64 x2 isn't as huge as benchmarks tend to say, its more of the amd being an avg. 5-10 fps behind. Boo hoo, not enough of a reason for me to buy a whole new system just because of that. AMD dual core procs run very cool and use little voltage, which makes them great at overclocking. A Zalman fan and some tweaking will do me good .Also, in respone to the new conroes, amd lowered its prices considerably, so you can get a very good cpu for a fraction of the price of what it used to cost before the added competition. Competition= better procs at lower prices.
  20. In my case, school is awesome. For good grades I'm rewarded well, presents such as laptop, lcd, car, ect. It's not that hard even when I have a bad teacher. I take classes which my friends take so that way we can study or do hw or help each other out. And the bully part...I've seen it only affect outcasts.Also, school is one of the most important things when it comes to shaping your personality. People who take home-schooling act a lot more retarded than those that go to a normal school. School allows you to meet people you normally wouldn't meet and make more friends than you normally would have. I used to hate school for a bit but now I'm fine with it.Yes, school isn't the most exciting thing in the world, but you'll have to get used to boredom someday, because it'll be there all throughout your future. School on it's own isn't fun, its the people there (friends) who make it fun.
  21. If you really want performance then just use ethernet since you don't have to bother with security and therefore higher theoretical transfer. Btw you will never be able to get the advertised transfer rate under their perfect conditions and distance, just won't happen. Download Qcheck and see for yourself.
  22. I guess it's possible, but you have to base your learning method from somewhere else, because if you already knew it you wouldn't be trying to learn it would you? Also, it would be helpful to have input from peers, because you might picture yourself as Bruce Lee while your friend fears his cat more than you.
  23. Yea but incompatability isn't always limited to software, and I have no doubt your pc meets rqd. stats for the game. I guess you could try and reformat the hd and start over. Btw did you try installing older versions of the video card drivers just in case? It's hard to pinpoint a problem like this without actually being there, and tends to get very annoying (especially when the problem was a simple one).Also, you didn't say if the game had worked prior to the upgrade, which is imporant to know. If it did, perharps you can use your old pc components but with your new video card? Using the same manner you can isolate the problem if it is in fact, a hardware problem.
  24. Renewing strategy militarily won't help the US because it'll end up just like the Vietnam War...in fact it pretty much is the same thing. The thing that needs to be done is to give hope and opportunity to the Iraqi people. Since the unemployment rate there is 70%, people have little to look forward to. When someone comes up to you and says, "Here, strap on this bomb, blow up some US troops, and we will take care of your whole family" then many people in that situation will agree. Back to the military subject: there are about 140,000 troops in Iraq right now (can't recall if it's just US or maybe some others, if any), and the new plan Bush is thinking about will put 30,000 more troops in Iraq. In the Vietnam War, the US had 500,000 troops, and although many were drafted, the sheer numbers made up for the consequences. If half a million couldn't do it, how will 30,000 more help? And the thing that confuses me is why the US gave didn't use the same plan in Iraq as it did if Afg., which went very smoothly. It really seems like USA is reteaching itself how to fight insurgency in every "war".
  25. As I said in another post regarding dual-core cpus:
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